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These Boon squads are making me lose my mind



  • Member Posts: 53

    So you are asking to make boon totems one time use whilst keeping the current snuff time? You don’t see how that’s an issue? What if killer hexes could be snuffed out instantly? That is not how balance works..

    Time off boons are time off objectives, no matter how you try to spin it. It’s not a survivor’s fault that you chose not to snuff a boon and let them capitalize on it. Killers complained when survivors just held M1 on gens, so the devs added more objectives.

    That survivor you are chasing is not gonna have enough time to heal even with a boon whilst in a chase with you. Sure, it affects hit and run methods where you just hit multiple survivors and leave them all injured. Metas are always changing, so maybe your playstyle should too?

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2021

    It's y'all's own ridiculous rules y'all make for yourself that drive you to this state of mind. Tunnel. Camp if you must. Keep trying to play "fair" while the other side don't give a damn about being fair or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    I literally have a post talking about how people would team her perks so. I said what i said and nobody listened

  • Member Posts: 747

    The thing is though totems are a second objective no matter what survivor mains say. But blessing isn't an objective. But you never said how boons are fair you jsut keep saying I'm wrong lol. Even though 95% of survivors and killers say boons are busted. Just like undying was a problem perk and I'm sure you thought undying was a broken perk in the past lol. But you use 14 seconds for a perk that will heal you 100% taking off time healing and self caring. Its actually faster to self care using the totem than using the actual perk. Do you not see a problem? Or are you just pretending not too? Cleasing and blessing a totem is 2 different things. Blessing a boon totem is a no risk high reward and its unlimited. The thing is with iron will is very meta so losing a survivor is not hard. Ive escaped multiple chases to heal at the boon totem. But if the killer destroys it guess what ima find a totem. So tell me since you're hard defending boons tell me why you think its balanced besides saying my way of thinking is wrong and so is my playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 166

    Boon perks should just get permanently disabled for the rest of the game when the killer snuffs the totem, much like how survivors can do to Hex perks by cleansing/blessing.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    To be fair, that's basically the meta now. Kill someone ASAP, or you'll struggle.

    A few counters to boons:

    • Play a killer with insta-down capability.
    • Plaything+Retribution
    • NOED+NWO
    • Devour Hope+Undying
    • Starstruck+x carry perks

    None of them are entirely reliable, and you'll need to basically run it every game if you want to play any sort of attrition based killer.

    Boons honestly need adjusting. They need cooldowns after being snuffed, the effect should not persist through floors (playing against a boon squad on The Game is a special sort of hell) and they need to be easier for the killer to locate.

  • Member Posts: 53

    95% of survivors and killers… source?

    Boons are fair to me because it prevents me from touching gens or unhooking my teammates while i have to spend time looking for a totem, blessing the totem and then healing. All of that takes time, time off objectives. Time the killer could capitalize on. And if it gets snuffed, i will have to go bless it again, or either not heal/spend more time finding my teammates to heal up if injured. AKA more time off objectives.

    You seem to think only killers spend extra time on snuffing, but don’t take into account how survivors also have to go through a series of time consuming notions to get a boon up.

    As for why i commented on maybe changing your play style? A survivor in chase can not reliably heal up even with a boon. A bad killer is not gonna end a chase any faster pre-boon implementation and neither will they post-boon. It’s irrelevant.

    Will it prolong their chase with IW and DH? sure. But that survivor is sacrificing perk slots to get that added benefit. That to me, is fair.

    If your concern is you not being able to capitalize on keeping more survivors injured for snowballing because of boons. That in itself is a play style and strategy. Consider changing it, or don’t.

  • Member Posts: 277
    edited November 2021

    I feel like the next chapters will be all about boons , so it's better to Just get along with It.

    Even though I think Boons will work with stack or time features.

    I Just can feel it like CoH will be like 2/3/4 heals, between all survivors per totem blessed and then you need to bless it again. And to balance for survs they just will add more radius for totens.

  • Member Posts: 566

    lol like having un-snuffable boons on multi-level maps aren't enough.

  • Member Posts: 566

    and that once again results in extreme tunneling and face camping, if you are so insistent towards forcing all killers to adhere to that certain playstyle, then i would like you to meet my good ol' friend "Basement Bubba".

  • Member Posts: 149

    Imagine how it will be with the new hold W perk that will take them to the opposite side of the map. Can't really chase that TBH. Run to opposite side of the map, heal up in a few seconds, walk around a bit, when the killer finally catches up and finds you, just do it over again. Engaging gameplay!

  • Member Posts: 566

    and that once again results in extreme tunneling and face camping. if you are so insistent towards forcing all killer towards that certain playstyle then i would like you to meet my good ol' friend "Basement Bubba".

    also you forgot the amount of time that Killers risk chasing each individual survivor away from gens just to lose all that to a single boon totem. worst case scenario you're playing an m1 killer that capitalizes on survivor's injury ie. Legion, Hag, Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    I’ve had more problems with boon totems on the survivor side. My teammates just endlessly bless totems, very costly.

  • Member Posts: 601

    It's not really costly because you have time to spare as a survivor, and you simply do not as a killer. If your team is incompetent, then sure, but that's not related to boon totems, it's just a low MMR problem. Your goal as a killer is to apply pressure, and hitting multiple survivors should do it, but a survivor spending 24 seconds to bless a totem and the others running to it to heal, while that is gen time not done, it's also pressure taken away from the killer because it doesn't waste enough time. Having survivors be injured is very, very important.

  • Member Posts: 329

    It takes you two seconds to snuff out a totem, while survivors waste 15/25. Just do bones and use the time they wasted on them,nothing hard about that.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Stupidity doesn't excuse their power when used correctly.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    And I don’t see this new anti slug perk getting used a lot. I already don’t see UB often.

  • Member Posts: 566

    it would have been fine if it weren't for the 100% boost towards healing, by the time you find that boon, it would have given survivors enough time to heal the whole team and they'll do it over and over and over and over again. worst thing is there can be 4 of those on the same map. SWF are having a field day at it.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    When you blatantly ignore everything outside of pure time vs time it looks bad. When you join reality then you see how costly boons are for the killer to snuff.

    Not much point arguing with someone already set in this mindset so all i can say is get to high mmr as killer (if that is even possible for you) and you will see how bad it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    When killer can permanently destroy totems like survivors can, then its a valid argument

  • Member Posts: 257

    being serious not gonna help here most time

    there always says "killers" not killer or killer player, it meant they didn't played killer enough already and just exist here to mock salted people

    even if you using calculrated numbers and they all using "in my perspective" tactic it might handy.. just give up

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    No Thrill isn't good for makes them take longer to bless....not really a issue when there are 4 survivors to 1 Killer a d they can just bless over the hex anyway making it even more useless than it is now

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    It's really depressing they nerfed wraith to force more hit and runs/stealth attacks and yet at the same time kill that playstyle.


  • Member Posts: 915

    I'm using it regularly on my survivors and it's the strongest perk survivors got for a while. Especially when i play with friends, but even solo it's very good because everyone can hear the blessing and see the totem. You don't need med-kits and can bring toolboxes or something else instead. You don't need any other perk for healing or finding mates (i was using self care and botany together sometimes when i didn't had a med kit and was solo - i'm wasting much less time now). The time it gives you back especially if you heal each other in its radius is immense, mainly because killers rarely cleanse it. The sound radius is not that big and most killers haven't adapted yet, they only cleanse when you lead them to the totem. Going out of your way to find a totem as killer because they heal up super fast every time is big for the survivors.

    They really need to nerf this perk. Give it some bigger sound radius, make the effect a little bit weaker. At least give us a counterperk (the Dbd way of nerfing things) to see those totems. Don't get me wrong, i hope they don't destroy it, i'm glad i've got something new to shake up my survivor builds, but the fact i escaped MUCH MORE while killer has become obnoxious in the last weeks speaks volumes for me. It's not the only reason, the others being SBMM and hit validation.

  • Member Posts: 189

    Thrill is dead considering there’s about 5 other hex perks that do it’s job 10x better

  • Member Posts: 718

    Wait until you guys see this perk called OVERCOME. LOL.

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