Are there weak killers in DBD if so who?

Since this most recent patch some killers have definetly gotten weaker or nerfed such as Pig, Trapper, Deathslinger and Spirit. Prior to the patch I had the weakest killer as Clown at C+ tier (with C+ being the lowest tier) Pig went from B tier to C+ now but honestly oi put her at C.
The weakest killers right now imo is Pig, Clown, Legion and Ghostface all at C+. Do i consider them weak? Reluctantly im gonna have to say yes, they are weak!
Boon totems made winning harder and killers weaker so what do you think, who are the weakest killers in DBD right now in your opinions?
Easier to say whose strong....Nurse, Spirit, Blight......Rest of roster is ass against decent team.
Honorable mentions to Hag, Billy, and Oni they are good in the right hands.
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Whichever one I'm playing :)
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Even Billy and oni did not do so well against good survivors.
Billy takes skill and can do well, but it is so easy for a good survivor to out play his chainsaw, and he has very few good addons now.
I looped oni there with Billy because a team of good survivors pre throwing pallets and playing very safe are what kills him. He gets his power after the match is half over and even then it can still be difficult. Oni is nothing without his power, and survivors can so easily make sure he doesn't have one.
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Most of the killer roster is, at their best, decently strong but can be very easily played around.
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Every killer is weak in the wrong hands.
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That's why they were honorable mentions.....Just as easy as survivors can make them obsolete they can make the survivors obsolete. The GREAT killers I only said 3.
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Agree on Billy though. I would say he is my least played killer but I had to do the NWO challenge last night and he had it along with BW and NOED. So I ran those 3 with Lethal (Literally only ran NOED because of the build) and 4k at 3 gens remaining so got the challenge done without using the perks. Still got a message "NOED? 😂🤣🤣 Crutch much".....Seriously you all died at 3 gens and still complain about NOED. Meanwhile all 4 had DH but call me out for a unused crutch.
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Some of the weakest Killers in the game have to be Trapper, Pig, Clown and Myers. They're all D tier and Pig and Trapper are the only ones in F tier imo since their Powers are terrible and in Trappers case, mostly detrimental
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Basically everyone not named Nurse, Blight or Spirit.
It’s crazy that only 3 out of like 25 killers are actually viable. If you use anyone else versus a top tier team, you will get wrecked.
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I don't think any killers are necessarily "weak" more so that their power designs are kinda bad. Legion is pretty bad in terms of power but being able to injure multiple people in a matter of seconds with a small delay is actually not entirely awful. They just don't have anything in chase unless they use Franks Mixtape.
I'd also like to mention Ghost face because his instadown is harder to snowball with than Myers. Not to mention people can break you out from 40 meters away (i think thats the range). Most of his power is getting lucky and hoping the survivors dont see you or they just can't break you out because of the bad mechanics. It could be argued that his stealth is good for mindgames but a really easy way to counter that is to camp pallets since you'll usually just see him coming on either side.
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Yes. Trapper. Survivors can avoid traps, but you can't. If you go there you step in your own trap. Devs should buff traps, not his add-ons. Bigger traps so the survivors can't avoid it. Same as the killer can't avoid them.
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No killer is strong. So, every killer is weak.
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I just tell people ie survivors that complain about NOED to stfu!
Not wrecked but you will certainly struggle! Spirit is not top 3 now btw, Twins are. Twins took Spirits spot or you can argue Oni or Hag. Twins arent S tier though.
Cant really disagree here
Funny thing is Trapper got nerfed and its mostly due to his really good add-ons. Fastening Tools was nerfed as it went from a purple add-on that decreased the chances of a fast escape to the way it is now. Making his traps "a little" bigger would definetly help
Theres a game called Dead by Daylight, in this game theres two killers called Nurse and Blight who are complete killers, that is all...
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Depends. Do they have Iron Grasp and Brutal Strength? If not, the Entity needs to include a gym membership in its employment perks.