Ignore this post was misinformed

So this is just an opinion but this perk is going to make being a survivor very boring and also make already strong killers even stronger.
Sure you don't start with the perk active but all it takes is one totem cleansed and you have it to be used all match which makes it better than Ruin.
It only takes the killer 2 seconds to use it and then you have -30% gen speed. Which means it would take about 104 seconds to do a gen solo now. So this perk is already doing more than thanatophobia even with all survivors injured. And yes you can cleanse the totem but that takes 12 seconds. And after you cleanse it the killer can see it's aura again and just go back and take 2 seconds to start it again. So pretty much survivors will be spending a whole match with -30% gen speed minimum, and can be even worse if they start performing rituals on more totems.
Honestly this perk is a great idea overall but it seems that it will make playing survivor insufferable as no one wants to hold m1 for 104 seconds x5.
“It won’t be meta”
“Let’s wait and see how it performs”
”BHVR will change it before it goes live”
~ Survivor mains, usually
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Was waiting for this. Anytime a new killer is released the survivor mains come on here screaming how it's not going to be fun to play against or boring. You guys will never stop until the game is dead.
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Killer can relit single totem only once, if they cleanse it again its useless.
If survivors never cleanse totems and just use boons or not interact with totems, the perk is useless too.
I dont think its even possible to obtain 5 tokens on this perk honestly.
Even 1 token can be good passive slowdown on gens but then again you need survivors to cleanse totem first for you to even activate it.
Maybe if you combine it in full hex build you will get some value out of it? Need to test that and see
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If im not mistaken the killer can only rekindle a dull totem anyway that what the perk description said. Dont forget the survivor have control on the perk and with boon perk being a thing survivor bless more totem and destroy less now so i dont think the perk will be that good
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Not a survivor main but no worries, so you are saying you are okay with holding a button for 100 seconds and will have fun? I like the perk but just concerned
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And killers don’t hahaha
That is DBD forum for you.
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Rekindled Totems are destroyed completely the second time they are Cleansed.
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Oh can they not relight the same totem if it gets cleansed? Thats good at least. Yeah that's true but I feel survivors always cleanse at least one totem a game. Yeah will wait and see I just read it
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Okay forget my concerns didn't realize a rekindled totem is completely destroyed once it's cleansed that's fine then :)
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I'm not sure what you're saying but this "it's not fun and boring" ######### has to stop. The game doesn't center around YOUR fun. Everyone matters not just you.
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I play both sides and no. Killers don't complain near as much as survivor players do. I wish the complaining on both sides would stop. I sincerely believe people should play both sides and not be biased. The game would be so much better off as well as these forums.
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It's been proven survivors rarely if ever cleanse especially now with 3 boons in the game if you don't wanna deal with it or are afraid just don't cleanse its that simple
Killers are already bringing less and less hexes cause boons destroy them
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I mean it is an opinion piece so if I say I'd find it not fun there is nothing wrong with that. Not sure what you are so angry over. People have corrected my thoughts and I have changed my view I didn't realize a totem after being rekindled if cleansed is gone forever. That's fine then the perks all good just ignore my post
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I'm not angry at all. I wish these forums weren't so predictable.
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It's an awesome perk that brings more variety into the game. I definitely approve. Do you risk cleansing the Hex: Blood Favour, Crowd Control or Third Seal or do you let them stay up so as to not risk a 30% gen debut? Can it be more useful than Undying with Ruin? It depends; since the survivors cleansed it once they obviously know where it is so does having a potentially unknown hex location sound better than a known hex location?
It takes time from the killer to set it up and time for the survivor to recleanse it. As someone who plays both with and against boon totems, I think it looks fine so far. Further testing might change it but I really like what the devs are doing.
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Where are you people getting these numbers
30% slowdown makes a solo gen 114 seconds
It does not take 2 seconds to rekindle it's like barely half a second it feels
It takes 14 seconds to cleanse a totem
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Main thing this perk is gonna do is drive my teammates insane when I show up with my rainbow map and a "cleanse 20 totems" challenge. Apologies in advance.
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I was just throwing out rough numbers. 30% of 80 is 24 so wouldn't that make it 104?
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I would view someone swearing as a form of aggression but guess I'm mistaken
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Yeah I think it's fine after people have provided me more info I was just going off what I knew which was incorrect anyway
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It doesn't add 30% to the gen time. It makes you do it 30% slower. It's different.
80/0.7= 114ish seconds