How long are we going to have to wait for Boon nerfs ?

Boon totems are making killer games absolutely miserable when they’re abused. Circle of healing is absolutely broken, the fact that I can hit someone while carrying a survivor and they be healed up ready to unhook said survivor in a instant. I really hope they go down the road of making boons a limited use like Hex’s, having 3-4 survivors be able to activate a boon totem each and having to snuff out 4 of them wastes so much time and they can just bless it again when they please.
Or maybe they could just make the dull totems break when a unit of a Killer stomps on them.
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Probably not this patch, but maybe mid-patch?
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Inb4 boons are fine comment
YoU jUsT nEeD tO aDaPt
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I hope to see something today.
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On killer side, i couldn't care less about circle of healing. Shadow step is the good one. Either way, Evey cast is 16 seconds they aren't on a gen.
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On killer side, CoH is broken, Shadow step is just annoying.
Shadow step gets broken with map offering and SWF.
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This really did confuse me that a massive like at least 6"7 killer crushing a seemingly brittle bone structure wouldn't be able to break the damn thing
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sorry to bring that to you but... that will never happen even releasing boon on this states show a lot how much they dont care about killer so yeah get ######### i suposes
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because you have to wave your hands around it to destroy it.
stomping doesn't destroy things, everyone knows that...
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I'm glad survivors use CoH without Shadowstep.
But I concern that when there will be added more boons survivors will go crazy with boon combos.
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This is also an interesting indirect NOED nerf. If the Killer destroys your Boon then there is one less possible NOED spawn permanently. If the Killer destroys your Boon totem 5 times then there are no totems left and NOED can't activate.
Similar situation with Hex:Plaything. If for example only one Survivor has a Boon perk and you keep breaking it eventually you run out of possible Plaything spawns.
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It took 5 months for Undying to be nerfed, so I'll guess 5 months.
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You know what's scarier then a survivor that goes to bodyblock and then spends 16 seconds healing before coming to unhook.
A survivor that sits on a gen for those 16+ seconds and then goes to unhook.
What i wouldn't give for survivors to waste time with pointless bodyblocks that almost never do something instead of slamming out gens.
If there are changes it normally should be next midchapter or the patch after it
I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything other then a slight heal speed reduction or totems being blocked by the entity for a certain time after being snuffed.
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it takes longer for survivor mechanics to get nerfed so probably 3 years.
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Look, as long as survivors are running something other than:
Iron Will, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, DS
In favor of a healing / utilty meta than im happy.
If we killers ask for a nerf - than it gets nerfed - than survivors go to the second chance perks than can we complain about second chance perks?
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Thats why you run dh, iw, ds, CoH/shadow
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Probably as long as the undying nerf. Devs don't want to look like they favor killers
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Boons and Hexes are not the same mechanic, first and foremost. So far, the vast majority of ideas I've seen for nerfing boon totems has been to make them absolutely worthless to use out of spite; which is absolutely not the way to do it.
Blessing needs to be limited to twice per totem, and boons need to have a time limit so that the effect automatically expires. I think 90 seconds feels fair. 60 Seconds feels too short, and 120 seconds feels like it could be too long. This would balance boons in a way that keeps them in a good place while also respecting the killer's time.
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I see a lot of people running utility builds:
Botany Knowledge
Dead Hard
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Id rather make boon totems a 1 time use instead of infinite relights.
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In 2 to 3 years when they run out of ideas and stop making Boons
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They’re really not that strong but I say killers meet us half way if you want boons need then let’s nerf noed or another meta hex
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Well, this solution guarantees that the boons won't be relit infinitely, max 5 times or even less for one person.
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I'd be fine with that.
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Killer is out numbered and is suppose to be the power role. Hex totems are gone for good once cleansed. Plus they tend to spawn right next to your objective in plain sight. You control the totems more than killer. You can remove all totems before noed comes into play. Killer can stomp your totems as much as he wants and it wont ever truly get rid of them. Boon totems can be relit an infinite amount of times. Hex perks sometimes require hooks to power up before they become effective. Boon totems do not require any warm up. I fail to see how killer needs to meet you half way when your version of totem perks is superior. The killer is suppose to be stronger than you. This mentality that 1 survivor should be equal to the killer is whats unhealthy for the game.
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Their typical schedule after releasing a new character is they do a full balance pass about three months later. So probably we’ll see adjustments to the Boon effects in January or so.
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Ironically, yes. It is past time killer mains actually adapted to something instead of screaming until they get it their way.
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Thats the pot calling the kettle black lol
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Maybe the perk enter in an coldown when the killer kicks the totem? Would be a nerf but still good to use? Like 60 seconds of coldown or more.
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Please explain what you mean by "power role" because to me it seems like people who say this just want to completely shift the balance of power to the killer side making it impossible to do anything as survivors with little effort and disregard balance at all.
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Its 4v1. The only way to make that fair is the 1 has to be stronger than the 4 because they are out numbered. If you were playing mortal kombat and it was 4 fighters vs just you, would that be fair? No it wouldn't but if you had say 4x as much health as them it might be considered fair.
If you were playing cod and it was you against 4 people. Would you want to keep playing after that?
In this game it is asymmetrical. The killer is alone. They need to be powerful for the game to function.
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So much powerful that the 4 have no chance against the one?
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At least powerful enough that survivors will lose if they dont work together. People have this opinion that if the killer downs you, he's op. He's not. If you lead him on a good chase that your team did gens you came out on top. But people only see from their perspective. They see they got caught and claim "killer op, not fun, plz nerf"
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Survivors need to realize that there isn't a single decent horror movie out there where all of the survivors make it out alive; otherwise it'd be a comedy. If a survivor gets caught out, they're supposed to go down. It's just a matter of *when*.
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Bodyblock that does nothing 😂
Those protect hits were so useless. And imagine those protect hits with a 16 seconds heal time for the whole team, wow so useless...
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What's your MMR ? All my trials are against DH/DS/BT/Lithe/CoH users..
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Survivors "abusing" circle of healing.
Ruin-Tinkerer left the chat.
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Gold 2
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It'll be longer than that I think.
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I don’t know that it would? It’s really just three new perks they’re looking at and they normally take three months to do a balance pass on a new killer with a brand new ability and new perks and new add-ons. Compared to balancing a new killer these new boons are a lot easier to monitor and adjust, there’s fewer total effect parameters to worry about and there is a lot or data available since the Boons are popular.
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Dude. There wasen't any bodyblocking while carrying to the hook in that video. which was what we were talking about. That really should have clicked if you bothered to read and understand the OP and then my post
If you're going to use sarcasm make sure you know what the conversation is about. It doesn't make you look good otherwise.
And if you post a half hour video atleast have the courtesy to post a timestamp of your point. It's a good thing Dowsey is entertaining or i would have pretty peeved to watch a half hour long video just to come to the conclusion that you just completly misunderstood what was said.
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Killer are adapting its not like they have a choice. The way they choose to adapt is with the tunnel and the camping more killer do that strat now
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Probably during the mid chapter after everyone has bought the DLC's.
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This'd get my vote. If the killer snuffs your totem, you can't bless again for 150/120/90 seconds.
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Lmao good one.
It’s funny how I often see threads where (presumably) killer players claim survivors are crying when they themselves are the ones doing most of the crying.
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I doubt it will happen. Killers not having fun doesn't matter. Making money matters, and when 4 players had fun bullying 1 player. Then 4 players like the game, and 1 player doesn't. One leaves. Four stay.
Nobody playing Killer? Force players to play Killer with Dailies and Challenges. Get licensing for cool fictional killers from movies/series/games. People will come play Killer to play as the licensed character, stay because Survivor, and it's funny to gang up on one guy.
Math checks out.
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I mean since we're on the topic of "interpretation". I can also add that people do the same thing on the other side.
Where they claim something is OP just because it worked. I have now gone against CoH multiple times and have not had nearly the issue that some on here are running into. Meaning that yes, they healed, but the totem was not accessible at ALL times because of where it was, and also not dumb enough to cross the map just to go heal when the best play at that moment is to stay safe. Something I don't think the people claiming CoH is "OP" even keep in mind.
So from their perspective it is only... "the survivors can heal at all times", when in actuality it isn't as simple as that. Survivors have to take time out from working on gens if they want to gain another health state.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on2 -
Just stop playing killer. Only way they'll learn.
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Buff solo Q then
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I agree with this. Usually, people who light boom totems (from my experience at least), it's all the way across the map and I would have to risk going over there, trying not to get caught by the killer, just to heal. I would rather just work on a gen at that point.
I run CoH all the time, and honestly, I don't waste my time actively looking for a totem to bless. If I come across one, cool. But most of the time I just don't have time to light a totem. Or the totems I come across are broken because someone is running inner strength or just want to break the totem for whatever reason lol.