Devs are balancing killers around killrates

It seems like they have decided that killrate is a way to balance around killer power. Cenobite is the highest killrate killer right now, and surprise surprise, it's getting nerfed in the PTB.
Last patch the lowest killrate killer was Nurse and she was buffed. Pig was nerfed (her best addons) because she had one of the best killrates. Plague was buffed, one with the lower killrates, spirit and wraith got nerfed, they were at the top. If this is true and not just a coincidence the next one to be nerfed will be Bubba, Myers and Hag.
Devs are basically saying they don't care to make killers be fun and skillful, because at the end of the day every killer should only be able to get a 2K.
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Very smart to nerf a character with barely 2 months of data on them! I'm sure the inflated kill rate had nothing to do with the uniqueness of the killer and people needing to learn how to face them.
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I do this this is how balancing should be determined so I’m not upset, that being said I hope they don’t go overboard when it comes to the nerfs
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They're also using killrates without regard to AFKs (a spike in AFKing being present since MMR because of how it works), or tiers of play - new/low skill survivors die disproportionately.
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thats not how balance changes should be determined lol
Atleast not only.
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And they still only get ez 4k's when they are matched against soloQ survivors
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If this leads to Legion and (please Lord let it happen) Deathslinger getting buffed, then it's okay to me. Besides, their goal is for killer players to reach a sort of average of 2 kills a match when effectively using their base power and add-ons. Only seeming to buff or nerf perks based on the amount of usage and how related they are with killers consistently getting kills higher than average. So if that's how they buff and nerf them, then that seems alright to me.
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Are dcs counted as kills?
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even if a dc didnt count, one singular dc is basically a guaranteed 3k if the killer doesn't want to show mercy. which would mean a 75% kill rate stat.
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Good point.
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No. They have said many times they do not include matches that had a dc.
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Yup they don't know their game and rely on broken stats without analyzing high level trials.
Buffing nurse while she is the best killer in the game 😂
Nerfing Pinhead while he is the weakest killer of the game that cannot get 1k at high MMR 😂
They really know what they are doing, it's certain.
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Sounds pretty damn stupid to me.
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At your MMR maybe lol. On mine they barely get 1k and i play soloQ.
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Balancing anything around killrates seems like a mistake, due to people who tunnel and camp. Any killer just about can get a 2k if they tunnel or camp.
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Who is the person validating all those bad decisions ?
At that point it's concerning for the future of the game.
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Yeah I'm completely stymied by the Pinhead nerfs.
I saw a nerf coming for Fang (which is bizarrely reasonable) - but not a complete lawnmower to all of his good addons.
It seems that BHVR is willing to nerf killers who are doing too well against lowbies, but not buff killers who are insanely difficult to play.
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You conveniently forgot that.
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Nurse got buffed?
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Ye well averaging potatoes with jet fighters... smart
So 10 potatoes and 2 jetfighters have an average of 6 😂
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They gave her a 3 blink addon.
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Last patch, she got that iridescent 3 blink addon wich is really good.
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Y'all still falling for the bait & switch? They always nerf new killers a few month so later. I learn my lesson with OG FREDDY
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Nemesis is somehow the exception, hes aging pretty well so far.
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wait, ceno's getting nerfed? how? (I missed that)
I hope it's in a way that encourages using summon chains instead of just waiting for chain hunt.
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You are averaging the number of kills, I assumed this was obvious for everyone, but maybe not for you. Your post made absolutely no sense, but if you want to average jet fighters and potatoes be my guest.
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I still consider it meme add on since the recovery is 13seconds. No good nurse would use that other than meme or 3 blink trophy purposes
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If you land your blinks it doesnt matter honestly. Just cant do anything half assed or go for Hail Mary's
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The recovery time is punishing on bad Nurses. I know you’ll say “good Nurse players don’t need 3 blinks”… well listen, good Nurse players can still make mistakes so the third blink helps make up for those instances. Also, a 3rd blink can be used after baiting out Dead Hard with the first 2 blinks.
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Fragile wheeze and kavanaugh last breath are still better option. Doesnt matter if you never miss your 3rd blink, its still not better even as iri add on
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Lol all it is now is killer nerfs and more survivor Boons. Yay...🤦🤦
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It's the complete wrong thing to balance around. The killer may get a 2k or a 4k. Be that as it may, you don't know how stressful it was or how scummy they had to play just to get that result.
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It's funny because they said themselves on the latest Q&A livestream that you shouldn't judge the balance of the game based on the statistics alone, but that's what they seem to be doing.
At least in most cases, not on Deathslinger's case. He got nerfed while he had the 8th worst average kill rate. The Trapper had a higher kill rate and got rightfully buffed. It's like they were saying "we know balance shouldn't be made only around kill rates, but we are still going to do exactly that to most killers".
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When you mix all the MMR's. So many games that I see are 0k or 4k early.
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They don't just use kill rates, they use twitter complaints and DC% against a killer to determine survivor "FUN" factor. the most important thing is the target audience is happy and buying cosmetics.
Nurse doesn't get a real buff because her DC% was insane before the nerf.
Deathslinger was nerfed based on Dc% and complaints rather than kill stats.
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Hey I'm absolutely fine and happy if I manage to get a 1k or 2 k. Not every Killer game is gonna be a 4k and it's more clear and obvious at higher Ranks.
Just aslong as even after that 1k - 2k it's a +1 rank.
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That's exactly how I use third blink. on average, i miss about 10 blinks out of 40 blinks that i need land to win. with triple blink, I rarely miss any blinks now.
Triple blink effectively makes my blink accuracy near 100%. Ironically, you can still lose as nurse even when having near perfect blink accuracy due to gen speed. Its still not enough time to do 12 chase. that is the funny part. its also super useful for the 4... dead hard that most of my matches contain.
killrate 2k/esc balance is so stupid especially in asymmetric game where the survivors are suppose endure hardship and are suppose to overcome hardship. high killrate killers are just easy to play killers that most killer player are good from low mechnical skill-cieling and most survivor players are bad vs which often leads to those killers being heavy noobstomp killers.
Pinhead has high skill-cieling with his gateway but it offers NO REWARD and it has no impact to his gameplay. Instead, his passive is everything about him, thus everyone is as good of pinhead as every other pinhead and most low mmr soloQ survivors have trouble completing 5 gens let alone a secondary objective of the box where as high MMR survivors can complete 5 gens easily and solve his box with not much trouble.
conceptually balancing killer for 2k/esc means that easier mechanical killers need to be brought down to survivor low MMR level which means that whenever those killers good players, they auto lose. If a killer is hard but they have high skill-ceiling, they can't have that either because that would mean that a killer is overperforming, so they put drawbacks like deathslinger so that you can't aim or try invest drawbacks like Billy overheat, invent cooldowns, reduce killer m/s, put terrible drawbacks on add-ons so that they're garbage all to remove any potential player skill in equation.
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That's the main problem when they balance the killers.
The "STaTiStiCs" say the Pig kill a lot of people and the Nurse kill few people, then the balancing changes are usually bad, with Pig utterly bad and Nurse ridiculously OP as always.
The casual players with 200 hours or less "manipulate" the statistics a lot, so the game will be unbalanced forever for some killers with Pig being one of the classic noob stompers due his stealth an RBTs and Nurse not killing nobody without practice.
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Cenobite receives nerfs that I as a Cenobite player will not even notice most of the time. They nerfed nothing about his basekit, which is a good choice in my opinion. They nerfed his chainhunt add-ons, which is fine and they nerfed his Engineers Fang. Engineers Fang who was quit oppressive and had little to no downside using it. I can tell you my kill-rate with Cenobite increased by a big chunk whenever I used this add-on, it was quit busted. Cenobites base power and abilities are the same, no problem here.
The devs are not dumb, they know that Nurse is the most problemativ and unbalanced Killer in the game. Spirit changes where needed because players where having a pretty bad time against her and even Spirit players noticed this and did not like it. Not so with Bubba, Myers and Hag: Bubba himself is no problem, camping is. Myers is no problem, Tombstone Piece is. Hag is no problem, at all even thou I would still make a change that allows the removal of her traps without a flashlight...but hey, thats just me.
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He'll get nerfed too when the top 1% start using him often. All survivors have to do is hook suicide against killers they don't like.