It's worse now..

You can now get hit by a killer, run to the other side of the map and heal, before they can ever get to you, and it only takes two perks. Two perks to keep from being downed ever.
Just COH, and the new exhaustion perk...
You can even bring a med kit as a, just in case situation. Then watch as killers waste time chasing and hitting you without being able to down you.
No reason to be skilled at this game anymore. Let's just make survivors immortal already. It's already easy mode, might as well knock that last nail in the coffin and get it over with.
What about the killer power that can just block any loop, leaving "shift+w meta" as your only option? At first killer mains welcome killers which promote "hold W" strat, and then they complain about "hold W" strat.
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Nobody asked for that killer. Literally no one. And I hate her. Just another anti loop killer that has very little map pressure, and promotes an unhealthy play style.
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Whereas the other playstyle is just run in loops around a pallet/vault until you get hit or drop the pallet in a time-crunch meta where the Killer screwing up a mind-game can cost them enough time to finish a gen.
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Makes ya wonder what exactly would be considered a healthy Killer design...
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Now introducing Blight, Spirit, Nurse, and to an extent Hag. All of whom counter the W key gameplay but also can't be looped if you're good as them. :)
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So a totem is always going to be available on the other side of the map opposite of where you get hit?
I didn’t know this is how boons worked.
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Let's buff Bloodlust for all Killers.
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Hell at this point might as well make
- Basegame feature
- Ominous, black, misty doorways appear on the walls/terrain of the Trials
- Entering The Tunnels transports you into a catacomb with Exits that lead to other entrances to The Tunnels around The Trial
- The Killer is Undetectable while inside The Tunnels and their Aura cannot be read through any means. (because it'd be weird to see the Killer's Aura in a seemingly "supernatural" place just underneath the Trial floor)
- The Killer is alerted whenever a Survivor enters The Tunnels
- Survivors can Barricade Entrances to The Tunnels
- Killers can perform a Break Action on Barricaded Entrances
- (Like 4 Total or something, nicely spaced out in the Trials, 1 always spawns in The Basement that cannot be barricaded)
And start cutting down on hyper-antiloop
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Its a totem so totally worthless since it can be permanently removed from the game, unlike BOONS. get it together man.
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Scratch that, I asked for the Bird-Artist. I wanted a Killer like her and I think she is no problem. So yes, some asked for a character like her.
People complain about her because she has anti-loop and they need to embrace a different way of looping once again. That Killer is not even out for a day and some already cry about her like she is Nurse (and yes, Nurse is broken as hell).
"Holding-W" is not your only option, you can still loop normaly. People complain about Clown or Pinhead because they slow them down at loops, leaving me to wonder if survivors would prefer it if every survivor was Trapper just without his traps...
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What? Killer's power is totem? What are you even talking about?
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I've never heard of anyone complaining about clown lol
Yeah you can stay and try to loop the new killer, but since she can block every vault pallet and exit, you're just giving her a free hit. So the best way to counter her is simply holding W away.
She's not overpowered, or crazy strong, but she promotes boring gameplay. She's the same thing we've gotten from a lot of other killers recently, and it's just boring.
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The game was already impossible to play as a killer against good survivors, now it's beyond impossible. Take a medkit, take CoH, healing time is 4 seconds or something 😂
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This is the first patch in a while that I think should make it to live untouched
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I am not sure I understand this.
She has 3 crows baseline and they last for a limited ammount of time. This of course can spell doom when you have something like shack or an LT-wall where 3 points of interest exist. However you are still better off when running that structure one and in a particular way so that she wasts time setting those crows. Then you should leave it.
It is not the usual "hold W" here because I think the other way would be more rewarding and ther is overall a good thing. A survivor should be rewarded for running smart and that includes knowing when to leave a tile. Artist is no different from Hag, Trapper or Freddy in that department, running a tile while Freddy is setting up trap is fine but you should leave soon.
But what about the other Killers. Cenobite is no problem during a loop. Sure you can hold W against him like you can with every other Killer but overall he is quit "loopable" with the task of dodging his chain from time to time. I know that feeling from both sides and I quit enjoy playing as and against a Cenobite.
Nemesis was also not a bad addition. He is a bit like Pyramide Head in my opinion and I would run a Pyramide Head on most tiles while abusing his poor movment while charging his power. Nemesis is a bit different as you have to dodge his power and abuse the speedboost a bit more. However he still slows down and is not impressiv until he reaches T2 with T3 making his very strong of course.
I totaly agree with Trickster however. That just poor gameplay. And hell, I like his visuals and overall theme and wished he was more fun to play and play against...
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at this point i don't understand why killer is even a thing anymore, just make killers bots and make the game survivor only. the only thing i can think of is that someone at BHVR gets off to dumping on people who play killer.
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By reading all those threads about boons I can only figure in my mind a poor trapper dealijng with all those boons and running around the new map putting traps that will be seen miles away by survivors.
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My bad. Looks like i need to get it together since i wasn't thinking about the new killer but HEX: Blood favor.
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Her map pressure would be better if her crows interrupted actions. Right now, you can get hit by crows and just sit on a gen without stopping. Now if her recovery was a biiiit faster that would be fine cuz' then you could just send out birds to hit them (Which still happens). Happy to injure greedy gen jockeys.
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Clown is overly rated as boring to most survivors, and I hate it because I love him.
People complaining about Clown is very real.
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You're basically asking to add a second floor to every single map with this suggestion. Sure you can only reach it via a 'tunnel' but at the end of the day this is making every map RPD.
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That's how med-kit works at least.
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Holy ######### that new map will be hell from Trapper...
What I hate most about that map are totems, they are so visible... RIP any Hex
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This might just be me but i don't think the 4 extra meters you get are going to cover standing still for 16 seconds.
You might be able to pull it of with a really good medkit but franklins is going to screw you. Not to mention if the killer had any instant down ability you didn't get to use both of your perks.
And unless you are running 2 exhaustion perks you have nothing to protect you if the killer decides to tunnel you off hook.
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Too late, that hex is already nerfed to the trash bin...
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I mean it's not a place Survivors want to go (or at least should be made a place they don't want to go), and it's literally teleportation to edges of the map that have a "nexus" that allows a shorter path approach. (as well as allowing The Killer the opportunity to pop up from different areas for different angles of approach).
It really shouldn't be thought of as a "second floor" to a map as the "nexus" itself isn't really even supposed to be a part of it.
Basic implementation is this:
It's a small square room underneath the map (far enough away as to not be impacted by the radius of things), with 4 "portal" doorways on each side, each of which is tied to another "portal"/doorway on the map (could be Terrain, could be the Trial Walls). One of which is in The Basement. Walking through a "doorway" to another "doorway" will always make it so that the distance traveled through "The Tunnels" is shorter than the distance you would have otherwise travelled "by foot". Usually a significant amount.
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one that heals survivors when you hit them.
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you can’t think of any ways to combat an exhaustion perk and totems? If survivors are running across the map every time they’re hit then it removes the killers need to worry about gen suppression. Seems like the issue isn’t that it removes the skill from the game, but that it requires new skill development and there’s always a learning curve to that.
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Wouldnt have needed those if they balanced the core game long ago tbh
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I legit only play tombstone Myers now