Stop with the swf balance posts

BBQ and chili got nerfed with all the complaints with the locker buff and Distortion so....
What's the harm in asking for balance changes. Some people have good ideas mixed in to all the super unbalanced ones. Better than the hundreds of "ban campers" posts.9 -
RuneStarr said:BBQ and chili got nerfed with all the complaints with the locker buff and Distortion so....
What's the harm in asking for balance changes. Some people have good ideas mixed in to all the super unbalanced ones. Better than the hundreds of "ban campers" posts.0 -
Let em post , I love reading all the stupid ######### people come up with xD
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BigBubs said:
Let em post , I love reading all the stupid ######### people come up with xD
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It's a public forum people can post what they like. Just like you can make this silly post.
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Might_Oakk said:
It's a public forum people can post what they like. Just like you can make this silly post.
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Nah, we shouldn't have to put up with SWF so frequently.
Especially the sweaty tryhards, smurfs, and people looking to abuse the matchmaking.
Doesn't help matters that SWFs get easier games by default thanks to communication and coordination .4 -
Rebel_Raven said:Nah, we shouldn't have to put up with SWF so frequently.
Especially the sweaty tryhards, smurfs, and people looking to abuse the matchmaking.
Doesn't help matters that SWFs get easier games by default thanks to communication and coordination .5 -
Ramxenoc445 said:Rebel_Raven said:Nah, we shouldn't have to put up with SWF so frequently.
Especially the sweaty tryhards, smurfs, and people looking to abuse the matchmaking.
Doesn't help matters that SWFs get easier games by default thanks to communication and coordination .
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I am salty about the BBQ Nerfs but the Devs are too scared to change DS and Hatch like they planned.
Because survivor babies would review bomb the game.
Hey Survivor of the best Killer Perks is getting you see us spamming review bombs on the game?
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They will never stop crying about it, sorry. Just learn to laugh at it like I have. The best part is it's the same people whining about it at every possible opportunity and guess what? They're still playing the game and spending 24/7 on the forum. 4 player try hard SWF is SO COMMON and it makes playing killer SO AWFUL but here they are.. day in, day out. Apparently hating every second of their time here. 🤣4
brokedownpalace said:They will never stop crying about it, sorry. Just learn to laugh at it like I have. The best part is it's the same people whining about it at every possible opportunity and guess what? They're still playing the game and spending 24/7 on the forum. 4 player try hard SWF is SO COMMON and it makes playing killer SO AWFUL but here they are.. day in, day out. Apparently hating every second of their time here. 🤣6
@Ramxenoc445 said:
BigBubs said:Let em post , I love reading all the stupid ######### people come up with xD
Like the one today talking about half blood points?
Yes that one made my day.
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@Vortexas said:
I am salty about the BBQ Nerfs but the Devs are too scared to change DS and Hatch like they planned.Because survivor babies would review bomb the game.
Hey Survivor of the best Killer Perks is getting you see us spamming review bombs on the game?
Firstly, I main survivor and I didn't agree with the locker change or distortion, secondly feels bad with the review bombs,. Thirdly, they will change DS everyone knows it's cancer, and the hatch was probably held back (I still hope it gets changed) because @Monto might have helped keep it the same when he made a video where he closed it on someones face lol that was funny af.
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People can post what they like even if you don't agree with it. You don't have to read it.
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the only thing that i can see balance for swf its 2 things
1.-make solo survivors have kindred and bond as kit (devs already said that could be in the game but i dont know when)
2.- give more BP for killers and thats it1 -
this sounds like a post about balancing swf
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@Ramxenoc445 said:
It's never going to happen. If you haven't been paying attention the new matchmaking settings are going to match make survivors together first then bring them to you as a killer. So until gameplay starts and even when it does you won't truly know if they are swf anyway. So stop with this your complaints have gone ignored just like survivor complaints of wanting BBQ and chili removed or other stupid forms of feedback like that.Out of curiosity, how long do you think people are still going to play killer when each match they enter is a SWF squad? It's a sincere question. I give it two weeks before it becomes so common and over the top in trolling people stop bothering.
If people complain about it and it is overwhelmingly broken do you think people are going to just continue to click play as opposed to playing something else?
It is very easy to tell a SWF from a non SWF by their performance and often gear. Two toolboxes, a flashlight and a medkit is a SWF. There are other variations such as keys and maps but it's a good start in assumption.
When SWF is no longer able to be dodged people will just dodge the game entirely. They will not endure it just because Mathieu wants to appease the larger portion of the player base. Anyone can tolerate a game or two sporadically, but having it become the normal is simply not going to work.
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@Tru3Lemon said:
the only thing that i can see balance for swf its 2 things1.-make solo survivors have kindred and bond as kit (devs already said that could be in the game but i dont know when)
2.- give more BP for killers and thats itGiving killers more BP is not a balancing aspect. It's simply a reward for playing in a unfair environment and tolerating the BS that comes with it. It is no different than offering killers double BP to have a 100% loss rate. Once someone no longer needs BP, then what? If BP were all that matters the only perks killers would run would be Thrill of the Hunt, Distressing, Beast of Prey and Barbeque and Chili.
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@Tucking_Friggered said:
@Tru3Lemon said:
the only thing that i can see balance for swf its 2 things1.-make solo survivors have kindred and bond as kit (devs already said that could be in the game but i dont know when)
2.- give more BP for killers and thats itGiving killers more BP is not a balancing aspect. It's simply a reward for playing in a unfair environment and tolerating the BS that comes with it. It is no different than offering killers double BP to have a 100% loss rate. Once someone no longer needs BP, then what? If BP were all that matters the only perks killers would run would be Thrill of the Hunt, Distressing, Beast of Prey and Barbeque and Chili.
make it that it shouldnt stack with it but i want to hear youre idea cuz if its buffing speed or something similar then no those are my idea killers get reward for PLAYING against swf since ppl still complain swf saying that "its just unfair playing against swf" or "swf should be removed" something similar its just stupid but those are my idea
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@brokedownpalace said:
They will never stop crying about it, sorry. Just learn to laugh at it like I have. The best part is it's the same people whining about it at every possible opportunity and guess what? They're still playing the game and spending 24/7 on the forum. 4 player try hard SWF is SO COMMON and it makes playing killer SO AWFUL but here they are.. day in, day out. Apparently hating every second of their time here. 🤣Just afk on those games, let them play gen simulator xD
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I want us to balance SWF posts. Right now it seems the anti SWF posts are OP and not fair and balanced for the pro SWF. We also need some solo posts as well. What we really need is a puppy. Every one loves a puppy.
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Tucking_Friggered said:
@Tru3Lemon said:
the only thing that i can see balance for swf its 2 things1.-make solo survivors have kindred and bond as kit (devs already said that could be in the game but i dont know when)
2.- give more BP for killers and thats itGiving killers more BP is not a balancing aspect. It's simply a reward for playing in a unfair environment and tolerating the BS that comes with it. It is no different than offering killers double BP to have a 100% loss rate. Once someone no longer needs BP, then what? If BP were all that matters the only perks killers would run would be Thrill of the Hunt, Distressing, Beast of Prey and Barbeque and Chili.
I'm reminded of the Roast of Flavor Flav.
After the roast, a friend walked up to Flav and said "dude, how could you just sit there and take all they said about you?"
Flav replied "Because I'm getting paid to."
And i usually do run Toth, Distressing, and Beast of Prey on my huntress for the BP. I refuse to buy leatherface because I probably won't ever use him, and I probably will hate it when his ritual pops up.
I have enough low level killers for that.
I will say, however that I would prefer killers being balanced with SWFs. How the hell they would do it without catching solos in the crossfire, I do not know, though.
So since balancing killers vs SWF seems unlikely I'd rather have compensation for putting up with SWF until balance does happen.0 -
@Ramxenoc445 said:
It's never going to happen. If you haven't been paying attention the new matchmaking settings are going to match make survivors together first then bring them to you as a killer. So until gameplay starts and even when it does you won't truly know if they are swf anyway. So stop with this your complaints have gone ignored just like survivor complaints of wanting BBQ and chili removed or other stupid forms of feedback like that.Fine, I will keep spamming until sth happens
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@Tru3Lemon said:
@Tucking_Friggered said:
@Tru3Lemon said:
the only thing that i can see balance for swf its 2 things1.-make solo survivors have kindred and bond as kit (devs already said that could be in the game but i dont know when)
2.- give more BP for killers and thats itGiving killers more BP is not a balancing aspect. It's simply a reward for playing in a unfair environment and tolerating the BS that comes with it. It is no different than offering killers double BP to have a 100% loss rate. Once someone no longer needs BP, then what? If BP were all that matters the only perks killers would run would be Thrill of the Hunt, Distressing, Beast of Prey and Barbeque and Chili.
make it that it shouldnt stack with it but i want to hear youre idea cuz if its buffing speed or something similar then no those are my idea killers get reward for PLAYING against swf since ppl still complain swf saying that "its just unfair playing against swf" or "swf should be removed" something similar its just stupid but those are my idea
-1 perk for every member in the group, or plus 1 perk for every member in the group for the killer. That would allow the killer to be a real nightmare against a 4 man VOIP squad or significantly weaken the group. So with a 4 man squad the killer either has 7 perks or the group 1 perk each. 2x2 man groups would each have 3 perks a piece with the killer at 6. This is an issue in a 3 man SWF & 1 solo queue but then they should do away with 3 man groups and leave it 2s and 4s simply to avoid queues where they are trying to fill a lobby in need of a single solo survivor. Consider a 4 man VOIP squad has 16 perks and up to the minute status updates on the killer. A small change is not going to fix that.
Another idea is that 1 additional generator must be completed per additional group member. A 4 man SWF group would need 8 gens done. This requires map adjustments and significantly increases the time of the game.
They could remove SWF from ranked but allow a casual mode that allows BP gain. Frankly this is the best idea as it is not fair for a solo survivor to compete for rank against a group. I see so many survivors smack talking about rank on the forums when almost all of them use VOIP groups to do so while telling solo survivors they suck if they aren't rank 1. Very few survivors are true rank 1 soloist.
It's also not fair to a killer to compete for rank 1 against a killer that dodges SWFs. One is going to have a more difficult time.
There is no easy fix unfortunately. Bribing killers is simply not going to work in the long term as they try to compel people to participate in a losing proposition. I have no doubt they believe they are going to inflict this on the killer community consequence free, but they will learn. A scientific study has shown most humans playing games want a 80% success rate. If SWF becomes the normal and unavoidable competition that success rate will likely drop to about 20% for killers. People will quit.
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If the game is meant to have Voice comms, then they would be integrated.
They are not. Ergo, they are not.
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It really wasn't meant to have voice comms. Hell, i argue it was not meant to have swf in the main mode.
The idea behind the game was an antisocial experience between survivors. 4 randos.
Not be a team.
Things do change, though. Obviously.0 -
Rebel_Raven said:It really wasn't meant to have voice comms. Hell, i argue it was not meant to have swf in the main mode.
The idea behind the game was an antisocial experience between survivors. 4 randos.
Not be a team.
Things do change, though. Obviously.0 -
Master said:
@Ramxenoc445 said:
It's never going to happen. If you haven't been paying attention the new matchmaking settings are going to match make survivors together first then bring them to you as a killer. So until gameplay starts and even when it does you won't truly know if they are swf anyway. So stop with this your complaints have gone ignored just like survivor complaints of wanting BBQ and chili removed or other stupid forms of feedback like that.Fine, I will keep spamming until sth happens
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Tucking_Friggered said:
@Ramxenoc445 said:
It's never going to happen. If you haven't been paying attention the new matchmaking settings are going to match make survivors together first then bring them to you as a killer. So until gameplay starts and even when it does you won't truly know if they are swf anyway. So stop with this your complaints have gone ignored just like survivor complaints of wanting BBQ and chili removed or other stupid forms of feedback like that.Out of curiosity, how long do you think people are still going to play killer when each match they enter is a SWF squad? It's a sincere question. I give it two weeks before it becomes so common and over the top in trolling people stop bothering.
If people complain about it and it is overwhelmingly broken do you think people are going to just continue to click play as opposed to playing something else?
It is very easy to tell a SWF from a non SWF by their performance and often gear. Two toolboxes, a flashlight and a medkit is a SWF. There are other variations such as keys and maps but it's a good start in assumption.
When SWF is no longer able to be dodged people will just dodge the game entirely. They will not endure it just because Mathieu wants to appease the larger portion of the player base. Anyone can tolerate a game or two sporadically, but having it become the normal is simply not going to work.
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Ramxenoc445 said:Rebel_Raven said:It really wasn't meant to have voice comms. Hell, i argue it was not meant to have swf in the main mode.
The idea behind the game was an antisocial experience between survivors. 4 randos.
Not be a team.
Things do change, though. Obviously.
Mathieu: It is an asymmetrical multiplayer game where you can live in the world of these 70s and 80s horror movies. It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. Whereas the people playing as the killer, they just need to straight up murder everyone.
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I love forum threads like these because I know that the person making these threads is secretly VERY triggered and probably just got off a sweaty swf game where they got 4k'd by a Leatherface or something "low tier".
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@Attackfrog said:
I love forum threads like these because I know that the person making these threads is secretly VERY triggered and probably just got off a sweaty swf game where they got 4k'd by a Leatherface or something "low tier".There's an even better possible reason, they get tired of seeing the same whiny rant threads by the same vocal minority day in and day out from both sides. I know logic isn't very favorable to the heavily biased posters on either side but it can be useful.
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SWF v killer is significantly harder than 4 ransoms v killer. Absolutely no one can disagree with that. The game knows who the swf teams are, so maybe the harder game can come with bonuses for the killer at the end? Chances of victory are that tough (when you consider that it's 1 brain v 4 brains communicating and setting traps, distractions) so any bonus bloodpoints should help compensate the killers effort0
@powerbats said:
@Attackfrog said:
I love forum threads like these because I know that the person making these threads is secretly VERY triggered and probably just got off a sweaty swf game where they got 4k'd by a Leatherface or something "low tier".There's an even better possible reason, they get tired of seeing the same whiny rant threads by the same vocal minority day in and day out from both sides. I know logic isn't very favorable to the heavily biased posters on either side but it can be useful.
By that "logic": some people still enjoy reading rant threads regarding rant threads posted by someone who is clearly posting because they got beat in game and come the forums all hot n sweaty.