DBD Killer Tier List: Boon Edition!!!

This is where i feel the game is at right now.
I'll try to post the chart
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Chart version linked
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You know what, I agree. There's a few things I could disagree with. Doctor could be a tier higher, Deathslinger a tier lower, but with no real reason as to why other than "it feels like it." Overall, I have little to complain about. This just feels pretty accurate.
But I don't know how many other people who see this will be as sane as me, so...
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Interesting. A few thoughts from an intermediate player (who watches a lot of streams).
- Nurse is only top-tier in theory. Even some of the best killers in the world struggle to do consistently well with her, as high level survivors have learned how to juke her blinks. Otz's Nurse 'streak' was one of the hardest he attempted, on par with pre-rework Trapper.
- Pig and Trapper probably need to switch places. Trapper still really struggles against coordinated groups. Pig is decent on any map that isn't the big 3 (Haddon, Badham, RPD) but gets looped a lot.
- Trickster should probably be 'B' or 'C' tier. While there are a few players that can make him work, he really struggles against genrushing teams due to how much time he can take to down and hook.
- Why are Oni and Pinhead 'A' tier? Very curious about these, as you are the first person I've seen to rank them about mid tier.
As to the rest - Wraith needs his nerf reverted, Legion needs a complete teardown rework and Pig just needs...something. Anything to help her against the silly pseudo-infinites on a lot of maps.
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Ehhh I wouldn't really disagree too hard on anything.
Most killers are within 1 bracket of what I'd place them in, with the exception of Bubba who I think can actually reach S tier.
I also think people heavily underrate Ghostface after playing him a lot. I believe people get obsessed with using his hit-and-run play-style, which is absolutely terrible right now. But if you build around his one shots and get a solid momentum going with that, I think he can actually get closer to B tier.
Call me crazy but that's my take.
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Myers is top tier. Just tombstone everyone
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Twins should be way lower due to Boon: Unbreakable being added, same with Oni but to a lesser degree.
Pinhead should be in low C tier (but you, for some reason, started with C+ Tier being your lowest?)
Nemesis, Freddy Deathslinger and Doctor should be lower. They're all mediocre and not that good
Trickster is definitely lower. His 1v1 sucks at high wall loops and his 4v1 is non existant
Demogorgon is A tier imo, his Portals are great for mobility and map pressure and his Shred is a really good anti loop tool and a great pallet shredder
Pig and Trapper are the worst Killers in the game. Trapper especially is counterproductive and has no slowdown unlike Pig but herbst addons got nerfed so she barely slows down the game anymore
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I don't play killer as often as survivor and only own like half the killers currently (though I have owned more in the past before I switched from PS4 to Xbox Series version), so I can't really comment on the current state of many of these killers, but I agree with most of the tiers for the killers I do own currently. I also noticed that the killers in your top and bottom tier largely match with what Tru3Ta1ent said he thought were the strongest and weakest killers in recent videos. I just saw a video from him earlier today where he said he thought clown and Ghostface were the two weakest killers in the game, and he recently said that he thought the 4 best were Nurse, Blight, and two others who I forgot.
Post edited by ZephanUnbound on1 -
I'd place a chunk of these a tier or two lower, namely Twins, Hag, Nemesis, Freddy, Deathslinger, & Doctor. They each have inbuilt counterplay, and there's specific strats which each have which survivors can adopt for maximum efficiency.
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- Nurse is not top tier in theory she IS the strongest killer in the game! She blinks through objects and the master Nurses all play stretch res (im assuming) That's broken! lol. You make a variety of builds with her that are all effective and even her bad maps like Haddonfield and RPD station isnt as bad for her like it is for other killers.
- Pig and Trapper are in they're proper positions and i'll tell you why since i play both of them at high MMR and a high level in general as well as watching other players use them as well as going against them. They share the same bad maps but Trapper is better on those maps than Pig post patch. He has some advantages that are favorable for him over Pigs advantages due to his Traps which work better than Pigs (Thanks to the nerf of her add-ons which overall nerfed her). Sadly Trapper gets more value from just patrolling as opposed to Pig who cant get gen grabs and the survivor gets distance from a slow Undetectable Pig because of the overuse of Spine Chill. I do think that Pig is better on RPD station over Trapper though for sure
- Yeah Trickster is placed appropriately at B+. He's your standard mid-tier
- Oni is very cheap (strong)! Since people are always gonna be injured he exploits survivors by the use of his power. His snowball is really good and he is good at stopping momentum. If a Oni is running BBQ/Infectious Fright/Sloppy Butcher and they're good or at high (red) rank gl lol. Pinhead with his super strong add-on is busted! Add in Hoarder/BBQ/Undying/Ruin etc and he's tough to deal with. They are not placed as mid tier, they're placed at top tier. The A rating/ranking are high mid tiers and B and C+ ratings are low tiers. Pinhead has good map presence
Yeah thats what im saying too! Pig's meta has changed overall due to the nerf to her strong add-ons so theres nothing that can be done there, she's nerfed!
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So what I would change:
Twins lower
Pinhead lower
PH higher
Plague higher
Freddie lower
Deathslinger lower
Doctor lower
Demogorgon higher
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Agreed, but why did you think Nemesis is A tier?
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Way lower? lol Twins are OD cheap! They're top 3 for a reason! You cant stop them from slugging and the best thing about Twins is they're ability to snowball and completely destroy a team in an instance notice! Twins are top 3 or 4 easily!!! Same for Oni.
Your either not playing him or going against high MMR Pinheads otherwise you wouldnt say that. Pinhead without a doubt is a top tier killer with the strong add-ons and maybe Hoarder etc. There is no C tier. There is no killer that is that bad!
those killers definetly are fine where they are, they arent lower than that. If you use specific builds and the strong/best addons with those killers they are right below top tier. They're not exactly top tier but they're good. Not mediocre at all. Trapper, Wraith and Pig are mediocre! lol
Hmmm, thats argurable i'll give you that! The reason i dont put him lower is because he can land his daggers in alot of key locations and loops. Demogorgon can be argued to be A tier. The reason i have him where he is is because he cant do what the killers above him can do as they do it better!
Its debatable. I think Legion is worse than them because he really can get broken down. If a team is split up and efficient gg. Pig at least has her in game slowdown which no other killer has which is why i think she's better than Legion. Trapper is in now way the bottom of the game! The fact alone that you can lose to him based off either fear, paranoia, just running or a combination of the 3 doesnt make him the worst killer at all.Plus Trapper just like Hag can trap certain totem locations.
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Oh, that system is just weird...
Why not make it normal S, A, B, C, D?
I consider Nemesis B tier, OP system is just weird.
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You forgot Artist in S tier.
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Hillbilly being B tier? Yeah maybe a long time ago, throw him in C with the other sucky ass killers.
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I strongly disagree! Hag and Twins are some of the best/strongest killers in the game, theres no way they are lower. They are in a tier of they're own and other killers dont compare outside of Oni, Cenobite and Huntress. Freddy and Doctor cant be lower than A because they are too solid! Same for Deathslinger. Even nerfed Deathslinger is not lower than that
Good map pressure, good map presence. Once he gets to tier 2 he becomes more difficult the longer the trial lasts. Some may bring up that it takes him too long to get to lv 2 and 3 but not with Marvins Blood! You can even give him the zombie speed add-ons to make them more efficient. Nemesis will always guarunteed to have BBQ so you have to respect him. He got Pop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol and his chase is decent.
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Hag and Twins are oppressive in low-tier games, but are easily outplayed by people with a modicum of experience against them. Freddy and Doctor are jokes, and Deathslinger was lower even before the nerf. Insisting they're strong doesn't mean they are when they're provably underperforming.
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I agree, why not add F tier aswell just for Trapper
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Trapper is not that bad after recent buffs imo. He is still low C at best tho.
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Nemesis doesn't have map pressure or map presence tho. His 1v1 is meh, worse than Huntress and Demo and his Zombies are stuck in a tree 90% of a time
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He barely changed imo. He's not addon dependant but he's still the worst killer in the game
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That list looks more or less reasonable to me. 🤷♂️ It'll be interesting to see where people put the new Artist. Just off the cuff she strikes me as maybe being kind of around the Doctor's level. She doesn't have any special movement speed to get around the map, but her crows can potentially be used for directed long range scouting and in a chase can be used to zone out and injure survivors from across pallets and vaults and through walls, etc. Her abilities seem a bit trickier to use than Doctor's but could have some decent potential!
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Twins get easily countered by Unbreakable and Boon: Unbreakable
Pinhead got his best addons nerfed, his 1v1 is bad and his 1v4 is counterable and meh
They definitely are, their 1v1 are meh (Deathslingers is bad) and their 1v4 is either bad or nonexistent
Demogorgon is definitely A tier and is a better Freddy and Nemesis
Trapper is bad. His power is weak, map dependent and easily countered
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Here's my Tier List
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No they're not they're top tiers! Freddy and Doctotrs are jokes until you run into me at high MMR until then we'll see if they're jokes or not lol.
F tier means that you get 4 escapes every game and get no higher than Brutal Killer every game. There is no killer in the game that is THAT bad! Trapper is pretty low but hes not horrible. He just like Wraith got nerfed ironically. There is no F tier at all
He does you need to pay attention to your zombies at all times and use the zombie add-ons.
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Yes, lemme just go to one end of Mother's Dwelling to kick one Zombie so it could spawn on the other end and get stuck on a different tree, such pressure
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If you think they're top tier, I'd love to run into you - I guarantee that running into you wouldn't be at high MMR, though.
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I do not agree with you on this. Demigorgon cant do what Freddy or Nemesis does on a consistent basis. While its argurable as to his positioning Demo is not higher than mid tier but quite good in the right hands yeah. Trapper isnt bad, Legion is bad, Clown is bad, those are "bad" killers, Trappers not bad!
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Demogorgon definitely does what Nemesis and Freddy do but better. Demogorgon has a pallet shredding ability similar to Nemesis but it's accessible at the start of the match that can injure on first hit unlike Nemesis. Demo also has a teleport similar to Freddy but it requires set up and can be used as a tracking tool unlike Freddy. Demo is also very good at protecting a 3 Gen. What is so hard to understand about Demogorgon being better than Nemesis and Freddy? And yes, Trapper is bad. His power requires set up and can be easily deactivated wasting all the time you spent setting up your traps
Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on1 -
I disagree with your tier list on the following:
Nurse is broken but she's not extremely game breaking plus she's not easy to pick up at all. It is for that reason Nurse is S tier and not SS!
Spirit is nerfed and no longer top 3 or 4th! She went down because of the nerfs.
There is no D or E (F) tier. There simply are no killers that are that bad. Your killers are lower than what they should be imo.
Why do you think there are F tier characters? What determines a character that bad to you and why do you think Myers and Legion are there in the first place?
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Some of this I can agree with, but some I cannot.
Pinhead's power is almost Pig levels of situational where it's helpful to actually use. I wouldn't put him above a B+ in your list, and even that is me being generous.
Doc should probably be moved down by one or two. He's an M1 killer that gets info once in a while and might possibly maybe but probably not be in a position to deny an action with a shock. I'm not impressed.
Oni should move down by one. Circle of Healing hurts him a lot in that survivors don't leave as many orbs around the map for you to recharge with. Having access to an instant down with mobility for a significant portion of the match does keep him relevant though. Unbreakable Boon is going to hurt him a lot however.
Myers I want to say should be at the absolute bottom, but I assume he's in B+ in your list by virtue of his mori add-ons.
Twins is going to get demolished by Unbreakable boon and already has severe performance problems outside of a very specific playstyle. A lot lower.
Leatherface I'd move up to A+. He doesn't have mobility but he performs incredibly well against the current meta and is barely hurt by the current boons. I could actually see an aggressive Leatherface benefiting heavily from the new Scourge Hook to the point of maybe replacing PGTW on my build for him if BHVR doesn't screw up the spawns. He already doesn't have the mobility to slug the whole team unless they make several severe errors in a row, so Unbreakable boon won't matter too much.
Freddy I'd put in B. He's just an M1 that can sometimes teleport to a gen and sometimes get the drop on sleeping survivors. Big whoop. His snares don't really help much anymore.
Deathslinger lower. A lot lower. Man was gutted like a fish and then discarded when it was discovered that fish was full of flukes. I'd put him down where Trapper is.
Nemesis down one. He's good against pallets but he's still a killer that needs to tier up like Myers very quickly out of T1 and needs three hits to down an uninfected survivor. Zombies cannot be counted on to do anything so they can't be considered a real factor.
Ghostface up one. Good power management lets him outplay Circle of Healing consistently and he's not going to slug a whole lot. He still sucks, but he's not Pig levels of bad.
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Twins is C tier with the DH buff and COH. It's not 4 months ago.
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This is my most recent tierlist, it's not that accurate since Boon: Unbreakable isn't fully in the game yet but I'm going to presume it'll be released to live as it currently is
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With the current state of boons and now a unbreakable boon my beloved Oni is D tier, good like keeping your slugs after you swap targets.
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I could honestly place Nurse on S-Tier. But I choose I give Nurse her own tier simply because I think she's on a slightly higher level than the S-Tier killers. As you can see, Blight is on top of the S-Tier. And that's because he has good map pressure, he's good in chase, his power has good synergy with perks, and his Add-Ons are good. And Nurse is better in chase, she has an equally good map pressure as him, her power synergies better with perks, and her Add-Ons are also good. And that's why she's in SS and not S-Tier.
Spirit is still in the top 3 IMO. I think people overreact to her nerfs, you just have to play her a bit different. But I agree that she did go down after the nerfs. But she only fell under Blight IMO. Besides, her Add-Ons are still really good and she has good synergy with many perks.
And I actually believe that there is a D-Tier and an E-Tier. D-Tier is basically the bottom of the C-Tier, but their strength is so low that they aren't even near the others in C-Tier. And E-Tier is basically "These killers need a rework because of how weak they are". Myers is an M1 killer and once you're injured, there is really no point in healing because of his tier 3. I mean sure, he has great Add-Ons, but he will probably get his Tier 3 after the second gen-pop because he's just staring at you for like half of the game. And it's not difficult to loop an M1 killer, especially when it's so easy to tell if his Tier 3 is 99. And Legion, oh boy, his power basically does nothing. He injures you and runs away. Then what? You mend and start doing gens. And if he says, he will have a long fatigue that gives survivors quite a lot of distance. And then he's just a worst M1 killer than Myers.
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All your killers except top tiers are way too low. Nurse isnt in a class of her own although she is #1. 2 or 3 poatches ago i would have said different. None of those killers are D or F because they would get wrecked every single game if they are that bad but clearly they are not. Your basically saying these killers cant get more than 2-3 hooks on average and 0-1 kills on average again this is not the case even with swf
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Legion is better than you're giving them credit for. Especially in the new boon meta we're in now.
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You can like them but it doesnt change the fact that they are not that good. They're actually "kinda" bad
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I didn't say they were S tier or anything. However I would be very willing to argue that they're better than all 3 of the other killers you have in C+ tier and maybe better or at least similar to the ones you've got in B tier.
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That's debatable. I dont think they're better than Pig because Pig doesnt need survivors to be knitted to one space to be effecticient, Legion does. Pig can get a kill just by placing a trap on their head so this requires no effort. Yeah its RNG based but it still ensures the survivor is off the gen. After survivors Mend they're right back on a gen. I think you need specific builds to do well with Legion but they are still rather weak but nonetheless they can win which is why there are no killers lower than Ctier.
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I know tier lists are opinion pieces but damn man… there’s way too many killers in A and A+ tier. It should more like Nurse at the top, Blight under her, followed by Spirit and MAYBE Pinhead… then the rest of the cast in C tier or below.
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Honestly with Circle of Healing being in nearly every match, Legion is already debatably better than every stealth killer except Tombstone Piece Myers. A lot of Stealth Killer's pressure comes from the fact that they can ambush Survivors and get free hits, so they can't really stay injured. Well CoH makes staying healthy ridiculously simple. Legion doesn't have that issue because... oh they healed? Doesn't matter cause I can scrape that health state off them again in 5s or less.
Beyond that, Pig in particular has the following issues...
- Stealth Killer with a power that announces its her. Hello Saw boxes. Survivors see those and then they know they need to be watching for a Pig creeping up on them. Good luck getting any stealth hits with the Survivors on high alert for those shenanigans.
- Slowdown that requires a down without a good chase power. Hats are pretty great but they don't come online until you actually manage to down someone. If they manage to catch you out because the Saw Boxes tipped them off and don't run you in a way that you can use Ambush mid chase... you aren't getting any value out of RBT until you get 2 hits as a powerless 1m killer. Good luck with that. Obviously you can bypass that with an Iri addon but if a Killer only becomes decent with an Iri, that's a problem.
- RBT Slowdown is both limited and RNG. You can actually theoretically get a hat off faster than you can mend. A box search is the same as a mend but searching a box has skillchecks and if you hit greats, its faster. If you get your hat off in 1 search... well... there goes 25% of your slowdown and you got less out of it than 1 single Frenzy stab that's unlimited. When that happens... bet you wish you were Legion instead.
- RBT kills are beyond rare unless you either bring add ons for them or force one by messing with the dude with an active Trap.
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Nurse is definitely in a class of her own. She ignores every game mechanic. Yes, some Killers are D and F tier, it's just a fact. Some Killers can't get more than a few hooks against a coordinated team. Tell me how Trapper is supposed to win against a team of coordinated Survivors. He can't. He can maybe get a kill with camping and tunneling but that is it.
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Killers are all appropriately placed, everyone outside those killers you mentioned definetly are not C tier. You are probrably basing it off swf but im basing it off balance (swf and non swf) with a number of factors included.
Lets just agree to disagree. I say Pig is better than Legion while you say she isnt. Again its debatable but i dont feel like bringing up counter arguments for two weak killers. They are both killers that are not that good. One got nerfed (Pig) while the other remained the same.
Shes not in a class of her own because of her high learning curve. Nurse would only be SS if she was easy to play thus raising her player count of people that play her but shes not. Nurse has been SS tier in the past but not now, remember she got nerfed. Still the best but not in a class of her own because Blight is easier and can get the same snowball effect/results Nurse gets. I dont know why some people say theres F or D tier in this game because its not. Not every survivor you come across is swf, thats the only way killers are F tier. If at least 80% of the survivors were swf then there would be F tier but the game is revolved around survivor (swf w coms, swf without coms & non swf)
There simply is no killers that are THAT bad, not even Clown, Pig, Legion or Ghostface.
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Let's agree to disagree since we are basing our tier lists based on different things. I base it around high tier play while you base it around low to mid MMR
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I feel like Freddy is a tier lower honestly
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No dont put words in my mouth, make assumptions then manipulate words to enforce your narrative thats not cool to do! I base my tier list on high level play whether you want to call it high MMR or whatever. I only base things at the highest level. I can easily say and do the same thing your doing but i wont. We either will ask questions to determine how we've concluded things or it just ends here.
Freddy can teleport to a gen and Pop it. He's not lower than A
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The boon meta has really gutted all the killers that rely on hit and run split pressure strats or slugging to win. This said, I'd move all those killers lower than they are on this list. The boon meta especially after the new chapter hits has knocked these killers down at least one tier minimum. It's significant.
Pinhead, Nemesis, Doctor and DS I'd move down as well.
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Clown is 100% better than trapper atm