Slugging for the 4K Bleed Out Question

Is this intended by the dev's?


  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2021

    OK it's my favorite playstyle. I hope it's never removed :) I think it is the ULTIMATE WIN.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    What do you mean?

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    You mean you haven't slowly followed the last crawling survivor right up until they are at bleed out point, or near the hatch, only to scoop them up for a hooking

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited November 2021

    Realistically never happening in an even skill match. If you get 4 man slugged that means y'all are either at an MMR you shouldn't be at or you just really made a lot of mistakes to get to that point.

    That said is it kinda toxic? Yeah I'd say so if he's refusing to hook. This scenario happens basically never though.

    If he slugs you all and then starts to hook that's totally acceptable and not toxic at all.

    4 man bleed out isn't against the rules though for your question and is intended.

  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    I don't get why people are so salty when I use my Pig slug build. Knockout + Hex: Third Seal + Deerstalker + Ruin with funny mask addon.

    It's a legit strategy bros, just crawl around idk

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If they annoy me, I annoy them. Simple as that. They practically beg for it.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I do not like it. It is perfectly fine and allowed thou.

    Had a Blight yesterday who did that. My only issue was that I had a "get safe unhooks"-quest and he blocked that. Also it takes so long to get all players on the hook that some (me in that example) bleed out which is just kinda boring.

    Not my cup of tea but okay.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    I don’t know why some people need to feel powerful in a video game.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    Yes, it counts as a kill and does give you mmr.

    It is much easier than getting 12 hooks and more flexible than facecamping.

    If you want to consider making it your main playstyle and increase your skill the best Killers to slug for 4k bleed outs are: Pig, Freddy, Doctor, Plague, Cenobite.

    Pig with Face Mask and Knock Out is a good starting point.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    If they are nothing in a real life, they need to be something at least in the game. That's how they compensating, you know.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Everyone has a need to be powerful, dominating at something, somewhere.

    When one cant be powerful in life, they need to do it online.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    Have the devs confirmed that bleedouts count for MMR? I asked them and they ignored the question. I know of at least one player who pretty much 4K bleedouts every game and is staying at low MMR. You don't get sacrifice points and it doesn't give you an emblem, so it makes sense that that do not count for MMR.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Some people just need to die. And sometimes even the survivors will thank you for it.

    In these scenarios I try to give the sluggee the hatch

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited November 2021

    I slug for the 4k most of the time to flush out the 4th survivor who is hiding so I can let the one NOT hiding escape. Cost me a few extra minutes sometimes but I get more points and my MMR don't climb as much as it would have (I let them walk out gate not hatch). If a survivor ends up bleeding out it was because they crawled to some corner to hide.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I don't even like to slug for the 4k because it can be boring. if the survivor get hatch it's whatever I still got my 3k.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Naw I don't like the hiding survivors (Not working gens, healing, etc) waiting for hatch to escape. I like to pick the one who survives the trial based off their game play and character used. Idk just a way have some extra fun with the game these days. If there is a Nancy no matter what I won't kill her but if no Nancy....Zarina, Elodie, Jane, Kate all I aim to free from the entity...well for a moment anyway.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Just yesterday I needed to hurry up and finish the game (Dinner ready) last 2 survivors both on death hook and I hooked the Kate to end it quickly.....Mikaela wanted to do a flashlight show at the hatch till the timer went out....So my way is better.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    It sucks, I can imagine. But no more than a group of survivors refusing to end and playing endless hide-and-seek on 1gen. I've also literally never seen it in the wild outside of situations where someone has been BMing the killer (in these cases, I'll usually proxy camp the offender out but I won't punish the whole team).

    It also sometimes (see: usually) happens by complete mistake. I'll down someone, down someone else, down a third person and hook them.

    By then survivors #1 and #2 have crawled off over the horizon (or into one of the spots where you can't pick them up) and you can't find them/hook them.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    The bleed out was intended to deny hostage situations. I typically let Survivors bleed out if they been toxic all game. I still remember clearly from a 1-2 years ago where I had 1 match against a 4-man SWF that all rocked perks and items specifically designed to deny hooking (Purple Sabo Toolboxes, Unbreakable, Flip-Flop, Tenacity, Buckle Up [this was clearly before Power Struggle which would've made things more miserable]). Their playstyle was probably funny to them, but it was scummy and toxic to me. And I gave up trying to hook them, so I slugged them all and let them bleed out on the floor.

    It was the most satisfying comeback I'll ever have and it's something I never want to deal with again.

  • Whiffycow
    Whiffycow Member Posts: 38

    Hahahahaha. Bravo, you gotta be baiting. Regarless, it's a legit play style... though pretty boring and reduces the points the killer would get from sacrificing on hook.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited November 2021

    Oh, I'm not challenging this. I'm all for payback and I'll throw the entire trial to facecamp someone who went out of their way to be a dick to me. You get what you give.

    But often I see this kind of slugging/hope-spot-just-to-throw-it-in-their-face for no discernible reason, just for the fun of power-tripping, and that's when it pisses me off or just baffles me.

    Edit, should add in that 'annoy me' has to extend beyond just playing really effectively or robbing me of a kill. I'm far less likely to mercy someone that spent the whole game going for flashy saves on me, and I'm not so fair that getting looped for several gens or forcibly bodyblocked doesn't piss me off, but you have to explicitly BM me to get the Bubba treatment.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    You do not gain Rank but you do gain mmr.

    Sacrifices, Moris, Bleed Outs and Reverse Bear Trap kills all give the same amount of mmr, regardless if you hooked or not.

    The only time you lose mmr is an escape. Hatch gives no gain or loss.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    Where did the devs specifically say that bleed outs give the same amount as the rest?

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Right now, slugging for the 4k as a Win seams to be a requirement. I don't like it. But it seams to be the requirement due to changes in the game. DS and Deliverance is forcing slugging. Along with Fast Gen pressure. If I slug early in the game, and force survivors to attempt to heal a fallen team mate, it provides MORE pressure than a simple unhook of the player. Plus it prevents the circumstance of a DS or Deliverance play.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    After MMR was introduced- I BARELY have had any games with slugging involved, but I keep seeing threads on here about them. I estimate I am in mid-MMR right now. Where is the slugging taking place? Low MMR? High MMR? I have an anti-slugging build for Jane and it’s useless. Whenever I play with her, it’s like I’m playing perkless because the killers I encounter (good or bad) don’t slug.

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    i don't think this is possible when both having similar mmr

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Lot of people seem to misunderstand here.

    Not slugging for the 4k win-- slugging for the 4k bleedout. As in, not trying to win the game, just make everyone crawl on the ground for 4 minutes like the world's saddest snails until they bleed out to waste their time, because you hate them.

    The former is a legitimate strategy, and the latter is, impressively for the bar that's been set, one of the single limpest things you can do in this game.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    On stream during the Q&A that went into how the system works. Its just "Kills"

    If you play like me and only go for 4k bleed outs and yet still play against hackers and iri 1 death squads you'd also just figure it out on your own.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 457

    What I am saying is I have seen a streamer who does nothing but bleed outs over and over, has been doing this for months, 4Ks every game (mostly brutal killer ratings), and is still going against survivors who are brand new to the game. His MMR does not go up.

    Bleeding out a survivor only gives you 250 bleeding points. You don't get any of the points that hooks and moris give, so it makes sense that his MMR is staying low because of this. It is the only explanation, like I said, 4K every game. I also watched that Q&A stream, and they do not mention bleed outs.