Who's excited for the Chapter Reveal today?!

Can't wait to see what is in store today! The teasers were very well done and after two great licenses I am ready for a new original chapter!
Countdown 52 minutes from now, here's hoping for a friendly and wholesome Survivor ;)
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Isn’t it 1 hour and 50 minutes?
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I thought it came out 8am my time, rip. Another hour or impatient waiting it is.
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LOL all good. I wish I could be excited but I lately am more cautious when new ######### comes out.
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Yeah daylight savings made it confusing..
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I wanna be excited but I feel like this content is gonna come with a lot of bugs.
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I'm excited even though I know it'll only come with a bunch of bugs and problems.
Tbh it's mainly the perks I want to see. Just some interesting perks for random builds.
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2 more Boons and 3 more scourge hooks plz
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I am excited for new map, finally
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Dreading it, lost confidence in the devs a while ago.
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That's another thing- we don't do that where I'm from, so it throws me off especially when the rest of the world decides to change times :p
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Yeah, and the rest of the world doesn’t do it at the same date. So it’s actually confusing for literally everyone :)
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Don't get your hopes up the new map just yet it could come this chapter or the next chapter.
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i hope for some fun survivors persk like flashbang and not annoyin killer power
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Will the PTB also be today?
(I've been a little out of touch and don't remember if the PTB is at the same time as the reveal or a week later)
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Yes, should be out in 1h and 15min
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Thank you
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Considering the last couple of chapters no. But I am interested in the perks
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Let's see if we can keep the streak of C-tier killers coming, along with a plethora of new, game- and potentially console-breaking bugs!
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Hyped to become an unpaid beta tester again
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nemesis was...is extremely fun and i like everythign about him, couldn't agree more, BUT, pinhead......ugh, it's horrible....it''s a big failure and i just hope the new chapter isn't going to be a pinhead 2.0 (NFT drama aside)
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I just hope the killer is on Blight/Nurse level and the perks are fun.
Otherwise I’ll simply not play the killer after unlocking their teachables just like I did with the garbage pile that is known as Trickster.
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Me too! I just hope that the killer is not going to be anti-chase or annoying in some way. i hope for a good change with the upcoming perks.
Have fun testing the PTB.
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I keep refreshing the forum page for the PTB log.
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Pinhead and twins are definitely not C tier
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Not very hopeful, they'll probably release another mediocre Killer that is very inconsistent and addon dependant
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What haven't you liked about the last two chapters? I'm assuming you mean Hour of the Witch and Hellraiser
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As for those two pinhead while kinda cool isn’t particularly interesting to me since I don’t care for hell raiser (not to mention nft’s) and mikaela’s lore and cosmetics are just plain uninteresting
Going back further all kill was a failure that the devs are trying to salvage and binding of kin is a failure the devs are trying to sweep under the rug.
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This content has been removed.
I only just recently learned about the Hellraiser series, but it personally isnt my thing. However I really love the design, perks, and power of him as it seems to fit him perfectly (yeah the nft thing sucks).
I actually enjoy the aesthetic of Mikaela because it's nice to have a Witch as a survivor to me. I've honestly not fully paid attention to her lore. Also the Halloween cosmetic was decent.
All Kill was a failure at launch, but I believe its grown a lot since then with him getting buffed and nerfed in certain places (whether or not it seemed necessary). I like Trickster as a killer personally, and all the people that say he doesn't aesthetically match dbd I personally ignore cause I mean hes a psychopath. He doesn't have to be dark and brooding about it.
Binding of Kin I will completely agree that it seems like it's on the back end of their to do list. Its frustrating and I wish they would try and update the chapter more, but I still always have hope for newer chapters.
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Do you think if I post those pictures I'll get banned/bonked? Or can we only post pics of the Killer and Survivor in the PTB?
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Not me.
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I’m always interested in new killers. I think the only killer I actively dislike playing is Nurse. All the rest are at least fun to varying degrees. (I’m a terrible shot with Deathslinger and Huntress but I don’t find them awful to play. Although Deathslinger took a hit in that department now that he can’t quick shoot because his turning speed is slothlike.)
Also I will say the teaser material for this chapter has cool artwork. Obviously that has nothing to do with how fun the killer may or may not be to actually play, but I’m hopeful the final version of them and, if they have a new map, their environment will at least look cool.
We’ll see soon enough! 🙂
P.S. And it’s up! 😄 Their official release notes and trailer are in their feed now.
Artist looks cool, as does the general aesthetic of the new Aerie style environment.