Killer Lagswitching for extended time at start of 2nd hook for an instant kill on hook

My friends and I just encountered a killer who, the second a survivor was hooked for the 2nd time, would lag switch for a long time, and when the game unfroze the survivor on the hook would be dead, with no chance for struggling. I know lag switching is not allowed, but I think something on this level of exploiting should be looked into and seriously punished as it is incredibly unfair. I'm just wondering if anyone else has come across this or seen anything come of killers doing this, as its my first time running into this kind of exploit.


  • Erdbeermilch
    Erdbeermilch Member Posts: 34

    Nope, you are the very first person ever in the whole DbD community who experienced something like that.

    No seriously, what kind of answer do you expect now? Of course there are multiple people out there, who use things like that for who knows what reason. I think we only can look forward to the dedicated servers. The lagswitching issue should be gone as soon as these servers go live and the killer is no longer the host of the game.

    Until then we most likely have to deal with those peoples.