General Discussions

General Discussions

Is BHVR gonna do anything about unintended mechanics that are abused almost every game?

-Slugging to a specific place at a hook that the killer can't pick you up

-Body blocking hooks to prevent killer from hooking someone and using an I-frame glitch so that you can't hit them either, or chain blocking so you can't get a hook (i'm talking completely blocking the hook so I have no option to hook, I have to hit them, cannot ignore them or the hook button doesn't appear)

-some areas that can be walked up that are unintended (tractor wheels/sides on cowshed, rocks on ormund, carts in western map) or standing in some squares where the killer can't hit or stand

-using i-frame glitches to dodge all damage and then glitch into your character frame position so you can't hit (don't see this as often, maybe 1 in every 5)

These are just a handful of things that I see nearly every game, multiple times a game. Killer is hard enough as is having to play around the same 4 extremely overtuned perks and infinite loops with sub 4minute gen rushes, flashlight spam, other body-blocking and the excessive teabagging.

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  • Member Posts: 149

    Survivors very, very frequently DC on their last hook = deprives me of a pop. This should be recognized as a punishable exploit.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    • Yes, the crawl thing is annoying. Cowshed still has a few potential spots I think, and some hooks have the same problem. I don't know if these will ever be fixed though.
    • I've only seen one of these recently (the tractor thing on the farm maps) and yes, it's really frustrating as a survivor can run up there, self-heal and be totally safe unless you have a ranged damage ability or a killer that can tech onto the same spot.
    • I'm not sure what you mean by i-frame glitches here.

    I'd also add:

    • Hit validation bugs, where it shows the killer a 'fake hit'. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it causes you to lose chases constantly as it futzes with where you think the survivor is.
    • Dead Hard messing up some killer powers due to validation. For example - survivor DHs near a pallet on Nemesis. Your tentacle gets a fake hit, you do no damage but it also fails to break the pallet.

    And the biggie:

    • Matchmaking either bugging out and ignoring the 'floors' and 'ceilings' to prevent you from getting put up against people much better than you, simply because someone dodged their lobby, just being offline completely (you'll get instant queues, but the matches will be nutso) or being open to abuse by smurfing SWF groups that get to the grade they want, then AFK/DC/suicide out a dozen or so games and then slaughter new killers to farm the next grades, rinse and repeat.

    I think he's talking about some sort of glitch involving body blocking the hook, but I'm not sure what it is.

    Sometimes people just hack or abuse lag-switching. The most common lag trick is the one that makes the killer drop you.

    The big problem is that some of these glitches have been around since DbD's inception and have never been fixed. After a certain point, it goes from 'this is a glitch' to 'working as intended'.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Actually you can get on the cart at the saloon, anywhere a survivor can get the killer can too but as for the slugging bug yes that should definitely get fixed , the cart at saloon you just use the corner of the cart and kinda work your way up there I got three down at once with Leatherface they were all t bagging up there thinking I didn't know about it

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You can? I tried it briefly as Trickster but couldn't; maybe I was just doing it in the wrong spot.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Oh yeah and it's glorious when they realize it , when you go to either corner start on the side looking down at the corner and try to use the bump up you get from collision on the corner and turn back towards gallows it's like turning and walking up a ramp once you get used to it

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Mm. I say 'pseudo infinite' because while it's not a true infinite, it may as well be on killers without anti loop - survivors can just rotate through it for ages. I'd have to get a video of it, because it is also possible that I'm just missing something - I'm very much an intermediate player.

    To be fair though, I haven't seen the RPD one in awhile (does RPD have variance in tiles? I honestly don't know). It was a room with multiple vaults into a small office, separated by a barrier and an exit from the room on each side of the barrier. The Haddonfield one (house with two windows close to each other and a bush stopping you from moving between them outside I'm not sure what to do against.

    If I'm not mistaken, the 'tractor wheel' thing on Fractured Cowshed is not accessible by the killer or hittable due to the totem. The only way to counter it is to vault down, which is 100% safe for the survivor unless you have Bamboozle or something. You can see it being abused in one of Otz's 'streak' videos, Billy if I remember. It's very frustrating to go against, have no idea how to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    The tractor wheel is entirely possible to counter in two ways.

    -If a survivor is too close to one side you can hit them. If they're moving, you can bait them.

    -It is very difficult but possible to lunge and hit a survivor in the middle of the side of the tractor.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Is this in the spot with the totem just to the front of the wheel?

    Found the video - it's Otz's '50 Win Streak on Hillbilly' - game 3 (20:04). Otz tries every angle possible but can't hit them.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    That's old Coldwind with the old tractor. You can hit on the new one relatively easily.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Are you sure?

    I could swear I've seen this exact tile recently. When was it changed?

    The issue is that it either requires the killer to do a tricky 'tech' to connect or rely on the survivor making a mistake, even by your explanation above. It's a problematic tile.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Ah. Well, I stand corrected (this crow tastes delicious by the way).

    I'll see if I can get a picture next time I run into the tile I'm thinking of. It's almost certainly Cowshed.

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