How strong is The Artist

i’ve been popping around streams seeing what streamers say and apparently she’s potentially S tier. people are saying she rivals blight and may be a top 4.
i have also heard she has a very high skill ceiling and is hard to play. poeple that have actually played her a fair amount, what is everyone thinking?
She’s totally overpowered.
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It is day 1... On the PTB, ain't nobody know what the hell they are talking about, homie.
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She is high A tier for sure. Possibly S tier when fully mastered.
She looks very fun but also very difficult to fully master so I am looking forward to try her out.
Only thing that can cuck me is her being not controller friendly
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That's not very DBD forum of you!
Where's the drama? Where's the knee-jerk? Where's the doomposting?
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Doesn't matter. She'll be nerfed in a month anyway.
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Hey I got bodied by a trickster first time i played against him, doesnt make him OP, I just dont know the counterplay. Your having this same problem, except your failing to realize maybe your just bad at facing her, who wouldnt? Shes been out for less than a day!
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She is S tier, she has very good potential.
She could be the best killer, maybe better than Nurse in the right hands.
You can hit 3 survivors at once. Chase differents survivors in the same time at different places.
Protect generators while in chase.
You can just stay in middle of the map and find and kill all survivors 😂
You can wallhack loops with your power.
This killer is soooo powerful
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Looks like she'll be very strong in the right hands but the majority of killers in this game are bots so they'll struggle with her power, especially once survivors master playing against her. Solo survivors will destroy her.
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I dont think she will rival blight but im sure if she stay like that she may beat spirit in any tier list
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Strong enough that I'm afraid she'll be nerfed without anyone actually getting good at looping her properly.
She is very strong, high A tier possibly S tier imo.
Killers like that rarely get into the game in a condition they were at release. Blight was an exception since he was ######### on PTB and got fixed on live + everyone kept saying he's harder to play then nurse which warrants him beiing to top.
I hope bird lady manages to maintain her high tier list position but knowing devs they'll nerf her just to be sure we don't get too much variety in our games.
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This. She'll have a few weeks of being decently strong, then get Pinhead level bonkers nerfs and everyone will go back to playing Blight.
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It’s day one and no one really knows how to play against her yet, but she seems promising which is good. Finally a killer that people will still play after release
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Someone please let me know when the first "she needs to have more counterplay" or "her 1v1 is unfun" thread drops.
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Pretty strong currently from what I hear, but doesn't mean much since changes are inevitable before the final release. I just hope she ends up being at least a high B tier after the inevitable nerfs, I like her design and might just buy this chapter if she isn't nerfed into mediocrity or worse.
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i hope survivors do not ######### about it. they should not nerf her at all, they should leave her how she is and let her release as she is and after 1-2 months then decide to either nerf or buff her
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a month? you're optimistic, i say a couple of weeks.
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Don't forget we need more information, she's unhealthy for the game, and toxic/oppressive.
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She's as "s-tier" as any recently released killer.
Realistically, she's a largely less effective Huntress with a lower skill entrypoint and a higher soft ceiling.
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This. Why are we asking if a killer is overpowered if no one has had time to learn counters?
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A very strong Killer, if im being honest if it goes live like this she'll probably take Spirit's old spot of number 2. She needs counterplay that isn't leave the loop. If any amount of counterplay is added I'd be happy with her seeing as she won't cause that many porblems when play on console, hopefully
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I probably won't be playing her on PTB, but she looks decently strong from what I've seen and I'm kinda glad too.
I vowed to main a bird killer, no matter their abilities and strength, and fortunately her art, ability, and potential all appeal to me.
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She may be the first non-mobility killer that could potentially be considered S-tier because she has a very strong kit:
- 115% base speed ✓
- power can damage and down survivors ✓
- power has unlimited range ✓
- power ignores pallets, windows, distance, walls... EVERYTHING ✓
- power provides information ✓
- power is pretty much unreactable when used correctly so it can be used consistently regardless of survivor skill ✓
- power can be used to attack people on gens, hooks, gates, totems regardless of the killer's location ✓
That's just my first impression anyways.
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Easily A tier. She's got a lot going on.
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You joke, but honestly I think she has the potential to be oppressive. Of course as pointed out above it's the first day so she might be fine.
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She looks to be broken but we need to give it about a month I'd say. But yeah, idk base kit looks nutty and she has some absolutely disgusting add-ons. I'd say her only downfall is lack of mobility but she doesn't need that thanks to her power. What really intrigues me most about her is her ability to scout gens with her crows which just have infinite range when shot through walls. As someone who likes information/tracking and scouting I'm in LOVE with that aspect of her power.
Aside from all that her ability to shut down a loop and force survivors to either stay in the loop and take damage or leave the loop completely and take an M1 is what appears to be problematic. The fact that she is 115% and has this power is disgusting. She will be inescapable with a few/max stacks of STBFL and anyone with half a mind what they're doing when setting up crows at loops.
I'm very serious, from what I've seen she looks S tier and I'm honestly happy but a bit scared lol
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Just like Pinhead and Twins.
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I never saw anyone say this. I did however see many threads bemoaning WEAKEST KILLER IN THE GAME on their release. Just ridiculous bombastic stuff that was categorically false.
That the consensus is the she's quite strong is telling. Because she is.
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Seems like A tier. Good killer
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Nobody ever said that. You're making stuff up. Twins were literally trash tier and unplayable in the ptb. Pinhead has never been touted as anything but mediocre outside some select add ons.
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After a few days they said that.
On day one, they were all overpowered.
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It's going to be a classic bait and switch. They'll release her very strong for a nice cash infusion then hard nerf her to trash tier. Book it. I will not spend money on a new killer after what they did to Twins and Deathslinger
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high skill ceiling, but still balanced.
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Overpowered and broken with zero counterplay. But also weak and not viable at my MMR. (Can you tell I play both sides yet?)
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I'd say high A, above Pyramid Head, Below Blight and Hag.
Her Ability doesn't damage beyond a certain distance unless you hit them a second time while they're swarmed, so that's more than fair imo, not OP. As for looping her, well don't animation lock yourself when she has a crow ready to be fired, and if you run into a stationary placed crow, be more observant.
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No she ain't
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I will wait until I say something about this. I would have placed Pinhead in A tier but I was quit wrong about his power. Playing a bit of Pyramide Head just shows you how strong a real anti-loop ability can be. I was biased towards Pinhead because I am a big fan of Hellraiser and the chains are super fun to use but that does not make them more effective.
She is a new ranged Killer which is always something that people need time to get used to. This is also something that requires some fine-tuning however BHRV made a good move here and added enough screws to fix: Setting speed, revocery time, projectile speed and more, this Killer can be very well fine tuned without nerfing her into the ground.
From my first impress however: She should be at about the same strengh as Pyramide Head or Huntress. And that is a good thing, because good old Pyri now is a fine Killer to face, has some descent counterplay and is also fun to play at the same time. She will be fine once survivors figure out how to play aroung her a bit.
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I haven't played her as console doesn't have access to ptb which is bs.
But on ptb it's imo always difficult to say how strong or weak a killer is, especially on the 1st day.
On ptb you have many different skill levels on the survivor side.
So she might look strong but they have faced lower skilled survivors or vice versa.
Just have to wait till the live version
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She has a power with a high skill cap that has uses for both 1v4 and 1v1 situations. So of course she's a good killer.
But survivors don't like good killers so despite the fact I've been waiting for a crow based killer for a while, I expect she's going to get hard nerfed because we can't have fun skillful killers.
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This new killer sound really strong … Not broken asf like nurse or blight because we can dodge the crow attack ( with an poor cooldown ) but yeah … she look powerful
Its like Freddy but his blood pool attack and are on a detonator …. And pass thought wall and all …
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You cant do anything in 1v1 against her, but can you gen rush her? maybe.
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I think the question should be 'How strong will she be once she has been nerfed into the ground and had her addons changed from usable to utterly useless'