Killer is not the same role anymore

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

In the past, good Killers expected 4/3ks with little resistance. They could run meta builds and on their mains and have a really dominant performance.

Now since MMR, Killers generally get 1-3ks when playing well. Playing extra sweaty doesn't result in an absolute steamroll most of the time. Personally, I think its healthier and Killers have been slowly changing their mindsets from expecting a 4k to expecting a 2k and being pleasantly surprised if they get more.

It's a painful process to change expectations, but the Devs always said the goal was 2ks. At least getting all four BBQ stacks for max points is still pretty realistic every game.

A win is now a 2k. Anything else is basically bonus points and up to luck


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    The only change in mindset is that they think playing even more unfun is what is necessary. they still think that they deserve getting many kills.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Which is why I don't play the "meta" on either side (other then 1 perk per side)

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    2k is a draw. Was before MMR and still is. 0-1k is still a loss and 3-4k is still a win.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    i still base 2k as a draw, 3k as a win, and 4k as a complete win.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    See I agree. And I know people want to take my killer card from me for this opinion. But killer is easier than solo q. I get to rank 1 killer long before I do survivor.

    So I understand, some games you get your ass handed to you, but damn, you win much more than you lose.

    Not always the case as a solo q gamer.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    I started running end game builds almost exclusively. It's more fun and you can get the same amount of kills if the gens fly.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    You get to grade 1 easier because it's easier to rank up as killer due to the emblem system for killer being easier than survivors.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    I hate the 2k standard. Killer should always be able to get a 4k. Because some matches, that's literally not possible. Not because the killer didn't play to the best of their ability, but because gen speeds and OP maps and perks screwed them over.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    If you play for bbq stacks you're playing to lose, sadly. There is always that one guy who is not worth chasing, you only get his stack when hes the last one alive.

    That being said, as a killer I'm fine with a 0k if it's a great match. I'd rather that than a stressful 4k. I just want to bust a move and show off my fancy parlor tricks. But we cant even have that

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858
    edited November 2021

    Except the Lead Game Designer patrick said in the most recent Q&A stream that a win is killing a survivor, and a loss is dying as a survivor. I know that 2k used to be the metric for win/loss, but I don't know the last time they referred to that as a win/loss, but it wasn't an incredibly long time ago.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    The thing is that the 2k its a lie.. SWF break the rules and most of the times get 3 or 4 escapes which shouldn't be so easy to achieve but its allowed with the current game state.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    And what about the rest for the player base with out 2-5k hours and play the game for a job?

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Rank means absolutely nothing though. As killer it's going to be easier to rank up simply because you get more points for doing objectives due to the fact that you're a one man team. You're doing all of the objectives so you're going to get all of the points. As someone who has switched to almost solely playing survivor because of how unfun and unfair playing killer can be, my Solo queue matches have been far easier than my killer matches. And I'm a higher rank on survivor (Silver 3) thank Killer (Bronze 4), both of which I started from ash rank.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Only two of the people I posted stream for a living, one of which I'm not even entirely sure about. They are again also only a fraction of the people I know and watch that dominate most of their killer rounds and have for years.

    Also, I'm sure life playing killer is okay even without dominating in 80+% of one's matches. In fact, I know it is because I play killer regularly and usually play pretty chill and have fun just committing to any chase I can get, and I still average around 70% killrate (which however means I 2k much more often than I "dominate"). Plus it's not like those players and the many others like them just suddenly started being successful at 2k hours and found it "impossible to do anything" for the 1999 hours beforehand - they were already winning many of their matches 1k+ hours in. Besides, the concept that you'll have to practice and improve and spend hours on the game in order to become good enough to consistently be able to compete and eventually dominate should not be discouraging, the opposite if anything.

    Doesn't mean I think killer is in a perfect spot, various of the killer characters are definitely deserving of buffs in my opinion, and I have advocated for as much frequently in the past, both with regards to specific killers as well as global killer buffs... but it's just a fact that good killer players have a fairly easy time in public matchmaking more often than not. Like, many of the matches are so laughably easy for them that pub matches have become a joke among them. There's multiple 4k streaks spanning hundreds of matches. MMR has made things more challenging, but it has not changed too too much about the average experience of these players either, especially because there's a cap in place.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Exactly. Most people I watch also 4k the majority of the time.

    People who come on these forums to vent have a hard time grasping that maybe they just aren't as good at the game as they think they are. It's okay to be casual and get avarage results.

    The game is survivor sided, you have to be pretty oblivious to not see that. You have to be equally oblivious to think killer is so disadvantaged it becomes impossible.

    And for the people who are going to say not everyone plays this game for a living or has 1000 of hours

    Why are you expecting expert results from casual players?

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I'm confused my your 70% killer but saying you mostly 2k that yould put your win rate about 50ish. I also mostly play killer and I've got about 500 hrs in killer over the last 4yrs. I've seen infinites and insta heals and 20 second gens a decent team of survivor solo btw can easily dominate a match against a good killer and that is not ok. Can you get a 3-4k often if they don't know how to play sure but thats because bhvr just hands bad players tools and tell the people that have put time and money into the game sorry it sucks for you but we only care about new bad players.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2021

    70% is 2.8 kills on average, so I 2k much more often than I 4k. That's just from my recent ~50 games, overall I'm probably more around ~65% killrate; I 2k most of the time with a tendency to 3k, but I regularly give the last survivor hatch, so that pushes my killrate down too. I have 5k hours total, around 2k of which I'd say I spent on killer. My point was just that I don't usually really try hard to "win" (kill 3+ survivors), and still have fun playing killer despite usually not "winning". The type of players I talked about are the extreme end that almost always win, and do so decisively, and I used them to showcase that it is provably possible to become good enough to do so, but of course that is not required to have a successful and enjoyable time playing killer, even a 60% killrate for example is already good and should usually make for a good experience. Also keep in mind that in a balanced outcome, all generators are supposed to get finished, and regularly at least 3 survivors should also still be alive at that point since securing at least 1 kill in the endgame is all but guaranteed. So don't feel like you got demolished just because gens got finished and people escaped, that's not actually as big a loss as it might feel like.

    The base game balance does lean toward favouring survivors to escape, but it's really not nearly as far off as people like to make it out to be - if you have a group of solo survivor players against a killer player all five of which are equally experienced and skilled at the game, a 2k outcome is actually completely reasonable and within expectation. Of course there are balance-relevant aspects such as killer character, map, perks, items, add-ons, offerings, some of which are still problematic, but that goes for both sides. SWF with voice comms is definitely a blatant balance issue though, I would like for SWF to see perk and item limitations.

    Live balance however is actually favouring killers and always has, as both official stats and stats like those that I provided have gone to show time and time again. That global and per-rank kill rates have always been around 60-70% is not a coincidence, not least because 4ks are much more common than 0ks (securing at least 1 kill is almost certain, whereas 2 and 3 kills often snowball into 4). I would definitely like to see rates for the different MMR brackets, but I would not at all be surprised to see them still well above 50% even at the highest bracket.

    500 hours over 4 years is really not a lot at all, maybe you should change your outlook on the game and don't expect to win most of your games decisively (i. e. end games before gens are done). If you change your expectation to killing on average between 2-3 survivors, 1-2 of which in the endgame, I think you'll be less bummed out about your results.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Honesly i stopped really reading after 5k hours because your veiw is so far from the average player its not so relatable(no disrespect) to be fair there was a 2yr brake because i got tired of the bs. I absolutely don't agree with your opinion but thats ok your aloud to have your own feeling about this game but as for me I am absolutely unhappy with the state of killer right now I normally play killer way more than survivor but the last couple of months I've only been playing 2-3 killer games before im over it and play some survivor.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Killers are the same. Nothing major changed. M1 slow killers suck, others have better results.

    My kill rate is still somewhere around 60% on my last 30 games. Yeah games results look inconsistent like 4k/4k/0k/3k etc... But overall it all depends on map choice and if there is good swf or not.

    What actually bothers me is kills are more important than hooks so a lot of killers don't play to learn and just camp to secure 1k and then complain.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    When I am way better than them, yeah I expect 4k. I had good games when I got 0k, because I saw they were good team and didn't really used gen rushing perks.

    It's kinda dumb to say that good killers should expect only 2k against avarage survivors. They are better than them, so why it should be 2k?

    Only thing that is changing is that killers are starting to play survivors more.

    It's easier, more fun and less stressful.

    Well, I just stopped playing instead for now. SBMM, Boons, killer nerfs, just ######### it.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    "That global and per-rank kill rates have always been around 60-70% is not a coincidence"

    Yeah, that's not true.

    Last Kill rate stats were between 42,98% - 59,86%.

    And that is avarage... high MMR will be way lower.

    Also don't forget that number is boosted, because it's not based on 0-4 kills. It's usually more like 1-4, because it's not hard to secure 1 killer even when you are bad killer.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    If you change the expectations for killers to be 2K then no wonder the meta has changed to hard camping, it's the most efficient way to earn your win. This + the removal of hit and run has made killer incredibly unfun to play.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    ...Yeah, because 59.86% is so far away from 60%. And the 40-something is only for Nurse, for whom it is obvious why the rate is that low. Everyone else is above 50%, as is the global average. And in all of the the past stats (the stats I was more so referring to, hence "rank"), they were actually between 60 and 70% every time.

    That the kill range is more 1-4 rather than 0-4 also isn't somehow not a balance argument. Why would it be "boosting" stats if it is much more likely for killers to get at least 1 kill? That the game favours killers to often at least 1k even in bad games is affecting stats in a completely valid way.

    That high MMR stats will be way lower is pure speculation. I think they will be significantly higher, and in the case of Nurse for instance it's obvious that they would be. Red rank stats in the past were also always even higher than the already above-50% global average. And I mean, all the players I talk about that almost always 3-4k are obviously high MMR.

    I don't want to go into another discussion about stats though. My original post was more to counter the narrative popular around these forums that killer is hopelessly impossible and getting kills is an exception. Which is just not reality. For the best players getting escapes is an exception.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    59.86% is less than 70%

    I like how you try to compare my maximum with your minimum, that's not how it works

    Nurse doesn't have above 50%

    It's not balancing argument, it's stats argument. Also you have more bad players than good players and everyone knows killers are better on low MMR, which I don't think are players you should balance around.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Again, I was talking about past stats with the 60-70%. But even now in MMR some killers still average around 60% even globally.

    Nurse is the only one below 50%, and it's because the average player is not good at playing her, she has a higher skill floor than any other killer. Well, Trickster was the only other killer below 50%, though I think that was prior to the recent buffs.

    I don't care to have an argument about the specifics of stats, it suffices anyway to say they too show that the game is killer-sided in its live balance, with the average result being at least 2 survivors dying.

    As for the bad player good player argument, again, the players I talk about and highlight who 3-4k all the time are at the top of MMR. If they are not regularly getting good opponents, nobody is.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    If I am better than the survivors they should lose. Every single game not named DBD works that way.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    No, it doesn't.

    If it proves it, then it has to prove that Nurse is worst killer.

    You can't choose what you like and what you don't from stats and ignore arguments how you want.

    You wanna ignore avarage skill of survivors that can explain higher killer rates, but you wanna talk about avarage killers for Nurse?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The problem is that isn't the case in how the game functionally scores after a trial. If two is a "winning" threshold then the devs need to rebalance the scoring matrix to count that as a win then.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    It shows that Nurse on average does not perform as well as the other killers. The reason likely being the higher skill floor than all of the other killers. Why should we assume that an average player's performance would represent the potential strength of a killer?

    I don't ignore that the average skill of players could explain the kill rates. But they are global, average kill rates, so why should we expect that players playing survivor are on average worse at the game than average players playing killer? It would necessitate that conclusion if we explain the killer-sidedness of global, average rates with skill factors. That would in turn mean survivor is harder to play. I for one think skills are more rewarded on the killer side, that the fact that you have 4 survivors with varying levels of skill skews the live balance to favour killers whose skills will have more notable of an impact on matches, but I didn't intend to go into stat arguments or speculation as to why they show live balance to be favouring killers. Just that they factually do.

    I don't see what point you are trying to make arguing with me. Even if I were to agree that global stats don't mean much in terms of balance (they do in terms of live balance, they are literally what live balance is, and I did already distinguish base game balance from that), they were never what I primarily was talking about anyway, I more or less off-handedly mentioned them in my larger argument that good killer players win most of the time.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    So we care about what represent the potential strength of a killer, but ignore the potential strength of a survivors?

    Survivor is not harder to play, but there is multiple players involved. It's easier to have one decent player than 4, that's why lower MMR is killer sided. 1 bad survivor can result in all survivors killed.

    I don't really care about OP, I saw incorrect comment and I didn't like that, that's all.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited November 2021

    The 5th anniversary gameplay montage was incredibly telling of what they want this game to be. It was streamer after streamer just dunking on killers in epic loops & spins & stuns. I honestly don't recall if there was footage of anyone even playing killer at all there.

    It's the punching-bag role.

    Their arbitrary 50% kill rate is the worst ideal possible when that's averaged out of games getting ######### on the whole match without any hooks until you manage to facecamp one or two to death in the EGC.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Again, I never did nor now do ignore the potential strength of survivors. I already said I think the base game balance does favour survivors (with the caveats mentioned), despite live balance favouring killers.

    We agree on the second statement. I also suspect that since any singular survivor player's skills and performance can in theory only have partial ("25%") impact on a given round, while a killer player's skills and performance constitute 100% of their potential impact on the same round, on average the game will favour killers. But that live balance is what actually matters, since it tells the story of the actual matches actual players are actually having, rather than speculative base game scenarios where everyone is equally skilled and experienced and whatnot. To quote an old argument of mine in this regard: "I will go as far as to say core game balance with the competitive premise in mind that both sides should be equally skilled practically *has to* be tilted in survivor favour for the game to yield a balanced live experience given the fact that it takes 4 survivors to each match the skill of only 1 killer. The killer side will much more often have the "skill advantage", so to say, and this has to be accounted for in live balance."

    Either way, I'll concede that my 60-70% average kill rate statement is not accurate in MMR anymore and I did not communicate that clearly in my original post.

  • Kasamsky
    Kasamsky Member Posts: 264

    I can't hear this "2k is balanced" bs anymore. You can literally 2k every game if you wan't. Tunnel the first person, camp the second person with NOED. Easy 2k. Balanced.

    DbD will never be "fair" for both sides. We are playing an asymmetrical 1 vs 4 game with completely different roles on either side.

    There are fun games OR there are unfun games.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    You are right and that is ok for this type of game, it would be like saying survivor sucks now because you aren't getting a 4 man escape every game. People need to stop acting like they are owed a win every match, it is an online game and you are meant to lose sometimes, that is how a game is made.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its not world ending but the "balanced around 50/50 2k-2E" kinda flies in the face of the theme.

    I want a survival horror where escaping is thrilling and hard/rewarding, with monsters that are threatening, oppressively so. That way you get the real horror experience that the game's theme is trying to create.

    How many horror/slasher films are there where there is 50% of the cast still alive at the end? There are some and it doesn't make them bad films, but not many. The original slasher genre coined the term "last girl" not "last pair of girls or group based on 50% of expected outcome." (yes its sexist but it was 70-80's).

    To stay true to theme the game should balance around 3K-1E. Killers should be very threatening and survivors should feel threatened by the killer.

    I think if the killer was a bot then players would probably accept this, but the killer is another player and people have fragile egos about loss to other people. So we want a sense of equity in game play to avoid people thinking its unfair. Problem is... ITS MEANT TO BE UNFAIR. That's the point of asymmetric play. 1 on 1 survivors should be screwed but all working together they have a chance.

    So balancing 50/50, with a solo player in mind, means more evenly balanced 1v1 scenarios, meaning stronger teams, and weaker killers overall.

    So you get...

    Solo survivors get a bit of a boost but are still subject to high randomness in player quality, but now have an expected 50/50 outcome so get even more pissed off when not escaping.

    Low and mid tier and casual killers, generally get weaker so often resort to playstyles that survivors may find unfun in order to feel viable, or they quit, or change their mindset to 50/50 which feels weak and not in theme thus reducing motivation to play.

    Survivor teams get stupidly strong and either revel in it, often as highly toxic griefers, or quit the moment it goes wrong because they are used to winning, or have boring games because killers fail to catch them so they just sit on gens all game often while one gets camped.

    Only high tier/high skilled killers are threatening to anyone but poorly organised survivors who make mistakes.

    None of these things seem good.

    Killers over preforming isn't a terrible thing, it means that things are working as they should, the killer is threatening and the players are struggling to escape from a desperate situation. As a survivor I don't want 50/50 chance of escape I want 25/75 chance of escape as that feels on theme.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    You're not hearing me. I don't need a 4k every time. But a lot of matches, I literally couldn't have got a 4k no matter how well I played. That's what I want to get rid of, those unwinnable killer matches.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    and you really think people would still play survivor if there is only a very small chance of winning while killer is basically a walk in the park and you don't even need to be very good to consistently win?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I would. I'd probably play more survivor than I do now, but each to their own.

    Right now though killers are more pressured to secure kills than survivors are to complete gens and escape in a lot of games. That doesn't mean killers aren't getting kills but the threat is going in the wrong direction.

    Weak antagonists make for lackluster experiences.