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I'm sick of these bans

It's so stupid that you get "temporarily" banned for leaving a match. The only reason I leave matches is because I can't walk straight without getting thrown across the map and now I'm banned for six hours for answering my door.

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  • Member Posts: 312

    Funny thing is it's not my internet my internet is perfectly fine it's the game

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    And then they act like YOU destroyed the integrity of the match. It is insane...

  • Member Posts: 312

    That may be for a lot of people but my internet is fine and I don't leave for stupid ass reasons but if I'm getting chased by the killer and I get sent three buildings back it's really f-ing annoying or if I'm chasing a survivor and I hit them five times and they keep running and all of them get out like its not fair/playable

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    You DCd to answer the door? How far away is your door?

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    If one killer is so bad people would rather leave the game and even take the penalty - maybe the problem is in the killer and not in survivors reacting to them? Imagine making a killer so annoying people don't want to play the game because of them, and then just banning people for not wishing to play against an annoying and unfair killer. Basically every game design screw up can be "fixed" by forcing players to play with it instead of acknowledging the mistake and fixing it. DC penalty is the laziest tool to cover up developers' mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Just the fact your penalty already added up to 6 hours shows that you deserved it. Stop with the excuses.

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    Imagine being so casual that any tiny bit of stress and u already want to DC. No, I don't understand u here. There's not a single *so bad* killer u can't play around.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Most people play the game to have fun, not to feel stress. Playing against such killers as Doctor is not fun for anyone. Every Doctor game is only fun for the killer at the expense of survivors. But instead of reworking the killer to make him well designed the devs just ignore any complaints and force you to play against him as is.

    And before you say something like "tHeN doNT pLaY tHe gAme": the game is fun, but some specific aspects of it are not. Doctor and similar annoying killers are an example. The game would be better without them or with them reworked. But implementing a good rework takes time and effort, while turning on a DC penalty does not. Some maps like RPD are also an example: devs don't acknowledge their mistake and force you to swallow the map as is.

    It's funny because when people don't want to eat DC penalty, they just suicide on hook, and you can't stop that. Even if you remove the ability to die quickly, people will just run into the killer and go idle. If you ban for AFKs - people will start playing potato style and go down in a second. You can't force people to play a game they don't want to. And yet it all wouldn't be a problem if they just reworked broken or annoying beyond enduring killers and maps. But the devs' philosophy is to force people to play a bad game rather than fixing the game and making it good to stop people wanting to leave.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    As far as I am concerned, any annoyance I have to endure as a survivor is less than the frustration of wanting to play the game and then being essentially doomed to lose because one of my teammates DCed immediately. It's a selfish, dick move, and if anything I think the penalty should be increased proportional to how early in the match you DC.

    I know that sometimes your internet crashes, but dropping out the second you see a Spirit or land in RPD is not cool; it's not just you it's four other people whose experience matters just as much as yours.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Every killer you could have said... literally 20 others... and you take a doctor as an example?

    jokes aside:

    This game has many aspects that are "unfun" on Survivor AND Killer side.

    if a killer dc (for whatever reason) the game is over automatically, you can not play the game without a killer.

    If a survivor leaves because i just got a lucky hit on him with, let's say nemesis, and he dc's even if the game just started, what am i supposed to do? I had a bad game, couldn't hit one ability, i was salty, got flashlighted because i wanted to cosplay a moth, i was already tilted for other reasons, no excuses just explanation. Then they literally where better and i snapped and got my deserved 5 minuted penalty. They even wrote on my Profile "baby killer" "haha i called dc" full toxic, which i ofc delete, in already being salty and mad and i don't need a SWF like that.

    Every post i read here is either "killer is too strong, please nerf ___" or "survivor unfair, they shouldn't be allowed to escape" it's ######### laughable. I play both sides, and i suck on both equally, i get my fair share of escapes, my fair share of 4k, sometimes easy, sometimes sweaty. Is the game unblanced? HELL YA(!) Does the game has abusable mechanics everyone uses as long as they are on the other side? You can bet your ass off (except everyone in this forum, they all play fair and never camp, tunnel or have DS, DH or any "op" perks with them)

    Can we actually have a normal conversation about changes that make sense and not "the game isn't what I want it to be so i want extreme abusable mechanic deleted so only i can have fun in every game".

    And no attack towards you by the way, just an overall rant. I get your points, but they seem VERY one-dimensional. I hope you get what i tried to get across at least :'D

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Want to add something here. Depending on your internet settings your internet can be PERFECTLY FINE but still be bad on dbd.

    I haven't been able to log onto dbd for 2 weeks because of "network connections". If I ever get logged on, I get kicked off very quickly after. My internet is perfect on every other game/youtube/twitch etc. Also had a similar problem to this in the summer (except a whole lot worse)

    I think people here should be actually suggesting a way to help this person, rather than assume they're just dc'ing for no reason. I'm not sure why he dc'ed to answer the door but I'm not here to guess since it could be a good reason.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I didn't dc to answer the door I "was gone to long" and "disconnected from host" but you're probably right about the wifi thing

  • Member Posts: 312

    Most of those were connection failures and there's not much I can do

  • Member Posts: 731

    Need to put on your big boy pants ma man and stop dcing, only yourself to blame.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Most of the dcs were connection failures others were my fault sure but I'm not playing against hackers/broken servers

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    If every single one of those was a server issue, surely there would be more people stacking up long bans like that. So how come we aren't seeing them complain?

    Unless the sever issues are entirely localized on your game.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I didn't say every single one of them was a connection failure I most of them

  • Member Posts: 3,181
    edited November 2021

    Oh, my bad.

    If "most of them" were server connection failures, I'll ask again, don't you think more people would be complaining?

    People will complain about one or two. Never enough to get a six hour ban.

    I don't doubt some of them are server issues, but not "most" of them.

  • Member Posts: 416

    It's the noise for me, personally. Tier three gives me a migraine--I won't DC, but it still low-key pisses me off, and I'll do my level best to avoid getting there as long as possible.

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