Why are you hiding the killer in the lobby?

I can tell I've played all of the 4vs1 (or 5+vs1) survival games and know what lobby looks like in them, but only in Dead by Daylight survivors are completely blind to the killer account before the match starts.
It's ok survivors don't see what killer has been chosen by the player. It's ok, the game hides killer's perks and add-ons until the end of the game, but to be honest for me it's completely useless, since you need only 1-2 minute from the start of the match to determine all of the perks killer is using if you're playing in a team.
But why did you decide to hide the killer account/nickname? It's not fair for others, the killer can fully examine you before the match (and leave the lobby without penalty of course), or be very toxic to you because in the previous match you've survived or played like a pro. For example, for the last few weeks I see half of the killers have VACs and ingame bans, and they fully deserve it since they were playing very toxic and suspected hacking during the match.
I'm not asking you why your Easy Anti-Cheat engine blind to private cheats everyone can obtain for a few bucks. I'm not asking you why your support is so slow to respond and your ingame reporting system looks like it's not working. I'm asking you why you are not letting us be a second shield against these players? If I see a player with a fresh account, 30 hours of DbD and 100% of achievements I don't want to play with him. If I see a player with a VAC/ingame ban I don't want to play with him. If I see a player with a good Steam account and 2000 hours of DbD I want to play with him since it's a true challenge.
I think the problem with seeing the killer's username is that streamers would be sniped on which killer they are playing, but imo they should at least let we see the ping.
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That is not a problem if streamer oftenly changes his nickname and does not post his twitch info into Steam profile (like Ochido and other pro players do). If you want to show all of your info to everyone it is your problem, not everyone's else. And on the other hand if the survivor is also a streamer then the killer can also watch his stream and find him. So?
To be fair enough - do not show the nicknames of survivors and their profiles to the killer, why not, what is wrong with that? Killer wouldn't be able to see what kind of needed information?
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Imagine knowing a killer and then selecting the optimal perks against him.
Calm Spirit against a Doctor for example.
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Did you even read the post? I'm talking about nickname and profile visibility, not knowing what killer you are playing for.
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The problem with what you are suggesting is that by seeing the Killers profile you can work out a lot about the player in advance. For example from a Steam profile with their achievements you can usually work out which killer they're the most likely to play and change your build accordingly.
It used to be that you can see the Killers profile a long time ago (on Steam), and this led to players being effectively "blacklisted" because they were known for being a fantastic Nurse player for example, so they were dodged. That led to a lot of queue hopping, which affects matchmaking as well as players waiting an extraordinary long time for a match, just because they chose to play a character or that they were good at that character. So it was removed for very good reasons.
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Unless you're already a big streamer, hiding your info like that will just stop you from growing. I'm talking about small/average streamers, those who still need to put "TTV" on their nicknames.
Seeing the killer is way more problematic than seeing the survivor because you can adapt your build to a killer. Imagine you see a streamer playing Ghostface and all of sudden everyone on your team equips Spine Chill and uses a Coldwind offering.
But honestly, yeah, everybody should have their nicknames hidden in the lobby screen.
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I've read the title only because I'm not interested in any argument defending the thing I've said. The title of the post should be "Why are you hiding the killer player in the lobby?" and it would be less confusing I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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First of all, thank you for your answer. But look at this problem by the other side. Now survivors became blocklisted by the killers. Is it more fair than the situation you described? I often wait a very long time in the lobby since I see a lot of killers just leave the lobby after half a minute of joining it (it's the same time you need to check all 4 survivor profiles and their friends list).
Half of the solution is to hide your buddy list or even completely hide your profile. But the next half is up to you, you need to hide survivors' nicknames/profiles from the killer. Another solution is to change your nickname and picture profile every day or even after every match, but I don't want to do this only for having good gameplay in one game.
And BTW what is your official answer why we are still playing with players having VAC/ingame bans and why support in such cases is so slow to respond?
If they want to become more popular by putting TTV in their nicknames, why should this be everyone else's problem?
I have been in situations when one of my teammates is dead, and he already can see the killer nickname and even find his Twitch stream to help his team. So hiding the killer's nickname only during the start of the match is a partial solution. But what can you say about how a killer can adapt his build to survivors? If he sees Flashlight in the lobby he choses Lightborn perk, if he sees Key or 4 Toolboxes he selects Franklin's Death etc. I'm actually not talking about perks adoption, but more about toxicity, hackers and poor support. Because I was in a situation where we played against a 100% hacker killer, everyone reported him, I added him to the Steam blocklist and after 2 months we were playing again against him, why? This question is not for you of course, it's for developers.
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so like how the killer can see items and put on franklins
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and how survs can assign their items at the last second
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Then why the same argument is not made for killers being able to see survivors profiles? Killers lobby dodge too based on the info they can find on survivors profiles or change their build or killer according to that.
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What other 4v1 games could you see who the 1 picked? Only other 4v1 i played was evolve and you couldnt see who the monster picked. For the same reason as dbd. If you knew who the killer was at the lobby screen you would bring perks to counter that killer.
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Not who they picked, who the player is. As in it'll show you that you're facing someone called XxKittenSlayer69xX but not which character they're playing.
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Oh okay. But like others have said if its a popular streamer or if you could view their achievements, you could get an idea of who they'll pick.
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Personally I'm for it because there's one specific player in EU servers I'd do anything to never face again, but I get the issues raised with it. And honestly I'd really like if if you couldn't see the opposing teams' names at all until you're in the game. Just their character, cosmetics, and items.
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That’s a double standard. Killers can equally dodge “good survivors” because they recognize the names.
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U can easily abuse and BM killer player just by checking his profile. U can't do same with survivor cause it's 4v1 game. If u worry some killers dodge lobby, it's most probably they see swf and avoid it. Currently it's much better that if u were able to see killer name/profile.
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Another reason is that Killers cant switch out Killers like survivors can so they are locked with who they decide to play as. If you knew lers say a streamer named XBoy2314 was know to play Doc mostly and you knew he was who you were facing you would switch out your Perks that would counter him and his playstyle. Killers can see survivors and their items because survivors are THE PREY and the killers are THE HUNTERS.
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Why can they see survivor names then? The same issues happens on both sides. I, and people I know have been unfairly targeted and for example face camped, slapped on hook since the killer recognized us from a previous game, I’ve had this happen for simply escaping a player previously. Unlike PC, console players cannot freely change their username without a cost so that isn’t a sustainable option.
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Ok, we figured out why we are not seeing the killers profiles, now we want to know why survivors can't hide their profiles from the killer to stop the same abuse coming from the killer.
Interesting point of view. So the killer is a detective because he can see all information about survivors - their add-ons in the lobby, their team in friendlist, their playhours in a profile etc. But survivors can hide their profiles and change nicknames frequently, so the only thing the killer can know for sure about survivors became their add-ons. Shouldn't it be a base game behaviour to hide survivors' profiles and nicknames from the killer if they already can do the same thing but with a hard way?
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that's not even comparable.
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Honestly I’d be perfectly fine with all useful information being hidden prior the match starting. Killers know nothing about survivors, survivors know nothing about killers. Even hide all the offerings. Let it all come out during the match.
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thing is if I see 2 or more flashlights I gotta know this so I can slap on lightborn. I mean this is a 1v4 match we're talking about.
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twitch shirts could help, but I would never wear it cause you know how the matches could be for me lol.
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I even dreamed about some special game mode where everyone starts a match with absolutely random characters, perks and add-ons, this will be the true challenge!
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I made a post similar to the tune of what people are replying with here. The post was titled "something you would change in DBD" and my suggestion was to remove the ability for the killer to see the usernames of people in the lobby and game, having usernames replaced with character names like Feng Min or Jake Park 1 & 2 until the end game screen.
I have lost count of how many times I got to the end game screen and recognized the killer from a previous game. Its been well over hundreds of times as I have substantial playtime.
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Because it's halfway towards the way it should be, no names should be visible before a match starts.
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I didn’t realize people worry about flashlights enough to bother swapping something else out for Lightborn, but whatever. 🤷♂️
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On a tangent, not a new game mode but I’d love to have a random select button in the character selection screen. Go to killer, hit random select, and hit Ready. Done.
Seems like a pretty obvious option on a character select screen for a game like this, I have no idea why it’s not in DbD. 🤷♂️
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Lol I'm not getting blinded 50 million times.
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Lol, I guess? 🙂 As long as the blinds aren’t saves I never really cared if they just blind me at a pallet.
To be fair, sometimes for fun I run the “I Dare You To Blind Me” loadout: Lightborn, Endurance, Brutal Strength, Fire Up. It’s a total meme but if someone pallet stuns you, and tries to flashlight blind you after, it’s basically a free hit.
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took me a minute to figure out what endurance was, but yeah it's the Billy perk enduring. Lol fun build!
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VAC bans mean nothing if that person was banned ages ago, still see no point to letting survivors see the killers name.
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oh, you mean the killer's name, i would love to see the killer's name just to avoid a boring facecamping lobby
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lol then everyone would dodge nurse/spirit/blight, i do wish that they would hide the survivors' items though...
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Why was it only the killer taken into account when it came to this decision?
Since you know, killers lobby hop as well. Just curious.
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As the 1 vs the 4 the killer is suppose to see everything and prepare the best they can lol. Not the other way around.
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Using this logic, why do killers have access to survivor profiles prior to the match start? If it should be blocked one way, it should also be blocked the other.
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The killer is allowed to see all of these things to give the killer an advantage never have I heard about killers " Blocklisting " someone don't know where that came from and on top of that it's very rare that you'll run into the same player multiple games in a row for this to be an issue considering crossplay exist the chances of you getting the same player back to back is extremely low.
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Lucky you, I was in such a situation too many times. And even worse - during last week I almost everyday played a few rows with the same killers/survivors or even the killer that camped me previously became a survivor and he continues to ruin my game. It looks strange for a game with 55k median online.
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My dream in this game is : The killer no be able to see the name of the survivors, because is really stupid the killer can see who his is playing against but the survivors doens't
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Well, killer's gameplay is in such a bad state, it wouldn't change anything at the end.
Prepared or not, killers are running against 4 survivors using DH/Lithe/BT/CoH/IW with items + add-ons and by the time they get 3 to 5 hooks, the doors are at 99%...
If the killer gameplay and QoL were really a concern, the game wouldn't be like this. Everyone is complaining about it, even the most neutral FW and still they are not listened to...
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As killer player only ive been trolled bad so i keep a list of names. If i see them i leave lobby. Yes i agree, you should see killers name so you can do the same. Absolutely. But hiding the killer character might help build the atmosphere so it gives you a fright at first sight. Good luck out there. Hope they at least change it so you see names
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This is such a dumb question. If survivors knew who the killer is or the person playing the killer then all they have to do is meta game for that killer. As a killer we cannot change who we are playing once we have qued. Survivors should not be able to meta game around who the killer is.
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Lol, my bad on the typo. 😄
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Almost nobody do that, how many Franklins you face in a day?
Also the killer is a single person against four, he deserves a little advantage before starting, at least the killer can't be changed in a lobby like before and you are comparing countering a power in which a killer relies with usable items.
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Just go to "recent players" and you see the who plays the killer after around 10 seconds in lobby, on Xbox. If you play on PC then upgrade 😀