PC Shouldn't be in crossplay.

I don't know if it's because i'm playing on EU servers but EVERY PC killer I play against seems to get the privilege of the hit detection. Not to mention the amount of hacking Killers I come across each day...But when you finally do get a PC Killer which seems some what normal, they can literally pull stuff off that you just can't counter with a controller that well. I.e Blight turns or Nurse blinks. Compared to playing against those Killers on controller I find it much more fair being able to counter.

And before people say "just get better at looping" or "turn off crossplay" it's a ignorant response to these issues between console and pc crossplay. Higher frames, faster sensitivity and I already play at Max sensitivity, I do pretty well looping PC Killers but it literally boils down to the frames being higher on PC or maybe PC Killers having better ping. I don't know my ping is always 60-70ms on Xbox Series X...Nothing I do can make that better because of where DBD servers are located but when I play Apex or something I only have 20 ping So i don't even know how you can counterplay stupid hits.

Even when I play Killer i can tell which survivors are on PC. The ones who I should be hitting on vaults and get away for example, when it's a console survivor you can get the hit easily.

At least give us the option to remove being queued up against PC people. I feel sorry for the people on the switch who would have to put up playing against people on Keyboard and Mouse.


  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    turning cross play off will stop you playing with the other console platform too though. So you can't have a console exclusive mm. That said, I don't particularly agree with the idea of being able to target one platform specifically to not play with. That's just asking to breed toxicity and prejudice over literally nothing. Most people who have an issue with "other platforms" often tend to not be the best at the game.

    Currently the only argument you can make for turning off crossplay is to avoid hackers. Any other argument is just a generalised statement demeaning other platforms not for player skill, but for platform choice.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    So let's protect the PC players because it's demeaning? I'm sorry what? They're literally playing in higher frames, sensitivity and general better movement and skill overall & like i said on top of that they generally getting better ping than console, this happens on every game. I play this game on PC aswell and my ping is about 20 less than on console. I can feel how much easier or fair the game is on PC. Furthermore as for your statement regarding people who have issues with other platforms are the not the best at the game...is yourself being demeaning to a justified statement about PC players.

    But what a surprise someone replies with a "oh you're not good at the game"...because people can't be good at the game and have an opinion on issues with it apparently. If you want to actually see if i'm good at the game or not you can go watch any of my streams on my channel & you'll see for yourself even I know i'm one of the better players on this game.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I think you're arguing for the wrong thing since if you want everyone to be play without advantages, the devs should not only do what you suggested but also isolate old gen and switch players from current gen console players due to the frame rate difference.

    What you should argue for instead is mouse + keyboard support on console. And e.g. the option of playing on "performance" mode. E.g. You play on low settings for 120 fps. Overwatch has these options for current gen console players: Resolution, Balanced and Framerate. You get the best quality and 60fps at Resolution whilst 120fps on lower settings on the Framerate option. So DBD could offer similar options.

    I know this is a big stretch to ask for since 120 FPS isn't even an option on in the menu on PC but this would be better than your suggestion. It also wouldn't isolate any of the player base. Of course old gen and switch players will still have a disadvantage though.

  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    Ummm… Console has access to every single blight tech pc can perform, and we all know nurse was never designed with controller in mind… That said yea the frames are better on pc but they are in every game that has crossplay, and it doesn’t have any difference on the gameplay. Plus, why should I be punished because I play on a platform that has advantages that are negligible (most of them)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    Either dodge lobbies with PC players or understand that they have something of an advantage on certain killers.

    Hacking is neither here nor there.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Incredible. Everything you said was wrong. The advantages that pc players get over console players aren't as significant one might think. Not in this game. And the "they have higher frames" is such a non-arguement as the frame rates pc players would play on over console aren't even perceptible to the human eye.

    I'm not saying "protect pc players" I'm saying you demean them by implying they have an unfair advantage which just isn't the case with some minor exceptions such as Huntress. However all those advantages are nothing in the face of skill. I was a very strong Pyramid Head player on console and at higher levels of play the difference in playstyle between PC and console is literally negligible. Because the platform you play on is not indicative of skill.

    It's also important to note, the game you play has nothing to do with your ping. That's to do with your hardware and isp. In my experience too, a whole 20 ping doesn't impact gameplay nearly at all unless that 20 is starting to jump you up over 100 ping. In which case that's a you problem, not a game problem.

    Also explain to me how I'm being demeaning by saying that the platform a pc player uses isn't indicative of how well they play a game? I'm making a factual statement. I'm not saying oh you can only be good at the game if you're on pc like a certain somebody is. You're suggesting the reason why you lose to people is because they play on pc, that if you play against console players you'll have an easier time, which just isn't true. And if it were it wouldn't be for any of the reasons you've suggested above. Namely down to console players being more casual than pc, so regardless of hardware a pc player is more likely to be good at the game because they take gaming more seriously than your average console player. Which once again, just loops back around to everything being a skill issue.

    I also love your humility. a very good sign of skill. Anyway, it doesn't matter how good you are at the game and it has nothing to do with their platform. It's all on part of the player. If you're going to slander a platform, at least use the correct arguments. Had you said pc players get an advantage because console has poor optimisation, then yes I would agree there. However even that isn't at fault of pc, that's a BHVR issue.

    Pointing fingers at other platforms for your problems is merely shifting the blame off yourself and in my honest opinion an excuse for poor play.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I wouldn't be as good a killer as I am today without playing against PC survivors. When cross play was off for my Xbox Series (BHVR disabled) it was GG EZ every time. Majority of Xbox Survivor (Not all I said majority) are ass juice....No offense.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited November 2021

    60fps vs 120fps is absolutely perceptible to the human eye if you have a high refresh rate monitor, e.g. 144hz. Once you've used a high refresh rate monitor you can't go back, 60fps vs 120fps is very, very noticeable. Games at 60 fps for me are almost unplayable.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This is a ridiculous excuse honestly, you could have the best PC in the entire world and still be trash at the game, just last night I had a random trash talk console before the match and the console players were competent while the guy bashing them got downed in 5 seconds and DC, even without him we all escaped and then he tried to trash talk the killer in the endgame 🙄, it comes down to you're either good at the game or you're not

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Well I don't like to play with pc players either... They have better movement and precise aim with killers like nurse, blight, oni and Billy lunges and so on...

    But it's either that or waiting 7+ minutes to find games...

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    This is probably just a you problem. I don't really have a problem when I'm facing people on PC

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Not even close playing on controller vs MnK is hugely different. Most games have better setting for controller they have deadzone setting and there sensitivity don't jump up by 5s. Trying to be accurate is really hard with the basic controller settings.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited November 2021

    YES! You and the 4 people LOL you missed the WHOLE POINT LOL! A Console Crossplay only option.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited November 2021

    Totally agree. Wish cross play had an option for consoles only since looking for PlayStation matches exclusively is near impossible now

    Edit: I would also argue that last gen consoles are at the biggest disadvantage. After switching from ps4 to ps5 I’ve realized ps4 was comparably unplayable (not literally but it’s very hard)

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715
    edited November 2021

    Consoles don't even run at 60FPS, Hell they don't even maintain 30FPS and constantly freeze or dip way lower.

    Been waiting for 60FPS since they gave us this detailed outline how they would achieve it over the year; this was nearly 3 year ago now and they just don't talk about it anymore or answer questions about it. I've had my questions deleted from the last few Q and A threads because they just don't want people talking about this anymore in the hopes people will upgrade and despite their not being cross progression for lots of formats.

    I would settle for a cross play option that most other games have, limited by controller type so M+K players would only play against other M+K players and vice versa, unless you choose otherwise.

    The difference between new PCs and new gen consoles is small because the performance is comparable, and the difference between new gen consoles and last gen is small because the controller limitations are the same; last gen consoles are at a massive disadvantage in multiple ways against most PC players. Switch there really is no good answer for it seems, as even if they were matched against mobile players, the mobile version runs so much better than the terrible Switch port.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    It's the fact that if you turn cross play off you don't even get put against the Xbox players that have cross play on that annoys me yet all I see every single thread is pc people saying 'ugh turn it off'. Where is the logic in that

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096
    edited November 2021

    I play on the Series X and I don't notice any disadvantage. It all feels the same for me. I'm not in the EU though but not sure if that makes any difference. I do not think excluding portions of this community would be healthy for this game either.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, if a game is 5 years of age, we need more mingling. Excluding a massive portion of the audience makes no sense, especially in a party game like this. At least the weirdos in fps games are hyper competitive, so it explains why they want to be segregated.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    Overwatch has console pool only crossplay and is 5 years old so... Every other game has it right, console pool only or Pc when playing with someone on pc, except Dead by daylight.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Exactly, and it is dead as hell. This game gets me into lobbies buttery smooth thanks to competent crossplay.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I get in matches way faster in Overwatch on Xbox than I do in DBD

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    What do you mean dead as hell?

    I can literally turn my game on at any time of the day and find a game within 2 minutes in EU while with cross play off on dead by daylight I can sit in a killer queue for 45 mins and still find no game because I don't get put against same console players that have it turned on.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    That is an mmr issue, not a playerbase issue. It needs addressing, for sure, and I am surprised they haven't done anything to fix it yet. Or am I? I guess it is not THAT strange given how they operate. Lol.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    As a PC player I think it would be fair to have a console only crossplay tbh. Playing this game on a controller is a huge disadvantage already (mostly due to BHVR's fault of not knowing how to optimize it), and last gen people are being screwed by the devs incompetence by not knowing how to optimize the game on machines that already run games like Elden Ring and Warzone.

    Queues for us were better before crossplay anyway. The PC pool had a good ratio of survivors and killer players, but after it the survivor queues skyrocketed, probably because there's very few people playing killer on console.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Even the camera sensitivity for consoles is lower than PC right? I put all the way up Just to try some 360's and I still feel it's slow compared to streamers that I watch playing on PC

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 715

    Can you not accept that because SOME think its a 'party game' (lol) it would also be fair to have a separate mode (like most other games) where people who want to be competitive can play without having to either stomp casual 'party' players, or have games competitive integrity (what little there is lol) spoiled by 1 'party' player not playing the game very well in the environment.

    Its baffling to me because almost every other game has modes for both types of player rather than forcing them into the shitshow we have in DbD atm.

    You aren't going to convince people who want to play DbD and be competitive to not do that, just like you aren't going to convince 'party' players to start playing efficiently.

    Why can't we have a space for both? Is there not enough of one type of player or the other? It looks to be doing pretty healthy from a player numbers perspective, and if one of the modes had barely enough players to sustain, or too many of one side or the other; then that would either need looking into why and changing things or doing away with the less popular side and trying to encourage people to play in the way you want them to for that game mode.

    I guarantee though that it will be easier to convince 'party' players to get better as they play more, because that happens naturally no matter what you do in anything; than it is to convince competitive players to 'not be competitive' or 'not play so efficiently' lol :)

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    This is why I want consoles to actually support MnK for whoever that wants to use it.

    Overwatch crossplay destroyed my overall performance because even if there is a single guy from pc in your lobby (duoing with another player), your aim assist is turned off even if you don't are in a party with someone from PC.

    Let people with controllers play with controllers and MnK with MnK

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Disable crossplay.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Yes we should, stop being a looser.

    1. There are survivor players that use controllers and are fine. An example of this is Cope. Killers being able to be used to their full potential is not an objective problem. Your shortcoming are not a basis to just banish the PC playerbase.
    2. Yeah, the frames and network has nothing to do with PC, as much as a BHVR problem. Don't whine to us about things that the devs should have fixed a while ago. Ping should just be a matter of location. This isn't magic. All this means is that BHVR's servers are stationed at areas that Apex is not.
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    How do you know it's a PC player ?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,771

    Why should the console community be punished for bhvrs poor console optimization?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The point remains. Instead of any platform being punished, bhvr should fix their game.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,771

    Sadly they said in their last Q&A that have no plans to add M&K support or to add graphics options to the consoles...

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I want MnK so I can play ALL the KILLERS and Moonwalk all the tiles and loops, but I'm on the controller with slower sensitivity speeds.

  • DeadTeDy013
    DeadTeDy013 Member Posts: 2

    For those of you who don't know how to do this, it's in your settings.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    I agree we should have a console only cross-play option, I don't see the issue. People would still play on the original cross-play (I'd play on both). There are a lot of pc players anyways