Tell me dudes with arguments
I think that the Artist is not op but I kinda feel bad for Yun-Jin Lee because she might be her forgotten twin
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no, but looping will be harder because its another "anti loop" killer
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Haha nice ;)
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Doesnt look op, strongs ok but not op. Nurse is strong in the right hands but in the wrong hands not so much. Blights strong in the right hands but in the wrong hands not so much. Im sure this new killer will be the same, strong in the right hands weak in others.
Leave her to live and lets see. If she needs adjustments after a while she can be tweeked a little but dont gut her. Let her loose as is.
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We wont know till we get to use her for like a week.
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It's only been one day.
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Wait … did you just say : I don’t give an #########…
dude, just think about the survivor community … op killer are bad for dbd
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Well PTB is there for a reason of testing. If the killer proves to be excessively effective - it will be toned down to match normal expectations. But PTB is not over, so it's a bit early to make decisions.
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My guess is she’s on par with Doctor. They both are characters with very good long range detection abilities and very good zoning at loops. And they both have no special movement ability so have a weakness of when survivors are spread out or just run forward as much as possible in a chase. So I’m guessing as people put tier lists out you’ll see her in the same buckets as Doctor maybe,
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That’s a good idea but …. The doctor is only good for find survivor… nothing else .. bad kill and chase power … don’t compare the doc and this new killer … he look like more than a Freddy or huntress btw
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Doctor’s chase ability is actually quite good. It can easily trap even good survivors with their back to an effectively blocked vault or pallet. (And every now and then a survivor might fall for a fake pallet, but that’s just a side benefit.) Artist is a bit stronger in chase mainly because she can actually down or injure from across a god pallet, while Doctor might have to break those. But Doctor game at safe and unsafe pallets is otherwise very strong, and even at god pallets he can potentially keep them from being dropped.
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Yeah he can shock you before an pallet or a window but be fair with me … that’s not really effective
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Actually it’s not just shocking before the pallet. It’s also shocking as the survivor drops the pallet while Doctor runs around it. That way the survivor is stuck unable to vault back over it and the Doctor gets an easy hit. In some ways this is even more effective than shocking before they drop it depending on the scenario.
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No what's bad for DbD is gutting every Killer until a baby could loop them.....Survivors forgot that the Killer is the Power role they are ment to be powerful.
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So yea you mean gutted until she is unplayable.
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OP? No.
Do I see her getting some nerfs? Definitely.
Her recon ability, combined wither insanely strong anti loop ability is overbearing to say the least. She has very good map pressure with synergy use of her crows. She can absolutely shut down loops vs 99% of survivors.
I think her power recharge will get nerfed, as will her deployment speed of Dire Crows.
She is fun and easy to use, but not so much to face. The easy part is her downfall. The reworked Freddy issue. Low skill cap, huge reward. Learning how to use her crows is not hard at all. The synergy with aura perks is fantastic!
Her perks......meh. Scourge Hook is interesting, the totem one will be a waste. If the survivors knew where the perks were to begin with, they'll just go back and destroy the new one. Interesting concept, and I think something is there, but not in its current format. The other perk is a waste of a slot.
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If she needs to be 'gutted' just to be able to vs her, then yes, she needs to get 'gutted'. It's not a singleplayer game, there is another party present.
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??Question for those who are playing the PTB??
If a survivor walks through the crow do they take damage?
If yes, Do they go into dying state if their already injured and walk through the crow?
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Killers dont need to be gutted until they cant have a chance of winning. As you said this is not a single player game. I have seen many killers that survivors whined saying OP and those killers were A tier now are D tier. This game is the Survivors are the prey and the Killers are the Hunters. They are ment to be the big bad monsters that you would run from and hope to get away from.
Let's looks at the game Prop Night, the Killers in that are powerful with many abilities while the survivors are not only with a hide ability and the game is fun that way. I dont know how Survivors thought the game revolved around them and only them.
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First crow you get crows. Second crow with crows you get injured. Third crow with crows you get downed.
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Thanks amigo
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She looks strong but not OP.
First of all her ability is ranged and can be a pretty good anti-loop. This is powerful on its own and makes her quit good. Then she can "snipe" across the map and reveal survivors with her ability, something that is also very good but not to be confused with map presence. And finaly she is a 115% Killer which also makes her better.
However there are some downsides to her power: First above all her power is projectile based. The projectiles travle at 10m/s which allows them to be dodged. As an example: Huntess fires at 25ms/s with tapping and 40m/s maximum. Her crows remain for 10 seconds baseline and are restricted in their spawn by other crows, hatch, hooked survivors and exit gates.
Now over long distance survivors get marked. However you can remove that mark with an action (while running) or by enterin a locker (Quick and Quit). So survivors can remove that mark quit easy and then we are back to square 1. Also crows can be destroyed by Flashlights after 1 second (yay) and Flashgranates. And her projectiles are quit visible so when you run into them...well let us say you screwed up yourself.
So overall yes, she has some good aspects: Long distance snipes and mid distance projectiles.
However people are overestimating her anti-loop in my opinion and moreso they are overestimating her long range capability. However she is powerful and I am certain she should be an A on the tier list next to Pyramide Head.
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Does is matter?
Is Pinhead OP? Got nerfed anyway so don't matter.
When balancing a killer is primarily based of new players/Devs it's not going to go well most of time. Every killer looks strong against new players but it changes quickly.
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No, they are new.
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Shes definitly strong but nop OP in any way.
She clearly needs to set up the crows and know when to use them, manage the time they stay on play and use that to her advantage, she can down people from range, BUT given those are skill shots the only way those are going to be strong its in the hands of skilled people. Low rank killers will most likely spam the crows and waste them often. Her anti loop its great and im glad about that, survivors need to adapt to new tech and killers instead of always relying on looping killers all day long, if anything whe need more killers like this that shut down certain game styles to spice things up.
Her perks are interesting, altought i feel her hex needs to not be reliant on survivors and have instead a diferent mechanic, it would be a seriosly good anti boon hex if instead of broken totems it worked only on boon totems, but i highly doubt the devs will allow boons to have any meaningfull counterplay at least for now.
The scourge hook seems seriosly interesting, that one its definitly the perk im most interest in.
In general i like the new killer, she seems like a fun adition wich i hope isnt nerfed to the ground when she comes live, but in all honesty im not holding my breath about that
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Is OP the new toxic on this community?
Toxic ≠ BM , OP ≠ strong.
But to answer your question, yes she is very strong, no counterplays on loops and is almost always a guaranteed hit if you try looping so holding W will increase on the new update.
I bet that she will get nerfed soon after release like most killers do so worry not.
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No, she isn't. She's a worse Nurse. Is she strong? Hell yes, but not broken
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She seems like she could use a few nerfs, but I haven't played her yet... so I can't be 100% sure.
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In all honesty no. From the looks of it this killer is just Pyramid Head with extra steps.
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If they have crow on them they will take dmg and can go down but for that you need to already walk in her crow before. So imagine walking in a freddy pool and while your still slow you walk in another pool like that you eill lose a health state.
When you have crows on you you can remove them just like you can remove viktor from you exept when they are gone you dont stop to push them away.
If she release like that she will compete with spirit for the third spot in the tier list if she get nerf she probably going to die before she could even live. Im talking about her base kit i cant say for the addon i did not try them
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well, for me looks very very strong
you can play her the same way as freddy does with blood pools, but doing damage instead of giving speed penalty
if a survivor walk throw a giant crow suffers the same as being hit by flyning crows, that means, the artist can just put one on each side of the pallet and down you super easy
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I would say better than Pyramid Head honestly due to being able to damage through walls at a far greater distance and actually have some information gathering that is more effective.
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You cant call something in beta op as she is not even balanced yet
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I know it is early, but it really isn't too hard to get a good gist of her strength.
When looking at her base kit, it looks like she has a great foundation for her power and is definitely threatening in chases. She very clearly has power.
Her power can be used quite effectively in just about every tile, which make her consistent. But it is also hard to play her, giving her a high skill cap, especially when considering that she is a ranged killer as well.
Her power is also very good at pressuring and tracking survivors through the use of her power.
Overall, she looks like a very strong killer and doesn't seem to need any changes atm. She is amazing if I am being honest. Like seriously, this looks like a very good killer. Fun to play, has a high skill cap, is strong, and as a bonus she is aesthetically cool (her look and also music).
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She's alright.
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Shes the dbd sniper
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No, but being OP or not doesn't seem a requirement for mass nerfs. Just being too good at one thing, or too annoying is enough.
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Dude …. I just don’t want to see op killer … I’m an spirit hater …
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All killer are fine on good player … right ?
what about old Freddy ?
if the killer is unplayable … that’s impossible
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You can see where the Ravens are facing. So you know how to dodge them....yes she is a strong anti loop like Doc and Clown but the lack of travel ability will further increase the W mindset like you said especially with the new exhaustion perk