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Why is it so hard to be nice?

You survivors epsecialy are super toxic. But most toxic people are probably arent reading the forum anyways.

Whats the point in going EZ after every game if you do so i believe your losing a ######### ton of games and when you finaly survive one game you typ EZ to make you feel better.

I yesterday bought the new DLC's in the new steam sale so i started playing a litterly a lvl 1 Killer in rank 9 after rank reset. with 1 lvl 1 perk and 0 addons and people be dropping EZ. Ofc i did not expect to win and thats my fault. but when theyr lvl 40+ with desicive, dead hard, borrowd time, sprint burst. I realy dont care about these people droping the EZ its just sad.

i played a game with clown and i managed to kill one guy and they were survive with firends and they all spamed the chat afterwards and rage'd at me for geting ONE out of FOUR people. Say what? they werent happy i even killed one ? If i camp im a noob if i tunnel im a noob if i kill some one im a noob, im not allowed to do anything as a killer?

Anyways i recently played a game with my huntress and they all survived and had all the exit gates opend, but 2 survive with friends ddnt leave they probably thought omg hes so bad lets play with him,drop a pallet slide over it until you get the killers atention, com on not leaving when the exit gate is open, realy, stay just to ''make fun of the killer'' Isnt this bannable?(i also reported these guys) Anyways i actualy downed one of them and hooked him, so i thought if hes toxic then im toxic to cuz all i wanted was to start another game but they held the game hostage and ddnt leave, so i camped him, and his friend got so mad he decided to run around the map even more and not leave just to waste more time and he keept doing so for over 5min.

I actualy reported the last guy. cuz thats not cool, even such what the second last guy did was not cool either but he got what he deserved for spaming pallet sliding when gates are open.

All im saying is we're here to have fun and to spend some time not to argue over internet or prove whos the better player im here to spend my time think of somthing els then real life(also you cant play unranked).
They had a clean win but they decided to be more toxic i realy hope that players such as these gets banned and are not to be taken lightly.

Dont be a dick spread some love and make friends instead and not enemies.
GL TO YOU ALL. and think what your up against next time you drop that EZ bomb with lvl 50 survivor full perks + addons against a Freddy or a lvl 5 killer.


  • Unknown1313
    Unknown1313 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2018

    Ofc theyr not nor did i pretend they were. why are you mad? all i said was stop being toxic and that includes killers to and spread some love yet here you are spreading hate.... or atleast asume somthing that wasnt true.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @Unknown1313 A lot of people say fix this or patch that to things in the game but honestly more than 50% of the problems with this game are peoples attitudes and unfortunately the developers cannot patch this.

    Just ignore them, a reaction is all they want and you are giving it to them.

  • Unknown1313
    Unknown1313 Member Posts: 7

    Yes your right. you cant patch peoples attitudes. i just hope that players that do get reported for these kinda stuff actualy gets some sort of penelty or ban. Also a way to inactive the chat or disable it afterwards the game cuz 90% of the cases its just throwing ugly words both ways from both the killer and the survivors. I dont need to talk to my enemy/enemies after the game theres no point in that.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I'd say @thesuicidefox is referring to the fact that the very first line in your post is one that singles out survivors as toxic, in fact your post makes no mention of killer toxicity, so from an outside perspective it looks like you simply came to the survivor forums to blame all toxicity on survivors,which unfortunately we know isn't true.

    Now one does not excuse another and you are right, those are some pretty crappy plays by survivors listed in your post, but on the flip side i could list a hundred different examples of killer toxicity. Lets be clear about this, I don't mean camping, tunnelling,particular perks because all of that is legitimate, so no I'm not talking about killers breaking made up rules because i find the concept of people calling ANY legitimate strategy or perk as 'Toxic', quite ridiculous.

    The point is, you can't really spread love (if that is truly your intention) by pointing the finger at one side when we damn well know that it isn't one sided, that just breeds resentment. Right now it just looks like you came here to vent about survivors, which is fine, you have a right to do so, but don't be surprised if there is a backlash from survivors who have had to endure the same thing from the other side.

    I've played both sides and I've seen it from either end, Both are as bad as each other, and while it would be nice for all the toxicity to stop, i think some people just enjoy it too much.

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @Unknown1313 I play on PS4 so I do not have the chat box at the end of a game but I have received some unpleasent messages after certain games. I just report and block, people like that are not worth the effort

  • Unknown1313
    Unknown1313 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2018

    Well first of that was a click bait to get you reading. But in the end the message was that you should think of somthing before you write it , and i dont know why you feel hit about this post say that survivors are toxic is like saying every one is toxic cuz thats the majority of the game, even i my self play survivor should i feel hit by this post certenly not cuz first of all i dont type EZ if i win not even if i play killer and second if the gates are open i leave i dont try to ''fool around and keeping the game hostage'' there fore i dont know why your taking offense in this. Its like saying all humans are bad ofc theyr not but there are psychopaths ofc in rare cases.

    Im not pointing a finger at anyone more then at thoese people being toxic. But as i said the majority in this game play survivors and is the best way to reach every one. But im sorry for wishing you ALL a good luck out there and trying to spread love. My bad. i resign.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2018

    @Unknown1313 said:
    Ofc theyr not nor did i pretend they were. why are you mad? all i said was stop being toxic and that includes killers to and spread some love yet here you are spreading hate.... or atleast asume somthing that wasnt true.

    1) Not mad. The fact you assume I am tells me you are as much a part of the problem as the people you rally against.
    2) You specifically go after survivors. If you truly think both sides can be toxic, you would have made this a point in your OP.
    3) Not spreading hate either. Stop twisting my words to fit your narrative. Again you are part of the problem when you think this.
    4) Wants to spread love yet spews hate towards survs in the OP. Hypocrisy much?

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    I feel you. Everyone needs to spread love and cheer. No need for unnecessary taunting and rudeness. 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Yes your right. you cant patch peoples attitudes. i just hope that players that do get reported for these kinda stuff actualy gets some sort of penelty or ban. Also a way to inactive the chat or disable it afterwards the game cuz 90% of the cases its just throwing ugly words both ways from both the killer and the survivors. I dont need to talk to my enemy/enemies after the game theres no point in that.

    I wouldn't consider it as enemies, really. It's like people playing tag or hide and seek. You're just playing a game together. It's an opportunity to display good sportsmanship, gg and all that. You get those kinds of childish behavior in games like this, though. Don't think about it too much. They're probably quite unhappy to try to belittle someone like that. You could always leave immediately if most of your games are toxic, but if they are, maybe you should ask why.
  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    In PS you can just turn off messages for strangers. Which might be a pity because once I wanted to send a photo of the hatch to the last survivor, but she had blocked messages for strangers, therefore smůla (bad luck).

    The chat is a steam chat ? I saw it just in some videos on youtube.

  • TheWraith883
    TheWraith883 Member Posts: 66

    Survivors are really rude players. They are toxic and full of #########. what's the point of Tbagging each time you through a pallet? I really don't understand why they keep tbagging for no reason?

    The only reason I think they keep do that because of the overpower they have and they are confident that they will leave at least one of them. so they become rude and try to tease the killer. I really hope the developers try to find a way or a perk to make them stop doing that.

  • Darkwey
    Darkwey Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2019

    Survivors are toxic because if u are "good" survivor you can pallet loop Killer for whole game until gates are open even if it is really good Killer. Ofc if he isn't playing Nurse or he is lucky with Huntress. They just know they are OP so they can do thing like that because they probably escape u. All what u need is where pallets are and pick right perks.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Unknown1313 said:
    You survivors epsecialy are super toxic. But most toxic people are probably arent reading the forum anyways.

    Whats the point in going EZ after every game if you do so i believe your losing a ######### ton of games and when you finaly survive one game you typ EZ to make you feel better.

    I yesterday bought the new DLC's in the new steam sale so i started playing a litterly a lvl 1 Killer in rank 9 after rank reset. with 1 lvl 1 perk and 0 addons and people be dropping EZ. Ofc i did not expect to win and thats my fault. but when theyr lvl 40+ with desicive, dead hard, borrowd time, sprint burst. I realy dont care about these people droping the EZ its just sad.

    i played a game with clown and i managed to kill one guy and they were survive with firends and they all spamed the chat afterwards and rage'd at me for geting ONE out of FOUR people. Say what? they werent happy i even killed one ? If i camp im a noob if i tunnel im a noob if i kill some one im a noob, im not allowed to do anything as a killer?

    Anyways i recently played a game with my huntress and they all survived and had all the exit gates opend, but 2 survive with friends ddnt leave they probably thought omg hes so bad lets play with him,drop a pallet slide over it until you get the killers atention, com on not leaving when the exit gate is open, realy, stay just to ''make fun of the killer'' Isnt this bannable?(i also reported these guys) Anyways i actualy downed one of them and hooked him, so i thought if hes toxic then im toxic to cuz all i wanted was to start another game but they held the game hostage and ddnt leave, so i camped him, and his friend got so mad he decided to run around the map even more and not leave just to waste more time and he keept doing so for over 5min.

    I actualy reported the last guy. cuz thats not cool, even such what the second last guy did was not cool either but he got what he deserved for spaming pallet sliding when gates are open.

    All im saying is we're here to have fun and to spend some time not to argue over internet or prove whos the better player im here to spend my time think of somthing els then real life(also you cant play unranked).
    They had a clean win but they decided to be more toxic i realy hope that players such as these gets banned and are not to be taken lightly.

    Dont be a dick spread some love and make friends instead and not enemies.
    GL TO YOU ALL. and think what your up against next time you drop that EZ bomb with lvl 50 survivor full perks + addons against a Freddy or a lvl 5 killer.

    Thats why you derank before you test a new killer :smile:

  • doggieman
    doggieman Member Posts: 36

    I was playing level 1 clown in one of my games and I saw that when I picked up a survivor all of a sudden 2 other survivors came from behind the trees and started trying to blind me, stun me, and bodyblock me. When I realized it was a SWF group by how much they were coordinating I tunneled one of them, put them in the basement, and proxy camped him. His friends kept trying to rescue him and I ended up killing the entire 3 man SWF group and I let the last survivor get away. I'm proud for what I've done. Afterwards they started calling me camper and told me I suck at this game. (because I'm the one that needs voice communication to play this game lmao)

  • pallet_eater
    pallet_eater Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2019

    This game will always and forever cater to survivors. And if you don't believe me then think upon this, why do survivors tbag at exit gates, behind pallets, behind a vault location, on top of hills, 2nd story houses, visibly across the map, while unhooking another survivor (if another is nearby), safely run out exit gate doing a conga-line (preventing hits).

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Survivors are really rude players. They are toxic and full of #########. what's the point of Tbagging each time you through a pallet? I really don't understand why they keep tbagging for no reason?

    The only reason I think they keep do that because of the overpower they have and they are confident that they will leave at least one of them. so they become rude and try to tease the killer. I really hope the developers try to find a way or a perk to make them stop doing that.

    Not all survivors are rude or toxic. Also the duo that to taunt and get you on them 'cause they're distracting while teammates work on gens. They know it'll make you mad and want to kill them.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    This game will always and forever cater to survivors. And if you don't believe me then think upon this, why do survivors tbag at exit gates, behind pallets, behind a vault location, on top of hills, 2nd story houses, visibly across the map, while unhooking another survivor (if another is nearby), safely run out exit gate doing a conga-line (preventing hits).

    You're right. More killers should be able to teabag, too! :c
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    edited January 2019
    If we want to end some toxic behavior I suggest the devs implement these perks.

    Blood Rage- "watching your prey mock you fills you with rage to kill"
    When a survivor stays within 7m of you (while you are not moving) for 3s you get a token for this perk (max 6)
    1,2. -/-/move 20% faster
    3,4.-/perform actions 20/25% faster.
    5,6.-/-/survivors suffer the broken and hindered status effects.

    Transference- "You are willing to help others as much as possible, even if it becomes a detriment to you." spend 10s/5s/instantly heal another survivor one level at the cost of becoming injured (cannot be used if already injured)
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    Don't let them get to you. Just play the game the way you want and have fun. And remember: "The lion does not consern itself with the opinions of the sheep"
  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    @Dead_by_David said:
    @Unknown1313 I play on PS4 so I do not have the chat box at the end of a game but I have received some unpleasent messages after certain games. I just report and block, people like that are not worth the effort

    i never get messages off of salty survs. the last message i got off a surv was when i 4ked on ormand as legion. they just sent me a message saying ''you could have let me win. i have never beat a legion before.''. this is on ps4. what rank are you/what your highest rank?

  • Dead_by_David
    Dead_by_David Member Posts: 270

    @Dead_by_David said:
    @Unknown1313 I play on PS4 so I do not have the chat box at the end of a game but I have received some unpleasent messages after certain games. I just report and block, people like that are not worth the effort

    i never get messages off of salty survs. the last message i got off a surv was when i 4ked on ormand as legion. they just sent me a message saying ''you could have let me win. i have never beat a legion before.''. this is on ps4. what rank are you/what your highest rank?

    I am currently rank 9 survivor but I was rank 1-5 for a while, I just like to enjoy the game now. I have received more as a killer but I did receive a lot over time as a survivor. 

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    If we want to end some toxic behavior I suggest the devs implement these perks.

    Blood Rage- "watching your prey mock you fills you with rage to kill"
    When a survivor stays within 7m of you (while you are not moving) for 3s you get a token for this perk (max 6)
    1,2. -/-/move 20% faster
    3,4.-/perform actions 20/25% faster.
    5,6.-/-/survivors suffer the broken and hindered status effects.

    Transference- "You are willing to help others as much as possible, even if it becomes a detriment to you." spend 10s/5s/instantly heal another survivor one level at the cost of becoming injured (cannot be used if already injured)
    Something like that is likely hard to implemented. 
  • N_o
    N_o Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2019

    Good luck getting people to be nice, in an asymmetrical game where both sides are trying to win.
    Trash talk just comes with the competitive aspect of any game ever. Are you new to the internet or what? Nothing new.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    I find myself more and more defending killer after the game as there seems to be increasing number of toxic survivors these days.

    Or maybe its just cuz I only have time to play during weekends atm?
  • BDS22
    BDS22 Member Posts: 146
    Honestly the toxicity goes both ways I was in a game as a survivor and after the game I asked a killer why they decided to run a certain add on I asked nicely and was only curious and the response I got was "scrub". I figured it must've been a teenager or a kid.