The Secret Sauce to ALWAYS make DBD Feel FRESH Again.

What League of Legends does so successfully
League of Legends is one of the most played games in the world and for a reason. Every time you return to it, the game feels fresh.
A dedicated balance team brings out weekly patches changing up the variables in the game; from Base-health to Ability damage per level and so forth. The amount of change in the meta always surprises you and there's always something to be discovered.
It is the fact that the game changes every week what makes this so interesting.
After all, we have something similar too; The Shrine of Secrets.
This really doesn't affect gameplay that much and even though it can be obnoxious at times to deal with for different reasons, the fact that it's never the same makes checking the store on Wednesday always a little bit special.
Could we change the game weekly to keep it fresh like League of Legends does? Probably not...
A lack in resources and labour... someone that needs to change variables weekly for the course of 5 more years?
What if I told you we could indeed do this and it would require no more human interference after it's original design:
The Secret Sauce
Due to the (normally quite awkward and/or hated) perk tier system, every perk has a number variable which gets either increased or decreased to make the perk stronger among tiers;
This is detrimental to the secret sauce. We will use this number to create a "number range". The number range is the minimal and maximal number a perk should be allowed to have.
Because there are 3 numbers, they are most likely coded in the game as 3 separate number end-values. For bond, this is; 20/28/32 meters.
We will change this to 1 number for the 1st tier and the 2nd and 3rd tier are an addition of a variable added to tier 1, so; 20 meters with +8 if tier 2 or +12 when tier 3, which results in the same 20/28/32.
Now we reduced every perk to 1 number and their added constant bonus among tiers, we can do the following:
Shrine of Perks!
Every week the game will generate a random whole number within the number range. This number is the same for everybody in the game, similar to how the Shrine of Secrets is the same for everybody.
The devs remain in full control of balance, but this time in the form of number-range!
(In the example below, I've made week 1 the standard perk as it is right now, with week 2 and 3 being the perk with a random generated number within the number range)
Bond: Meter range in which you can see survivors
Decisive Strike: %Wiggle time when not being the obsession required for the skillcheck to trigger.
Boil Over: Meters range in which it will obscure hooks. (The other wiggle variable is left out for ease-of-example's sake)
And Boom...
Suddenly the game keeps feeling fresh every week... and all of this automated!
Let me know your opinions down below!
I left League because the meta was constantly shifting and its a full time dedication learning all possible ability and combo ranges, no thanks. Some of us have jobs, kids, full time school, not enough time to re-learn a new meta every week.
The only joy i still get out of that game is playing the occasional guinsoos on-hit JG TF.
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Hex_Flex said:
I left League because the meta was constantly shifting and its a full time dedication learning all possible ability and combo ranges, no thanks. Some of us have jobs, kids, full time school, not enough time to re-learn a new meta every week.
The only joy i still get out of that game is playing the occasional guinsoos on-hit JG TF.
My system doesn't create this alienation with people who don't invest much time into the game, as the "meta" change is directly understood as simply being certain perks having a higher or lower number while all being playable.
Your playstyle is not really forced to differ, but there are simply some perks rising from the dust so now and then.
The best for both worlds.0 -
Why would anybody say that the game doesn't feel fresh? I mean, the devs are releasing a new killer, survivor, perks and map every three month and an additional balance patch in the middle of each "expansion". On top of that there are different ingame events like chinese new year, summer and winter events, halloween, etc. ...
I don't know how much you play the game but for me with about 1650 hours playtime the game feels fresh enough to be still excited about it.
Besides that, if the game doesn't feel "fresh" to you, try some "experimental" perk-combinations and spice up your gameplay on your own. If you only play the same survivor and/or killer with the same perk-setup it is kinda normal and expected to get boring at some point.
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Before I started playing this game I was only playing Battlefront 2 since beta days. Let me tell you that DbD feels pretty damn fresh to me, I only have to wait 3 months to have 2 new characters and 1 map. I had to wait more than a year to get a freaking character in Battlefront and we didnt even have contact from our devs like this game has.0
The ds idea I thought of before, and it makes sense because your hitting the killer, boil over will still need a buff, and bond I don't care about because I run empathy