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General Discussions

Just delete leathernoob already



  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Lockers, Loops, Vaults, Pallets

    If your missing all map areas to evade him, or are caught in a deadzone than rip I guess

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    That would be lovely, but weak. The Survivors need to instantly die once hooked in the basement so Bubba doesn't have to camp them, but running Insidious will kill them twice as fast as base speed so basement Bubba doesn't die out

  • Member Posts: 115

    Speak for yourself, as killer main I always try to make the matches fair and fun and I still win more than half my games.

    That said I still love playing as Bubba. But I also never camp with him. I get double downs at hook sometimes still when the survivor I'm chasing decide it's a good plan to take a detour to unhook mid chase, it happens more than I would have thought and I'm not nice enough to let them get away with that kind of behavior.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    If we deleted every single killer someone finds unfun there wouldnt be any killers left.

  • Member Posts: 731

    Gotta love The Bubba, getting facecamped by him is a privilege. Hes a noob stomper, probably why you dont like him. All hail The Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    He is fine.

    He is doing his work to kill for the entity.

    As already stated often here with the overpowered survivors this is already hard enough. If you die to his strat it is your fault.

    For newer players it is bad - nothing to say against.

    But the game is equally hard for new killers too.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    If we nerf leathwrface, people might realize that Demo is arguably a better basement camper and get my pupper nerfed

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    All hail Bubba. Lord of the hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    By very design chasing is becoming less and less efficient. Survivors have a lot of tools 1v1.

    The counter to this is to chase less and force survivors to come to you.

    Its very rare to see survivors grouped up on gens because when you split up and spread pressure across 4 gens at game start its a big hit to the killer that can be hard to recoup right from the outset. If you lose a couple of 1v1's you've basically lost the game given the spread pressure.

    You either chase inefficiently and get no kills or camp and get potentially 2-3. Many games go this way and the reasons are quite obvious.

    Not every camping killer is there to personally ruin your fun and getting pissy and toxic about it is a you problem.

    Salt begets salt if you rail at someone because they camped of course they are probably going to throw back at you it, but making others out to be the villain makes ourselves feel better especially when we aren't happy with outcome. If you get camped and die move on its only a game same as if you get BM'd at the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Anything more than a 1k using camping is the survivors fault.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Totally agree with this. I play both sides about 50/50 and killer is as miserable as it’s been since I started playing the game (I didn’t play at the very beginning when I hear it was really bad). Pretty much any M1 killer now is useless against the CoH meta. And then the devs thought it would be a good idea to give survivors even more free health states with the snowmen. When I play survivor, I expect to be camped and tunneled because of the awful state of killer right now. I don’t blame them at all

  • Member Posts: 454

    "The devs are always saying "iT'S a VaLiD sTrAtEgY". Well tell me devs, is this your "Valid strategy" that you had in mind!?"

    I know you are saying it sarcastically, but I just wanted to point out that I really hope people stopped justifying their playstyles by stating they're using a strategy just because a streamer said so or they read it somewhere online. Camping/Tunneling are valid AND NEEDED strategies at a certain level, but there's no justification for it when you are going against low-level survivors and it ends up being counterproductive for the killers themselves because they keep taking their MMR up and only get worse matches with less margin to improve their mind games / chasing skills.

    Just like in "real sports" there is a difference between tackling a rival player to prevent a score and just kicking a random player in hopes you can get him out of the field asap.

    Hooking a survivor and managing to lure the team there to down them is a strat, standing in front of your only catch while gens keep popping is not. The same can be said about survivors' "strats". Trying to get the killer's attention to prevent him from going after a teammate makes sense, camping a pallet while clicking a flashlight to annoy the killer is dumb. One is helping the team complete objectives, the other one wastes everyone's time.

  • Member Posts: 2,617
    edited December 2021

    The possum is the Bubba. The survivors are the pastries. Wouldn't you be mad if someone made you move after that? Do Not Enrage The Bubba!!! Let the poor little guy digest his meal in peace.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Bro I've asked before, but I'd love to hear your bubba build lmao you're so funny here on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited December 2021

    actually its to punish the camper because, they're going to get harder survivors and a harder time getting more than 1 kill. MMR is still a consequence.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Things were more unbalanced in terms of the core aspects of the game at launch, but at launch, people also weren't super efficient and able to use everything like a pro. People were new and still learning and most of this stuff became an issue more as time went on. And many of the perks people complain about did not exist at launch.

    I think the game was less balanced at the time but also people abused that lack of balance less back then, AND there were less tools available for everyone. Many of the problems with balance in this game are tied to some perks. Many of which did not exist 5 years ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Bubba is the gatekeeper of facecamping.

    Leave him alone.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Facecamping Bubba is getting his kill and taking his -1 pip for all those frustrated M1 killers out there going up against genrushing SWFs on bad maps with boons all over the place.

    We salute you, Facecamping Bubba

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Demos chase music is enough of an incentive to chase people instead of camping for me lol

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Git gud.

    Heaven forbid Survivors get caught and killed 1st hook. They should have 50 second-chance perks that...Oh, they do.

    Well, they should have perks that literally make it impossible for Killers to kill unless they check a questionnaire that asks 'Did you have enough fun?' If the Survivor checks 'No'; he's removed from the hook, given immunity to literally everything, and allowed to do gens for 5 minutes before he can be hooked again!

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited December 2021

    if someone gets camped by a bubba and anyone other than that person dies it's your fault for losing, get good

  • Member Posts: 141

    I agree, but every time I say "stop saving your camped friends" I get drug. You can either get 3 people out by doing gens and not giving a ######### about the hooked survivor, or you can let him 3-4k cuz you kept running in. The only way to get them to stop camping is to force them to stop.

    If they care about BP then they won't get very many. If they care about ranks, then they won't gain MMR or a pip from playing with no altruism. They camp at 5 gens because they know someone is going to come save, and the more people they can stop from doing gens, while also guaranteeing someone is on the hook the higher chance they have to win.

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