I got 60 4K's in a row on Demogorgon AMA

I did it live on stream in two 6.5 hour sessions.
The rules were I had to 4k, hatch for 1 was a draw. There were no draws. Also I was not allowed to use Gen slowdown or Regression perks.
I used no addons. My perks were Deerstalker, Shadowborn, Lightborn & Monitor & Abuse.
I got beat on the 61st game by an amazing team who deserved the win 100%.
There were 12 Kobes (2 in 2 games). There were 4 cheaters I beat during the streak.
At what hours day/night did you play and what region and platform? Crossplay?
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The first session I had been awake 16 hours already so it was past midnight for me in the US.
The second session I was fully rested and it was from 4-10 PM in the US time.
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Demo op, nerf. ;)
Joking aside thats some doing.
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I thank you kindly
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How many did you slug? I see that deerstalker perk
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Do you think Demo should get his interaction with Coup de Grace back?
The one where his Shred takes 100% (pre-nerf) longer, so you got farther. It also didn't consume a stack of Coup de Grace.
This same thing worked for Miss Piggy and I believe Oni?
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Every Single one of them.
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Yes the more variety the better for the game.
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I figured as much 😂
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What was your go to Demogorogon strategy? Did you chase till slug? Did you set up portals and just gen hop? What addons did you like best?
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Where the salt mines you found very rich? Cause slugging every one of them I'm thinking there had to been more salt than normal.
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Props to you for winning with such perks. I can't play M1 killers without STBFL and some kind of gen slowdown.
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For this challenge I used no Addons. But if I ran any it would be Sunglasses & Rat Liver.
My win condition was Slugging. I only laid down portals if I was losing (Happened at least 4 times during streak). My loss condition was a coordinated team with lots of heal conditions. The team that beat me was the first team to run 2 Blessings & 2 Soul Guards.
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I think only 1 person cursed at me. I did also get a frowny face lol. I apologized in stream but I was going for the record (Which I got as of the new SBMM implementation). I am normally a friendly killer main so I figure 2 times out of the last 3 months is acceptable lol.
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Why Shadowborn?
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So, do you feel like the win streak had anything to do with you having demogorgon? Or just being a good M1 killer player? It sounds like you could have done the same using Charlotte, Meyers lvl 1/2, Trapper with no traps, or any other group.
Not trying to be adversarial, but it sounds less like you demogorgon'd well and more like you just made a strong case for slugging as a gameplay technique.
Did you guard your slugs, or just move on and hunt the next player and marginally proxy camp them?
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You get 15 FOV and it counteracts the negative of Monitor and Abuse (Keeps the screen from wobbling). And I was running a fun meme build for the challenge. M&A on mr stompy stomp is not a best fit.
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With the Twins yes I could do it. Not with any other M1 Killer. Demo is by far my best killer and I am not comp level at all. I varied my strategy from game to game and tried to adapt to what the survivors were doing. If I had not adapted with different back up strategies the streak would have ended at 10. Tons of amazing teams. The team that beat me was a comp level team who dominated me fair and square. But having said that, this streak is NOT to promote slugging as a playstyle. But I just wanted a world record in the SBMM era to show my love of Demogorgon.
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Congrats. That's quite a streak.
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No Leprose Lichen or STBFL, you have my respect fellow lifeform.
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But Demo without portals as a strategy, or addons, is just a skin for any other Tall, 4.6 speed 32M terror radius, right? I'm not trying to doubt your demo game, and you feat was amazing for ANY killer, even top tiers. I guess I just feel like this was less of a Demogorgon thing and more of a you thing, using Demo as a tool you could have swapped for anyone else when you compare the kits and stats in play.
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I thank you kindly
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I tell food, no talk, food for belly *nods*
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Demo is Super strong compared to other M1 Killers. I can insta land a M2 from a tile away, then in 10 sec land the second m2. If I walk up on them at a gen I insta m1 into a m2 to down them if they do not play the situation perfectly. High level demo shreds and techs are far superior IMO to other m1 killer. Demo is a BETTER victor because he has no downside (You aint kicking this doggo). And he does not have the downside of having to revert to Charolette. Also the rarity of Demo adds to his mystique as survivors are not as comfortable playing against him IMO. Trust me its a Demo thing.
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Do you think Killers are actually stronger than most survivor teams if they optimally used every Strategy they could? (In your case slugging).
I always imagined that killers are actually stronger than survivors if they played optimally including every thing banned in the survivor rule book.
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Yes I think if you tunnel and slug you can beat 50% of swfs. If you have all the killers techs mastered you can beat all but comp teams. But comp teams will almost always win. The top 1% of survivor mains in a comp team are neigh unbeatable without restrictions like in the tournament this week, they were heavily restricted which made for better watching. I have beat comp teams before but I feel like they were either memeing or were simply not ready. I am by far not the best killer main. But I am a great Demogorgon.
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Big respect for the streak.
Were you trying to prove a point by slugging until everyone was downed? It’s an interesting playstyle for sure, but I only have tried it with Plague.
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Very interesting would use you as an example in discussions haha and you were even using that....perk combination. Just wild.
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I was 100% trying to set the World Record for 4k's in the sbmm era of dbd. No hold barred, sweep the leg & puttem in a body bag Johnny.
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Adderall is a hell of a drug.
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A 60 game 4 streak against even the noobiest teams is worthy of a bit of self appreciation. Someones gonna get lucky gens, escapes, or something else. You don't win 60 in a row and stay in the cellar MMR. He was at least playing average teams.
Also, did you watch any of his stream? Do you know he played a streak of 240 "babies with no clue how to play the game"?
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
I wouldnt know, I inherited insomnia. =)
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I will do my best to give you an answer in the next paragraph. Which will be my only response to this type of question.
You did nothing to hurt my parade. I am a glass half full kind of person. A rising tide raises all ships. What you perceive as a gaping hole in my narrative I humbly disagree. In fact you could say the same thing about a lot of content creators such as the Hardcore Survivor streaks by some famous streamers who are going against baby killers (To the best of my knowledge, if I am wrong I apologize). I ask you to not pull back the veil to reveal a opened pandora's box. Instead I ask you to consider that in 3 days I play 61 games live on stream and achieved at the very least my best personal result. That is 240 wins in ELO, in a row and I faced some amazing teams several of which I expected to beat me. Furthermore I am at heart a friendly killer but my MMR was NOT at the lowest MMR range, it was to the best of my knowledge just normal maybe mid-low. Why? Again I am a friendly killer at heart. I have let over 15,000 survivors live on purpose this year so far. Because I want to brighten someone's day. Should I reap no personal benefit from that in my mmr? Is it wrong to be kind normally and then try a worthy achievement? Consider I average 35 games a day and have this year, how many people have I made happy? Well to do a thing is its own reward I suppose. I wish you all the best.
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What’s the world record?
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AFAIK 60 in the SBMM era, 64 prior. But I could be wrong.
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I want to share some maths on what happened during the streak.
its been 67ish days since SBMM started.
2345 games in the SBMM Era.
387 of those games were VS Comp Teams (A team that can win a game in under 10 mins).
Or 16.5% of the games I play are verse extremely good teams.
MMR Starts at 1100 and soft caps at 1900.
When I started my Demogorgon Challenge to the best of MY knowledge I was at about 1400 MMR.
Because I am a mostly Friendly Killer.
It only takes 40 4K's to go from 1100 to 1900 MAX soft cap MMR depending on the MMR of the individual survivors.
That means within 20 4K's I was at Max soft cap killer MMR at 1900.
Which also means I won 40 4k's in a row VS the best competition you can face in DBD.
I was accused of punching down on baby survivors but MMR does not work that way.
It is far easier to gain MMR than to lose it because if you kill a high MMR surivor you get MORE MMR.
This means even if you only got a 1k. If you killed The AngryPug your MMR would be more than a 1K.
Also please note no matter what MMR you are at. You WILL face 15% comp teams. I tested 1000 games at lowest MMR.
It was still 16.5% Comp teams faced. Yes this means baby killers face comp teams too 16.5% of the time.
This means every game you play you have a 0.165 % chance of facing a comp team at ALL MMR levels. Thats over 1.5%.
The odds of me playing 60 games in a row without facing a comp team is 1.5 to the 60th power or 1 in 36,768,468,716
Anything past the 12th power is basically statistically impossible. Nothing in human history has exceeded this in Luck.
Take Dreams Fake Minecraft speed run for example, it was beyond the 12th power in statistical probability.
What does this mean? It means I faced at least 1 comp team during my streak. I went back and watched both VODs.
It appears to me I faced at least 5, 3 of which could have beat me, 1 of which defeated me on the 61st game.
I had a 9.9% chance of having faced at least 1 comp team in my 60 game run. Or 1 in 10. I faced 5 which is almost 1 in ten!
In other words my 60 4k streak was perfectly in the middle sweet spot of the statistical reliability range.
In conclusion, Just because your favorite streamer cannot do it has no bearing on what I did live in two live streams.
Have a nice day. (My games played and all my statistics are from tables I crafted and shared over the last 3 months on reddit).
This information is as close to correct as I understand it and if I am slightly off on something apologies.
Edit: Terminology. I said Comp as in Competent this is unintentionally misleading. What I mean is a 3-4 swf on coms who plays efficiently and can win in under 10 mins. Sorry for using a known dbd term erroneously.
Post edited by BrotherLove on0 -
I wanna do something like this, but I fear it’s too stressful. 😓
Aside from my feelings, congrats op.
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Whats your favorite colour?
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How do you know they were comp teams? You know by their profiles they were team Agony, Golden Wolves, Oracle, Elisyum, Prodigy, Eternal, etc.? These are comp teams.
And comp teams don't finish games in under 10 min. They do in under 4. They'd dunk on a meme build Demo so hard that it'd go from tall killer to og crotch camera Blight.
This is not to downplay what you did, because however we want to slice it, that was quite the feather in your cap.
Also, I don't want to start petty debates of region vs region. Just keep in mind that NA survivors are on average less sweaty than elsewhere. By a good margin.
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I did not face this many professional teams. I did not play Shit2gamers. Comp as in Competent team who can win in under ten mins. A Comp as in competitive team would win the game in 6-8 mins. I am a mediocre killer. I have never been beaten in under 4 mins in two years and 5300 hours in dbd. I have been beat in under 8 mins =). Yes I have faced an actual comp team before and lost to them. But it wasnt 4 mins. Again we are talking about two different things so thank you for asking. Competent teams. This means a really good 3-4 man swf on headsets making extremely good decisions to end the game before 10 mins. I should have been more clear. My first session was against EU, my second session was against NA.
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A azure sky of the deepest summer.
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I don't know why people keep downplaying what he did he got to 60 wins in a row.....Would be a different discussion altogether if he did this on a fresh account which I doubt.
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Could you link the videos, I’d like to see them.
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Thats a good color
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I wish it was on a fresh account. I know some people do it on a family share account. What hurts me mmr wise is I have thousands of games on file. And when SBMM launched all of my killers were already maxed because my gunslinger was sooooo high mmr lol. I again think I started in the 1400 mmr range. Because it is so much easier to gain killer mmr than it is to lose it. Thank you for being kind.
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But... but every streamer said this would be impossible with MMR.
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I would imagine the difficulty spike would be multiplied if you're a very high profile streamer though. Stream snipes galore and really good chance of encountering navy seals. But that's about it.
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wow. congrats! was it fun?
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Do it then it's pretty easy.
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Twins next? (no slugging, camping or tunneling)