What Do You Think Of The Pinhead Nerfs?

I can't think of any other killer that was as much of a fustercluck as Pinhead has been.
First they removed all his voicing without adding anything to replace it (stealth buff, makes it really easy to hear footsteps and groans, unlike the permanently pizza-eating Demogorgon).
Then the NFT debacle, meaning that a lot of streamers are deliberately avoiding him to dodge the potential drama.
He did have one problem addon, the Engineer's Fang. Everyone expected this to get nerfed.
What I don't think they were expecting was a complete napalming of essentially all his addons, which were good, interesting but far from OP. Fang on the other hand escaped lightly singed. Wat.
I get that he could be troublesome for solos to deal with, but this definitely rubs me up the wrong way. It feels overboard, and relegates his addons to 'barely any impact at all' tier, letting him join Freddy and Pyramid Head on the 'why bother?' pile.
I'll probably still play him, as I love him thematically - but wow is this a letdown.
At least give people a chance to adjust to him before you start chopping.
The fact that they nerfed TORTURE PILLAR is a complete joke.
People only ever complained about Fang and solving addons, but yes let's nerf this solid green addon.
THIS gets nerfed before the Scott Knot....completely laughable move on BHVRs part.
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It was needed in my opinion. Some of the changes are even things that I have suggested when he released. He'll still be fine, just not as annoying to face.
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Topknot was already nerfed.
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So did they Nerf everything? No buffs or change to him at all? RNG on the chains? Or is he chains still just as garbo in chases?
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I heard they were planning on nerfing it from 100% to 50, but when was this pushed to live? Was this with the blood favor changes?
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They nerfed an already mediocre Killer, meh. It's dbd, bad things happen always so I'm not surprised
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They nerfed a weak killer? :)))
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Killers getting nerfed again. What a complete none surprise.
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No one is surprised they're nerfing killers again. It's utterly undeserved and shows the devs are very amateurish at development IMO. You don't make giant assumptions the killer is "OP" because people are having a hard time figuring him out in the first month.
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I see no reason for them.
almost 1000 comments
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Speak for yourself, I totally never expected another killer nerf. There wasn't a staggering amount of precedent to clue us in. This was extremely surprising.
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I am always expecting killer nerfs. Literally all the devs do now is make the game harder for killer and easier for survivors #Facts
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Whatever. ######### it.
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I was expecting a nerf to Fang.
Fang barely got nerfed.
Instead they took a chainsaw to all his other addons. Just...so weird.
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Not a fan of it. I already escape him easily 90% of the time (fang or no fang). I don't want another bully fodder killer. I guess I won't be seeing him as much anymore which is a shame.
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Yeah agreed.
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He's not the best killer, but most of the add-ons nerfs are justifiable. Playing with and without the fang is like playing a different killer. It was a very stupid add-on (even as someone who plays a lot of Pinhead). The other ultra rare shouldn't really be nerfed, it was okay-ish, but I guess they looked at winrates and this one was high. The add-ons that increase solving time were stupid as well. They gave you so much time to interrupt the survivor with a chain or teleport to them. Maybe they could buff him somewhere to compensate, but I think he's already very good against soloQ survivors.
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But...Fang was barely nerfed. All that's been changed is that it's a bit weaker in chase (it's never been especially good at this anyway, outside of very specific circumstances).
It's the huge, sometimes 50%+ nerfs to basically all his other addons that frustrates me.
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Heartbreaking. What a waste.
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This killer is so ######### without the franklins / hoarder combo. Why he deserves the nerf idk, but at least I’m not on the receiving end of playing killer anymore.
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I'd be fine with the changes if they left Torture Pillar alone. I enjoyed the playstyle of Chatterer+TPillar+Franklin's
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i mean... he got nerfed, one of the worst killer in the game got nerfed nothinng more to say.
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I almost never see pinhead. Now itll be even less.
I dont get why they nerfed wraith either
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He was completely dependent on RNG.
In typical BHVR fashion, just like with Deathslinger, they nerf ######### without considering WHY it was good in the first place. The more consistent you are with getting Chain Hunts, the better Pinhead is. Without his Hunts, he's a slightly better Clown. He needed buffs.
Great way to kill the playerbase for a Killer. Make them mediocre, create a huge scandal by partnering with environment-nuking NFT's and then nerf the only usable add-ons.
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The fang change is quite big though. Being able to remove chains 1 second earlier is game changing (and of course survivors will only get slowed down to 1.7 m/s instead of 1.1 m/s). Now it will give you a headstart at the cost of making it harder to get the second hit.
About the other add-ons, like I said, the solving duration add-ons should be nerfed. The nerf for the other ultra rare add-on is kinda whatever. The only questionable change is the pillar nerf (10 sec to 5 sec), because I think it will the same as the brown version which is weird.
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Super depressing. The Chain Hunt is the only thing Pinhead has going for him. His chase power is terrible for the amount of effort it takes to use effectively and what you actually get out of it.
He desperately needs a buff in another area if they're going to balance this so he can't torment solo survivors that don't think to solve the box until it's too late. And if this was a response to Franklins/Hoarder, they could have made a change to how those perks interact with his power. For now, chalk him up to another killer nobody plays.
And no, a buff to an addon that replaces his best power with a generic undetectable effect he could get from various perks does not balance removing his only consistent playstyle.
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It's so annoying. They might as well nerf Wraith's lunge because survivors can't deal with his stealth, or nerf Deathslinger's quickscope because survivors can't juke.
Oh wait....
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Dumb but excepted.
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Next thing you know they will be reverting the trapper buff
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What did you expect? Didn't you see him at the top of the kill chart they released?
That chart is all that matters to them and the survivor main complaints on twitter. Nothing said here is ever seen by a dev.
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Absolute dog shite now, Keeping Chain Hunts going was all he had going for him, considering how easy it is to juke his main ability chains and even if you do hit it at a loop or in a close quarters chase 50% of the time it hinders the killer more. I now consider Clown better, in every way after those nerfs with no other adjustments to help him.
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Freddy and Pig nerfs incoming?
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Can someone post the kill chart, please?
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This is totally meaningless, but here.
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Thanks - I like to look at stuff :3
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"survivor main complaints on twitter" This is why nurse doesn't get buffed. Freddy and pig did get nerfed.
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No problem.
Just keep in mind that we know basically nothing about these stats and they essentially only serve to further divide the community.
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Wasn't it just the ultra rares?
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No, they targeted his slowdown and lethality. You can't stall box solving any more or speed up chain hunt.
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People will still play him. Might be hard to believe, but I main him (along with Pig and Legion). I believe he'll be fine.
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Well, it's hard to be worse than Legion or Pig.
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The fact they nerfed all his other addons and barely touched fang shows a very massive disconnect between their understanding of the game and the actual reality of what playing it is like.
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What annoys me the most is not the amount of nerfs, is the fact that the community has been asking tweaks for the Cenobite since his PTB, tweaks to make him more enjoyable to play as and better in high MMR - like making so his colision doesn't break his own chains, which is his worst aspect - and the devs just ignored it all so far.
They said themselves on the latest livestream that you shoudn't judge the balance based only on the statistics, so why nerf him based on the statistics only and ignore the feedback? They did the same thing to Wraith. By the same logic, the Pig needs a nerf, since she had a better kill rate them pre-nerf Spirit (they indeed nerfed her purple add-ons, but that's way less than the nerfs Wraith and Pinhead received). Also, Deathslinger had the 8th lowest average kill rate, so by this logic he wouldn't need a nerf at all.
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Or Deathslinger buff, since he was the 8th lowest and got nerfed.
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I don’t really care cause I don’t ever play him. But I hope most of his mains are cool with it.
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Please can a BHVR "data" analyst comment on this ?
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good. ######### nft
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Nope, anything other than the purple add-ons that actually have a use got their effects halved. Yes, all of his good non-purple add-ons were HALVED!
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They buffed Chatterer's tooth. 25 seconds of undetectable up from 12. Doesn't nearly compensate all the other nerfs.
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I'm disappointed. It seems like they jumped the gun again and nerfed all his fun add-ons before he has even been out for 3 months. I thought they were gonna wait til at least the following mid-chapter before making balance changes barring obviously broken stuff?