Is that the « oppression » mental effect with knives ?
too op ?
too weak ?
tell me dudes :3
His power is uninspired and brings nothing new to the table while also having everything survivors find annoying
Ranged killer? Check
Power burst? Check
Oppressive 1v1? Check
No map pressure? Check
No real counterplay in chase? Check
Plus a lot of people feel his visual design doesn’t fit dbd
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Survivors get upset when killers have more control in chase over them.
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He has as much(if not more counterplay as huntress) and people love her and her beachballs for some reason.
Also tricksters is asthetic is amazing, he's goofy and fun.
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And some people don’t like a goofy killer. I personally couldn’t care less
As for counterplay he really doesn’t. You get a huge reward for dodging a huntress hatchet while dodging a knife reminds you he has 43 more
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huntress is like a sniper, when she lands a hit, it's through skill.
trickster is like an ak-47, when he lands a hit it's brainless spamming, barely any skill at all.
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Then why do we like killers like huntress?
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He doesn't really fit DBD aesthetically. He's pretty obviously an attempt to draw in K-Pop fans.
His power is basically a combination of Huntress and Old Legion. He is going to down you with it. He might lose the entire game, but he will down you with his power relatively quickly because you can't meaningfully outplay him. You can dodge a few Hatchets, you can't dodge 50 knives.
His most effective playstyles are also uber-unfun for Survivors, just like the Twins.
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I don't hate him. I like him but the issue isn't that I think he's too weak or too strong. It's that I can't play him on console due to the TERRIBLE OPTIMIZATION and the fact that there is recoil for some reason.
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Because most people know Trickster is bad and those who complain about him get down easily or get camped till they die I think.
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beachballs are not skillfull.
Current slinger now takes that role of skillful sniper with how hard the devs nerfd him.
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I love trickster. Chucking knives is just fun.
I can 100% see why people wouldn't like him though
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Most people don't enjoy his visual design and think he doesn't fit in dbd (personally disagree). His Power is also very boring and bad. Nothing special about him except his design, he's a weaker Huntress in every aspect and has no reason to exist outside of bringing in Kpop fans
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I dont really know how people can say that he does not fit visually. Meanwhile, players simp over a group of edgy teenagers aka The Legion (especially Susie), who also dont really fit into the game IMO.
For me, he is very dull to play as and against. It only takes 6 Knives to remove a Health State and he has 44 of them at base. So if you are not at a high wall loop, you will at least get injured very quickly. If you are at a high wall loop however, Trickster cannot do much.
You can compare this with Huntress, but it is less extreme. You get an audio notification if she raises a Hatchet and those also dont feel so stressful like the Knives. And on high Wall Loops (like Jungle Gyms or Longwalls) you can still try to get a Hit in at a window or Pallet. And this is a Health State, but you wont get a Health State worth of Knives in at one Pallet Drop.
I play Trickster a lot currently because of the Archive-Challenge (hitting Survivors 5 times from 15 meters away). And since I am bad with Trickster, dont really like him overall and get mostly indoor Maps, I cannot really stand to see him anymore. Also I struggle to know what 15 meters are, lol.
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The Trickster its a noob stomper and nothing more, against SWF he is heavily bullied. That's why the mixed opinions.
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I hate him mostly because there really isn't really anything you can do in a chase with him. He is not a strong killer, he's just way too oppressive in my opinion.
Like, if you're in the open you're dead, if you're at short loops you're dead, if you vault a window you're dead, if you fake the window you're dead, if you fake and then vault you're dead, if you drop a pallet you're dead, if you don't drop the pallet you're dead, if you vault a pallet you're dead. And is really no reason to dodge the knives, because he has 43 more of them.
And his design doesn't fit in DBD. And he laughs. Oh god I hate killers that laugh at me xd
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His knives are pretty bad design and playing against him makes me feel miserable.
The maps were not created against a killer with such ability, we have limited tall walls and if it's an open map there is no chance that the survivor can survive his knives without him spamming knives in every direction the survivor may go.
Every chase with him feels so lame and pretty annoying, most of the time he ends the chase before it even started.
I feel his ability is cheap, he does nothing special except throwing his knives.
He doesn't scare me only annoys me and i prefer to play against Clown instead, even tho i dislike him but prefer him in this case 🙁
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popular opinion
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bad killer, just wannabe huntress.
Annoying on both sides, underwhelming trash
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I like Trickster. He's the closest we'll ever have of a killer with a machine gun. Unlike people say, I think he's a good design, he's a ranged killer for people who are bad at aiming and don't want to play Huntress or Slinger. The aesthetic thing is dumb, one could say a clown and a bunch of edgy teenagers also don't fit the game. Imo Nemesis doesn't fit DBD, he's too ruthless to be hooking people around, but that's only my opinion.
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Not especially fun to go against, being fairly weak while being great at camping has also always been a terrible combo, I also find the TR kind of irritating.
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In the Trickster matches I've played I tend to beat him most of the time. It's never exciting going against Tricksters.
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Trickster has several problems
First a problem shared by other Killers, especially later released Killers, which consists in if he manages to get optimal conditions you cant do much against him and if he doesnt he is so easy to play against is not even fun, Trickster is garbage on high wall jungle gyms and loops but if he gets you on the open (corn, Shelter Woods or Glenvale) or if he gets you in a low wall map (Haddonfield, Backwater Swamp or Autohaven) you are doomed, so its either unfair or 4 people escape at 6 minutes, both scenarios are dull.
Second he has very little synergies with a ton of perks, once I tried him and started thinking about what build could I do I noticed how poorly his power works with most perks, while Huntress suffers from this too her power is stronger and makes up for smaller pool of perks, for example any M1 attack perk like Sloppy dont work, Exposed perks like Haunted Grounds dont work, TR related perks dont work (he has a lullaby), he is very slow and lacks range so detection perks are not that great etc.
Third he is a ranged Killer in the sea of ranged Killers they have been releasing lately so he feels uninspired, they just took Legion and Huntress and made an hybrid.
Fourth and subjective, some people believe his looks are not fitting for the game and Kpop is very polarizing, a lot of people either love it or hate it, no inbetweens.
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The outcome/fun factor in a Trickster match (well, DbD in general, but whatever) is heavily RNG dependent.
Indoor map or map with a lot of strong high wall tiles? Trickster barely has a power and it's really boring. They'll probably have to camp to generate any pressure.
Open map with low wall tiles? He's really oppressive and there's not much you can do to avoid going down quickly. You just run super early and hope the killer is bad.
He's not particularly interactive on either side and it's a coin flip as to whether the match will be fun or a complete waste of everyone's time.
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I was actually really excited when he was announced, and personally other than a couple skins for killer hes my favorite base aesthetic. I think his power can be busted in some situations, but not nearly enough that people want him gone. Playing against a good Trickster can be a pain especially if they're pc (cause it's a whole lot easier to aim with a mouse), but I still feel like for the most part that they deserve the kills they get. People can talk about how toxic Trickster players are, but they'd do the same thing with any other killer.
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Because he's one of the killers that has a design that is focused to one aspect of the game instead of being one of the hybrids. He is designed to be really strong in anti-looping and downing quickly, but has no map pressure. Now, contrary to narratives, survivors hate the opposite end of the spectrum as well.
I think there's a psychological element to Trickster's knife spam as well I think. Realistically speaking, you don't stand any more of a chance against a good Huntress in a loop where a good Trickster is shooting you. Many people don't realize the shots you can pull off as Huntress. My guess is that the rapid-fire gives the feeling of helplessness even though the only knife that matters is the final knife. Maybe it just boils down to Trickster being a more intuitive killer than Huntress, which would make the average Trickster more effective than the average Huntress.
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If you are in the middle of a open field with no walls, you die
if you are in a tight corridor, you die
if you are in a indoor map and he has trick blades, you die
if you are on red forest or any map with semi decent loops and plenty of high walls, you basically win on the spot
Trickster is a killer that feel victim to BHVR’s weird obsession of making killers that are disgusting in the 1v1 but then can do ######### all in the 1v4 (I.e, the part that actually matters)
That’s why people don’t like him
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He also hum whenever he hooked. He tend to say ######### whenever he get stunned.
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It isn't a fact that he is either too strong or too weak, it is the combination of the two that is the problem. When talking about trickster, the talk of either buffs or nerfs suffers from this, because people will argue "he didn't need the buff, he is too strong!!" or they will say "He is too weak, he needs more buffs!"
Both of these people are correct, he is extremely oppressive and awful design gameplay-wise because he gives much less counterplay, with the only effective counterplay being holding w and losing LOS, and having a design similar to old legion where he will eventually always get you. He is also weak though, people will say that he is weak in chase BECAUSE it takes him a while, or the fact that he has horrible map pressure and can only really exert pressure by camping or tunneling hard.
The problem is people who like him will defend him with the weak argument, and people who hate him will attack with the op argument. the fact though is that both are accurate. He is just a middle ground killer now, being bad designed in both categories. It is the same reason slinger was nerfed. Both are killers that don't need buffed or nerfed, because like slinger, the killer will most likely only get worse in one of those categories.
They nerfed slinger, and while slinger still most definitely has his strengths, he is overall worse. If they buffed slinger, he would've been way more oppressive. Those killers honestly are destined to this design hell by their playstyle. They either need reworked, or they need to get buffed in one area and nerfed in the other till they are in a boring level again like freddy.
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I like him and I hate him.
I like his Design in general and is a combination of my favorite killers.
But what I hate about him is everytime I play against him it feels like he throws 200 blades after me.
And the thing is, you dodge 20 blades and there is still more coming.
I had matches against him and with him where it was fun.
But on both sides it's more a pain in the ass then anything else...
I would life with less blades if I get something better to build up more pressure.
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A killer that doesn't even fit in DBD, paired with an extremely weak and annoying power which later became even more annoying.
This is a recipe for disaster.
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Neither does neon nights, nor the bunnies.
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Huntress is better than him and I NEVER see hate towards her, the problem with Trickster from a gameplay perspective is that he walks a tight rope of feeling useless or overpowered.
I would change him so that he requires more knives to injure someone but he gains 115% movement speed so he at least has a bit of an easier time in chase and moving around the map.
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Haha, lel
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He's uninspired trash.
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Because most survivors just want to run in a straight line and not being hit.
Zig zag and breaking LoS is to much to think of for many.
The amount of times that i went down by his ability i can count on 1 hand, i don't mind going against him as he's easy to counter.
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I one hook him every match (EVERY SINGLE MATCH), why you're asking.........hes just annoying, not strong just annoying. Im moving on to my next match.
I'd rather face a god tier nurse main, a mad man maniac Blight main, heck even an old school Spirit main. They're ok, not annoying. New killer looks strong thats fine, its the design of Trickster. I canny be arsed, im out. Next game.
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I hate playing against him mainly because his knives hitting just are annoying I couldn’t explain why LOL. Also don’t like his aesthetic.
I am guilty of playing him since they updated him, I have gotten all 3-4Ks since playing him. (So far 2 prestige’s) He’s a solid killer and don’t see how people find him weak
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current huntress very loopable like wm1 because she nerfed tons,
you can't loop deathslinger in chase but he not good at patrol camping
i never found any survivor "main" never played killer at high mmr liked deathslinger
since they nerfed addons she works like billy or freddy which still noob stomping killer and whole play based on tunnel and patrol
billy and huntress both unviable in most maps if all survivors are human being but recently its very rarely happen
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Alot of Trickster players feel forced to play "dirty" in order to perform well.
So i think thats one reason why people dislike him.
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Pretty much what I was going to say, especially this bit about his aesthetic being absolute trash.
A goofy lipstick-wearing K-Pop clown is not what I envision a DBD killer to be. Now he has that awful BDSM cosmetic with the new Rift… ugh.
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Gameplay wise. I feel he is a mix of 2 killers we already have.
As for his appearance i feel he is too neon bright and flashy for dbds dark atmosphere. They were clearly trying to pull in a specific audience with his creation. From a business stand point it makes sense. Then they made a set of rift challenges for him. I just get the impression they are trying to get me to like this killer despite the fact im not the intended audience. If the asian part of the player basis likes him theyre entitled to their opinions. I do not like him bhvr. Stop trying to change my opinion.
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Huntress is my favourite killer to play against, whilst Trickster is one of the worst. With Huntress you genuinely feel like you can mind game. Will she run through the loop or will she wind up her hatchet? Should I dodge left or should I dodge right or not dodge at all? How long is she going to hold that hatchet when trying to zone me? It's a mind game.
When playing against Trickster it's like: Ok I can dodge left and right and maybe dodge a few, but he will injure/down me just from spamming his knifes. I can't dodge all his knifes and it's not like he needs to put much thought into it since he has so many knifes. Every loop around this pallet I'm going to be hit by a knife once or twice and if I vault the pallet/window I'm immediately injured/downed. There's nothing skill wise you can really do.
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I think people hate doing zig zag. it feels oppressive i guess though he is weaker than average.
I personally don't hate/like him, but it is understandable that survivors want more like mind game.
it's not about his strength, but the thing is the feeling imo.
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Not fun to play as, not fun to play against.
On open maps has ez downs where survivors are helpless, on closed maps is as good as AFK killer.
Zero map pressure, unfairly weak in 1v4, unfairly strong in 1v1.
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Very OP. Trickster is equivalent to putting 5 in a room, but giving only one of them knives to throw. No counterplay, going down without any way to avoid it. Pallets, windows, nothing works.
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When I play as Trickster I can't down anyone. When I play against trickster, I go down almost instantly.
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Ranged Legion
Of course it would be annoying
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Do bones
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Personally, I just find him very unfun to play against because of his ability to completely negate chase with his range attack.
From day one, prior to his buffs, I've stood my ground by saying that he should have less knives, now that they lowered the requirement for a hit/down, they definitely need to remove a certain amount of knives that he has