For those that complain about every new survivor / killer being LGBT

I personally am over the complaining since BHVR have said theyre doing it, they just want to do it right. Youd complain if they rushed it and just say, hey the artist is gay btw. Theyre going to do it properly.
I am also expecting the new complaint once theyre added will be why out of a roster of 60 characters are only 1/2 LGBT. We want more!
It just feels like the complaining will never end or itll move onto the new thing not added. If they add a gay man, the community will want a gay woman.
I misread this as every recent survivor and killer were LGBT, and it kind of checks out when Trickster and Pinhead are in the rotation, lol.
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No one is complaining, at least not a large scale. I don’t see any anti-gay threads in the main forum.
I personally don’t care about the lore, so even more reason for me not to care if some text lines say “oh by the way, (Killer/Survivor) is gay”. Tbh, sexual orientation shouldn’t even be a focal point in this game, but that’s just my opinion.
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The only one I've seen complaining is you, might be a good idea to take a break from Twitter or whatever circle of hell these supposed takes came out of.
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Ace is gay even if he hasnt came out yet and Nea is 100% a lesbian. Dwights always coming in and out of the locker (closet), maybe him. Wraith 100% gay.
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Nea is a thing that already existed, not sure why but she's been there long enough people should know the devs have always been pro LGBT.
There is no proper way of doing anything related to anyone for any reason. We're human and any level of controversy is always going to be controversial. The issue is when people start reasoning as to why anything happens that a problem actually exists.
If the characters are going to have their orientations as a focal point, then Freddy ought to be addressed as well, shouldn't he?
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I've literally not seen a single post along these lines in ages, aside from a few of the standard crowd on Twitter.
I'd say that the vast, vast majority of people don't care who their fictional murderer prefers to bump uglies with, and is more concerned about whether she is strong, fun to play and how long it'll take her to get nerfed.
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Well Freddy is a kiddy diddler so it probably wouldn’t be kosher to talk about his “orientation”. It’s unnecessary.
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I really don't understand this whole push for needing to feel represented in games. I play as characters who I think are cool, I really couldn't care less about their gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. I'm a mostly white but part Native American male but I think Yui has the coolest design out all the original survivors, so I like to play as her even though I'm not female or Japanese. Killer I cycle through alot of them and don't really have a main, because variety is the spice of life, but I used to play Spirit a bit more than the rest, before I changed platforms and lost access to her.
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Freddy being a Pman is not something we need to discuss. We all know it, and would like to ignore it.
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I really couldn't care less about their gender, race, sexual orientation, etc
It's not aimed at you then, it's aimed at the people who want representation and the people who do care.
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Wait, I thought wraith and nurse hooked up.