General Discussions

General Discussions

Your Favorite And Least Favorite Things About The Killer(s) You Main?

Member Posts: 8,077
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

For me:


Favorite: Constantly being able to jumpscare people. No bad maps (aside from maybe RPD, but RPD is RPD). Incredibly flexible with a wide variety of playstyles. Small terror radius (Pig badly needs this treatment) and she's small and hard to notice at times. My favorite skins in the game. Plus she's rare, which is always appealing to me.

Least Favorite: People DCing when playing against her. Sort of 'meh' addons. Slightly hard-countered by booners unless you play a campy Hag.


Favorite: High skill cap, but not terribly hard to grasp the basics of. Side objective is a fantastic addition to the game. My favorite horror franchise that isn't The Thing. Some interesting addons. Relatively rare.

Least favorite: Most of the interesting addons are getting napalmed. Removal of voicelines, replaced with Mr. Plinkett. Indoor maps can be rough.


Favorite: A nice balance of mobility and aggression. Great addons (mostly). Flexible. Strong but never feels cheap. Plus he's rare (seeing a pattern yet?)

Least favorite: unnecessarily loud ambient noises make it really hard to hear stuff. Shred can still be janky at times. Mediocre perks.


Favorite: Even intermediate survivors don't understand Madness, and it's such a great tool. Some amazing addons that completely change his playstyle. Static Blast is brilliant. Starstruck+Agitation build is so filthy on Doctor that it's only legally viewable in Germany.

Least Favorite: Shock badly needs some sort of validation, it fails to stop actions maybe 60% of the time. Experienced survivors can be rough with him.

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  • Member Posts: 10,910


    • Favorite: The new mindgames with her are phenomenal. It’s fun messing with survivors’ heads with her power and outplaying them with the new directional audio and getting hits while blind is satisfying.
    • Least favorite: Not a fan of MDR. I would consider it OP as I think it still needs a nerf.


    • Favorite: Her potential in getting hits across the map is so high and is so satisfying when it happens. There’s so much you can do with her crows and I love it.
    • Least favorite: Not sure how I feel about idle dire crows damaging survivors but I think it shouldn’t be a thing.
  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Basement Bubba? Yeah, probably. I must say, I'm not that big a fan of chonky boy, but I enjoyed him way back when. Actually my first 'main' if I recall. Boy did I camp a lot...

    Icksnay boutay illerkay owscray!

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah. Just...feeling old right now.

    People have really forgotten about Pig Latin?

  • Member Posts: 5,605


    Positive- Her stealth is good for plays... Her Traps are good slowdown

    Negative- Her stealth is too slow... Her Traps are too easy to get off... IMO

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Oh lol, I’m too lazy to learn the language so what was the thing you said?

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    It's not a language, it's more like a crude code. It's just taking the first letter/s of a word, moving them to the end and adding 'ay'. Used to be a sort of code kids used to have conversations without teachers understanding (without realizing that it's a tradition going back...generations). Often used when talking about something that someone else doesn't want you to talk about - prefaced with Icksnay (Nicks). You'll see a lot of it in older comedies (Three Stooges era).

    Basically: Nicks about killer crows (ie: don't spill the beans).

  • Member Posts: 222

    I cant say i main one killer for a long time, i switch them from time to time.


    I like to set up traps and its a good feeling when i catch some one in them. But he is too weak, and good survivors never step into traps outside of the chase.


    I liked to use jumpscare builds, and hitting long range shots. Was my favourite until he got destroyed by the nerfs, never will touch him again in his current state.

    Pyramid Head:

    He can be fun to use, his power is constant mindgaming. But i hate how Dead Hard is a free dodge over his power, and we know how every survivor today runs DH. Also many people just hold W the moment they hear you use M2 at the loop, it can become tedious very fast. And even though i read that they gonna run away from a loop, and hit them, holding W and rushing gens is enough to make sure that PH will lose, cuz he is too slow.


    The only killer who lets me feel like im a power-role in this game, although that is still depends on map RNG. In deadzones and low-loops he is deadly, can make unhooks very risky for survivors. Dont give a ######### about Dead Hard(unbelievable!). Also his ricochet addon is just too fun to use.


    Cute killer who can make sure that someone will die in his match.

  • Member Posts: 7,161


    Favorite: How versatile he is with builds and play styles. Jump scare Mikey, scream for Mikey, tombstone Mikey, vault master Mikey, vanity mirror Mikey etc. All so fun.

    Least favorite: That there is a stalk cap on survivors. Usually I have most survivors dead by the time they are pretty much drained of stalk, but the stalk should not be capped. You have to be very methodical about whom you stalk, how much you stalk them, and when to pop your tier 3.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Trickster? Interesting. I must say, I've never enjoyed him (aside from hybrids like PH/Nemesis, I'm not a fan of ranged killers). I also don't enjoy him aesthetically - he feels like he wandered in from a different genre of game entirely.

    PH...yeah. DH can be frustrating. You have to bait it out and sometimes it just seems to work anyway. It'll honestly have to get nerfed at some point - it was meta before the fix and now it has the added bonus of constantly giving 'fake hits' to the killer, which can be very disorienting and also futzes with killer powers sometimes.

    Trapper...oof. Maybe one day, when I'm really confident about my skills, I'll try to learn him again. He just feels like a much, much worse Hag.

  • Member Posts: 312
    • nice mechanic with the zombies and infection
    • nice range that can reach over some objects
    • Zombies are WAY too stupid
    • His add-ons are bad, most mediocore
    • very immobile
    • hitbox pretty small
  • Member Posts: 293


    High Skill ceiling, huge reward

    Some walls are blink proof for some reason


    He represents me emotionally + high skill ceiling, high reward

    Im a console pleb


    Nothing more satisfying than comboing knives

    It feels like i have to reload all the time

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Pyramid Man:

    Enjoyment: I love everything about him. His power, chase music, knife-dragging sound... all that!

    Slight disappointment: I wish his addons were better and more creative. I feel like he needs an addon pass for sure, and he hasn't even been out that long! I also wish the camera was a little less restricted when aiming his M2, since it's easier to dodge than most ranged attacks.


    Enjoyment: Awesome chase music, fun-to-use power and I love him laughing all the time! I honestly feel strong whenever I play as him, and that's coming from a former Nurse main, haha.

    Slight disappointment: Being 4.4m/s is a little rough. Not complaining for it to be CHANGED of course, but it does make me appreciate 4.6m/s a lot more...

  • Member Posts: 8,266


    Pros: hearing random scream is music to my ears

    Cons: the plant is dying


    Pros: playing as her

    Cons: cant see her while playing as

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Sadly looking at the Freddy rework and the Pinhead nerfs, it feels like PH's addons are about the level that BHVR wants for addons.


  • Member Posts: 142


    Pros: Fun base power, engravings/Lopros

    Cons: Overheat, animation changes, and his roar

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Don't say that... 😶 We must have hope...

    At least he's still the best man, even without good addons ❤️

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It's interesting how many people seem to enjoy Trickster.

    My hope was crushed a while back, pretty much the day of the Wraith nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I play whatever killer I have a daily mission for that night (except Nurse, screw her!) so I don’t main anybody. But among the killers I seem to do best with and enjoy the most, I think off-hand I’d say

    • Doctor - I love tracking abilities and perks in general because they help keep me in chases constantly with minimal downtime. And Doctor is by far the best tracker. His shock also being useful in a chase and his Madness having unusual effects are icing on the cake. Plus I usually use his “I want them to hear me coming” build of Distressing to expand his terror radius (which expands his blast radius) with perks like Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Coulrophobia, etc. The Impossible Skill Check variant of that is fun too. 🙂
    • Freddy - Freddy just has such a cool unique aesthetic. All the maps are in that dream world tint with ashes falling from the sky, his teleport is great, and personally I love running his fake pallets. Not because the pallets are better than the snares (they’re a bit worse on the overall) but because they’re so fun when they work! Nothing is funnier than when survivors fall for fake pallets and you get a free hit on them. 😄 Sometimes you even get multiple pallet hits on the same survivor in a match which is 👨‍🍳 💋
    • Michael Meyers - I’m actually not that fond of his base ability, but he has what I consider to be some of the funnest purple and red add-on variant playstyles of all the killers. Jump Scare Meyers with permanent Undetectable Evil 1 is a riot (and got a buff in the last patch). Vanity Mirror Meyers where you are permanently Evil 2 but can see auras is also super fun, especially with the Rabbit add-on and Monitor and Abuse that gives him a super small terror radius outside of a chase. Unlimited Evil just is brutal once you get to permanent Evil 3. And his Tombstones make him the only killer that can kill someone mid-chase which is awesome when you can pull it off. I don’t know how effective he actually is overall, but these variant styles are all super fun.🙂
    • Pinhead - He’s my newest favorite. The passive chain hunt is great, but more importantly, while I’m not much of a ranged attacker style player in this game, I can hit way more reliably with his chains than I can with Deathslinger or Huntress shots. Sure, they don’t injure directly, but simply being able to consistently hit survivors with them makes them more satisfying than, for me, the less reliable other two killer’s shots which I’m not as good with. Also I found his teleport is surprisingly useful at getting quick hits. Obviously I don’t teleport if I’m in the middle of something pressing, but that teleport puts you about 10-12 meters from the survivor while they’re Oblivious holding the box which usually seems to make the chase after it quick, even if the survivor is in a decent spot. Just a really fun killer to play.
    • Pyramid Head - Ironically I don’t care that much about Pyramid Head’s ranged attack. It’s good, sure, but what I actually find fun about him is trying to get people Tormented and caging them or executing them. There’s just something fun about laying down bits of trails and watch survivors fall all over themselves trying to avoid them, or getting killer instinct pings when they run over them and following their little wispy barbed wire footsteps in the chase until ultimately they get caged. And while I know a lot of Pyramid Heads like to hook, I like to Cage nearly every time simply because it is extremely fast which lets me get back to the action right away and it completely ignores DS and pallets and flashlights. (I’m not claiming that’s the literal optimal way to use the Cages, I’m saying I find it the most fun. 🙂) On top of which he just is a really bad ass looking killer.

    I haven’t played on the PTB but I’m really liking the look of The Artist as well, it’ll be interesting giving her a try at some point!

  • Member Posts: 366


    Pros: Brimming with character, always laughing, very fun to play as just for how he acts. Bottles can be fun and landing far range direct hits is satisfying. Decent looper to boot.

    Cons: Yellow Bottles almost never get used and are just lacking without addon use. Would be fine if this wasn't the other half of his ability.

  • Member Posts: 3,676
    edited November 2021

    Favourite - everything so far

    Least favourite - That she isn't out yet and that she might get nerfed to not be as fun as she was on PTB.

  • Member Posts: 280

    Doctor - Everything about him is great, I love his astetic and the anti-stealth.

    The only bad part are his add-ons. Don't get me wrong most of them are great, but they are all just repeats of the same thing. I wish there was some that could increase the Shock Therapy stun. I swear: as killer it seems to be nonexistent, but when I play surv it seems to last a lifetime :/

  • Member Posts: 822


    Like:Like his Stealth,Height,& Cosmetics

    Dislike:No Mobility or Anti-Chasing,Map Dependency for Stalking

  • Member Posts: 3,611


    Like: Her cosmetics and stealth. (I'm also a huge fan of SAW)

    Dislike: Her Ambush Attack is basically pointless and the RNG nature of her Reverse Bear Traps.


    Like: Her lore, cosmetics, and play style.

    Dislike: Nothing so far.


    Like: Her appearance and power.

    Dislike: She's not out yet but as long as she doesn't get drastically changed from the PTB, Nothing.

  • Member Posts: 1,096



    - I love how the dream world looks

    - Using tech to teleport to gen at beginning of match if I time it right is fun

    - Survivor going to dream world as soon as exit gate opens and getting black box value in my end game build

    - Survivor dropping dream pallet

    - Catching a survivor hiding because of their blue aura in dream world

    - The weapon sounds cool no matter what it does (breaking wall, hitting survivor, etc.)


    - I have no power on some maps because dream snares and pallets are somewhat map dependent and I become an m1 killer

    - I miss old Freddy power :(



    - My favorite chase music in the game

    - Survivors walking into my shot

    - Landing a shot through a vault or hole in loop

    - Satisfying flick shots on console


    - My shot looking like it went right through a survivor but didn't hit

    - My shot misses from dead hard

  • Member Posts: 120

    For hag you can add the massive strategical aspect and the option to play with any perks + fun builds and still have amazing results.

    I just wonder how do boons affect her? In all my games boons were never any issue for me

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501



    • I can traverse the map quickly.
    • I can catch up to a survivor in a chase.

    Least Favorites:

    • He glides along half the map like butter.
    • I'm on console, so I can't do the flicks or techs or anything.
    • Controller aim is clunky and in narrow spaces I bump into the environment when I don't want to, basically getting stuck in areas until the Rush ends.
    • Even at the highest sensitivity on controller, aiming him after bumping into something is slow and difficult. It's not uncommon that I run out of time, ending the Rush prematurely.



    • Zombies on Hawkins Lab.

    Least Favorite:

    • Zombie AI everywhere else.
  • Member Posts: 2,513

    wait, immediate teleports are supposed to be a thing?

    I figured it a was glitch, so I've never done it.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Plague main here.

    Likes: Her lore, her voicelines, her appearance and gorgeous cosmetics, her spray-n'-pay type ranged attack instead of pinpoint accuracy, and the way she ignores Iron Will and makes survivors extremely easy to locate for my half-blind self.

    Dislikes: Her recent buffs really improved the QoL of playing her, but by god are her Deviousness bloodpoints still terrible. I've only ever managed to hit the cap when I was doing the specific kind of farming that involves beating the survivors up a bunch of times but never sacrificing them. 25 points to puke on an object and 300 points for a corrupt purge hit. Compare that to, like, Wraith getting 550 points for uncloaking and then hitting someone in the next fifteen seconds.

    I do play a lot of Wraith and Nemesis, so I may as well include them too.


    Likes: He counters stealth and caution. It's not even an All-Seeing thing (I play him addonless); survivors don't see you coming until you're very close and so they don't have time to sneak away from the generator. You can pretty much always be in a chase or fast on your way to one; there's extremely little wasted time while playing as him (also because he's fast as fecc boi.) Also, he has a bing bong.

    Dislikes: His nerf killed his lunge as an anti-loop tool, so he's really helpless in loops that feature windows over pallets. He's also extremely vulnerable to the CoH meta and it greatly weakened him; HG/DH's become a must on my Wraith builds.


    Likes: He excels at quick pallet removal, and is very good at shutting down loops. He has a faster reaction time than similar killers, such as Pyramid Head. The zombies function really nicely as passive detection and it's a massive dopamine rush when you chase a survivor into one.

    Dislikes: Very slow start when you need to hit people 3 times, and go for tentacle shots when an M1 would be easier to access tier 2. It's super easy to juke the tentacle when not in an animation lock. And the zombies still get stuck on generators, trees, and hills painfully often.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Oni: Favorite thing is quick downs and being able to swap targets real fast with infectious. I live for the 2 to 3 man and once in a blue moon, 4 man slugs.

    Least favorite thing has to be that he's dependent on getting a hit early. With the current Shift W meta, high MMR survivors can really stretch the length of time till you get the power by pre-dropping.

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