
I think that if the Killers camp then the Survivors should be able to get an extra generator already finished that's only fair killers should not be able to camp
Thing is when a killer camps it is a green light for Survivors to get gens done, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing so.
Is it an annoying strategy? Absolutely, especially for the person on the hook, but there are many counters to it.
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Have you seen the state of the game half the time that's the only way killers can get kills. Due to survivors being too overpowered
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A few things to consider:
- Killers already take a huge penalty for facecamping, and I've seen it literally once outside of either Bubba (who's kit is practically based around camping) or a survivor teabagging/flicking the killer (retaliatory BM).
- BHVR is working on a new mechanic to prevent facecamping.
- If you are talking about proxy camping (patrolling the area around the hook) then - no. That's a perfectly legitimate playstyle, which BHVR have confirmed. On some killers/vs SWF, it's often the only way to stand a chance.
This, pretty much. It's hyperbolic, but barely. And that's a problem.
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Interesting idea lol
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What are they seriously making it even worse for killers to secure a kill by putting something in. I don't camp often but the very small 0.01% time I do camp are they really going to screw with that.
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What is annoying is that it'll probably end up creating a safe-zone for survivors. Smart/mean groups already love running me around hooked people as either I have to drop chase or take a score hit for being there.
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Sorry before they think of that crap they need fix gens. Or I reckon they will lose most killer players
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Only works for SWF's.
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I see this statement over and over...
Actually, i just think some people are to high on their MMR and try to compensate, instead of letting them drop down so they can play normal again.
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I know what I'm talking about the killers have so many advantages some Killers like nemesis have zombies helping them make kills so I'm not being soft I guess everybody that plays this game is soft to then because everybody complains about it so it must be a big problem don't call me soft all the name calling is childish
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What's funny???
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Because they won't do that. Devs. Still, interesting idea how I said
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Indeed aint nothing more annoying than zombies hinting nemesis where you are at lol so its a pretty much 3 v 4, then you got tinker that can alert you when a gen is almost done or discordance to tell you easily when more than one person on a gen. huntresses I notice mostly run iron maiden + bbq so that if you try hard in the locker to avoid bbq iron maiden makes her ass find you to one hit you, though this can be countered via shadow step but still, as someone who uses flash bang its stupidly annoying, I hope they change flashbang to just be made right there and then after 50% gen done just like how blast mine you simply push it. Finding a damn locker on some maps just to make it is ugh.
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A reminder to everyone, keep the discussion civil and respectful, please. I understand camping is one of many things that sparks many debates and discussions, but please discuss it in a manner that is respectful of others, and their opinions on the subject.
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Here we go again. Another post full of arguments.
Killer - I camp because I cannot chase survivors, they are too powerful, they can loop, drop pallets and vault windows. They do gens too quick, even though I have so many perks to slow them down, one shot them and stop them leaving when they have five gens.
Survivor - I do gens because the killer is too busy camping. I don't want to leave a teammate on the hook, it's not fair on them. I try to lure them away but they just stand there.
I worry about the DBD community. I have seen killers use this usual excuses of why they camp. Some say it's at low levels, some say it is at high. I play killer quite a lot and never camp, yet I get 4 kills most games, the ones I lose I get plenty of hooks and have fun. I have seen streamers and Youtubers online, who do play at high level that do not camp, so personally I see no reason to camp unless you are not too great, in which case practice. Stop camping and learn the maps, learn the loops, learn how to play mind games, to drive the survivor where you want them to go, to force them to drop pallets early in the game to help you later.
For survivors it's the same advice that is always, you have to sacrifice and just do gens. You will not change the way these players think, you can argue to truth till you are blue in the face. You just have to face that there will so games where somebody will spend the whole game on the hook.
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Do Bones
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Or, just let people play how they want.
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Well said xD.
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Stop nerfing killers and giving survivors busted perks and maybe killers wouldn't feel the need to.
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Camping is necessary at a certain level.
It is simply not possible to get a clean 12-hook game without camping or tunneling unless the matchmaking system failed colossally.
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Got no problem with people playing how they want. All I said was that this post would get the usual excuses of why people camp, which it has and I was proved right.
If people want to camp then they can and like I said, my advice to survivors is to just do gens. If a killer wants to camp and get one hook and one kill, then leave with three escapes and little to show for it they can. No skin off my nose. I will happily carry on not camping and getting 3 and 4 kills, or even losing and getting more blood points and pipping up, or play survivor, doing gens with no interference and then escaping with no worries. If I am the unlucky person to get camped, then my teammates will know just to leave me and I will waste as much time as I can.
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I agree the name calling is childish, but I don't think nemesis zombies ever get downs on their own against players who aren't afk and unlucky.
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Oh, no, not another completed generator! What ever shall I do? I really cared about defending those which is why I face camped a survivor.
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true but only to certain degree this strategy if performed while survivors are still on 5 gens (Cause quick down) guarantees at least 2 kills for the killer for almost free (if decides to face camp with buba for example) so yeah i think should get touched for the isnta down killers like him and billy... the others are managable with exceptions considering the addons.
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Is it fair when a killer face camps their first victim to death and the other three 3 survivors rush out gens like they're "supposed to" but then get hit with No Way Out + NOED + Remember Me/Bloodwarden and the killer in question gets 2 or even more kills from that?
I've had this happen many times before and it's the scummiest play style I've ever experienced but hey it seems like easy MMR gain
Something needs to be done about face camping during the early game. Even if they give the person being camped consolation BP in a certain category like Objectives or something to make the experience less of a complete waste of time.
Again I have no issue otherwise with things like proxy camping, slugging, tunneling etc but I really feel like if you face camp you shouldn't be playing this game because it's literally ruining the game for everyone involved and it's usually poor solo queue survivors who get this
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Yea do Bones. I love that answer it's the global fix
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We all know some killers camp, its nothing new. What pisses me off more is the survivors who go to spectate the camping instead of slamming the gens. They sit crouched watching then complain when they eventually die afterwards also.
Bet you're one of them, probably run Urban Evasion also. Sort yourself out.
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You do get a generator done. You can get up to three, in fact.
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Killers camp because gens go too fast > survivors slam out gens because killer is camping > killer camps because gens are going too fast > survivor keeps gen rushing coz killer is camping > and so on and so on lmao a stupid endless cycle
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They can't. Your precious camping strategy has to be the first to die, otherwise camping shifts up to guaranteed 2K or higher, without counterplay.
Camping is the lynchpin of DbD's balancing issues.
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Just do the gens?
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So how exactly do you counter it as the person on the hook?
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Even a 3v1 those Survivors have no excuse for not being able to get out
If the first person went down instantly, that means that the majority if not all pallets are still on the map, and its not like they were being used during the time the killer is camping the guy on the hook.
Bubba and Billy are very good campers yes, but again these are strategies that only work if you let them work. So if you see a killer camping, just do gens.
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Borrowed time and rescue or just do gens
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You dont know how these perks work huh?
No Way Out requires hooks to get use out of it, if the killer hooks his first victim as you said and then all gens get popped, that No Way Out is only active for 24 seconds, instead of the potential 60 seconds.
Same thing goes for Remember Me, that requires to get Basic Attacks on the Obsession, and unless they had a Styptic theyre only getting hit twice, meaning 2 stacks of Remember Me. Thats 8 seconds longer to open the gate, instead of the potential 16 seconds.
Once you see that NoED is in play, unless youre lucky and you find the totem right away the correct play is to just leave, if you dont youre likely just spoon feeding him kills.
I will agree that it is a scummy strategy, and it is unfun to go against wether it works or not, but it only works if you let it work.
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Thats the thing that sucks, you as the person on the hook are pretty powerless in this situation and I think thats where the main complaint of camping comes from. All you can do is wait out the 2 minutes and just move on to the next match
Most people who camp to this extent are either new, or simply do it to get a reaction out of people. So the best thing to do is just move on to the next game
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Not even dignifying taht with a response. We know which side you batting for
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I do apologise that you want guaranteed escape every match.
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All right, let me ask you...
How do you intend to slow survivors down without making it so that camping ASAP doesn't result in 2K+?
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survivors can get gens done already while the killer is camping.
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Fix gens and pallet loops. Nerf the pallet amounts. Nerf the TL walls and Z walls.
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Are you serious? Zombies? They barely have any use, maybe for zoning or sometimes chase away survivors from the gen.
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So you want to make survivors easier to catch and make it take longer to clear a gen, and this is going to stop the game from turning into a total campfest... How, exactly?
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Because right now u can't catch a single survivor even the lower level and less experienced survivors without at least 2 gens popping. The pallets are unreal. After you hook that one survivor you go to find someone else by time you find and catch someone else what do you know another 2 gens and that's only if you don't get pallet saved and/or flashlight saved cos if that happens it starts again. And by that time the last gen is fine the gates aree open and you have one hook. You need to rely on really really thick survivors to actually get at least one kill. It shouldn't be like this.
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But conversely, if someone camps the first person they put on the hook, survivors are on a strict time limit to clear all remaining gens and open the gate. If that first down is made much quicker and gens are made slower, then that time limit is going to be insufficient to clear the remaining gens. With sufficient bad luck, it already is.
So if it's easier to get first hook, and harder to clear out all the gens, what's to stop killers from getting an uncounterable win by simply hooking someone and sitting on that hook until they're dead, before collecting the next hook and camping that to death as well?
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Explain your logic here
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I don't know what part needs to be explained further.
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Your comment didn't make sense. I sent my head for a spin
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I can't really explain it further than to repeat how camping works.