Is this game now broken,beyond repair.

Played for 20 mins as killer tonight and left to play survivor which I did for 30 mins.Left killer as it is so frustrating,then left as survivor as was to boring.The game is totally imbalanced,never played as a 4 k killer or expecting to survive.I was happy with a fair balanced game that lasted more than 5 mins and loved the challenge.Played this game since its release on both PC and console and really loved it despite some of its gameplay issues,but c’mon BHVR get it together the game is absolutely rotten and no fun to play as killer and boring and repetitive as survivor.If something is not done soon this game will be a dead duck soon.




  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    it's more broken then no mither

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    If u check charts, it's actually increasing. Majority like those new changes despite some complain here.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    And now pay attention on player count November last year and now. Something wrong with this one year graph.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153
    edited November 2021

    I am not talking about comparing last year's to this. I said that both statements that the game right now is at its highest EVER in terms of players and/or killer gameplay strength.

    Both have shown a decline in the last weeks. Yes they are way higher/better than the previous years but the upwards trend is not there for the last few years but is instead declining or getting worse.

    Edit: also i don't get what should be wrong with the graph? You can see the overall development in player count since release below the line graph and i don see any problems there.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    "Accept this game will never be competitive"

    I still think it's wrong to balance around trash.

    Big Data balancing was never good...

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    You do realize hit validation means the survivor actually hit dead hard before your swing connected, right? Yes, it looks and feels awful to hear the hit, hear the scream and watch them lunge forward, but the request to dead hard went to the server BEFORE you swung. You were getting free hits before due to lag.

    This was a fix for something that has not been working forever.

    As for boons, I'll say what killers have said for every new killer that came out: adapt. They aren't even very good. Stop letting that boom sound when it's cast terrify you.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    All I see is thread after thread of killer mains upset that they can't 4k constantly anymore. To which I say.. good. Tired of you sweaty killjoys that just camp and tunnel at 5 gens. Might actually try to do more than hit you with lockers and flashbangs then.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    As you can see from the tone of my opening remarks,my idea of playing this game was routed firmly to have a fun experience,as I stated never was a try hard or expected to survive every game or be a 4K as killer,the point made by me and lots in the community is the fairness/balancing and the concentration by BHVR to invest their time into pointless cosmetics which I understand,cheap and easy to code and a money tree,instead of concentrating on the in game issues.There may only be a fraction of players on these forums but it is a good litmus test to the broader feelings of players across the community.For me personally I have pretty much given up borne out of frustration and boredom which is a great shame s have played this game for over 5 years.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited November 2021

    For some survivors is not boring to hold M1 the whole match. It's fun!

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I agree to an extent,like playing Tetris on a circa 1998 mobile phone.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    This makes no sense. Even if few players left (I don't know any), overall player count is rising. Game is far away from being dead.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    The new hit validation widens the timing window for survivor to hit it until the last second instead of anticipating killer anymore.

    But i have no problem with either hv or boons as i am one of the killer players that learned over the years to not care anymore. So i let all my survivor leave as much as possible while trying to make as much BP as I can while playing normal to provide a thrilling experience.

    Therefore I sit at the bottom of MMR and it is rather difficult not to kill any survivor without completely stopping all aggression after 8 hooks. Neither dh nor boons or anything else are used effective at that level.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    For the people who are having a horrible time playing killer right now: does it simply mean that you don't enjoy playing at a (presumably) high MMR? The new system is simple enough that you can easily lower your MMR (yes, it will take time if you have a very high MMR, but still...), so why do you want to keep playing at a high MMR? It seems like self-torture for no reason. I guarantee you could get your MMR down to a point where you have much more fun matches, while still keeping it interesting.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    The figures may tell their own story but I have played this game for over 5 years and although It has had its ups and downs the issues eventually got addressed the game became more balanced it was relaxed and enjoyable for both killer and survivors,queue times were at most around 5 mins for both sides even during quieter times,by comparison based on todays playing,I played two games as survivor 1st game queue time 9mins,play time just under 5 mins with all gens done exit gate open and all out,2nd game queue time just over 10 mins,game time just over 4 with 3 of us getting the gate escape.I then played 2 games as killer and got into games almost immediately,first game was a 1k which lasted approx 5 mins2nd was a 3k with one getting the hatch game lasted 7 mins.The experience as survivor was boring particularly the first game as hardly saw the killer and just m1’d gens.As killer the first game was frustrating as they had the gens done in lightning fast time,both maps were on the larger side and gen control was near on impossible was playing plague and only slow down was ruin.BHVR have to do something quickly and invest in making the game fairer,balanced and a more rewarding experience for players instead of investing in cosmetics for their dress up dolls.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Well put mate,but shouldn’t that be a developer issue to fix.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The thing is the Hit Validation issue is way worse than anyone realizes. There are times now that I would "hit" the survivor but it's a hit validation issue with DH but the funny thing is they dont do the animation for DH usually confusing the heck out of me allowing them to escape. They need to remove the scream and blood from the failed attack as that is what is making the hit validation a "Buff" to most people.

    I had a DH Validation when they used it just before jumping off a drop at a hill, no animation for DH but was a obvious DH fake hit because I got the blood and scream but no weapon wipe. The way they changed it makes it more forgiving to the survivors at least in my opinion.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    And people that more often play survivor with friends.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    The problem is that some of us are stuck on a MMR limbo. If I get demolished by a 4 man in a game, the very next one the MMR seems to put me in a lobby of completely solo queue babies. Sure, my average at the end might be a 2k or even more, but the matches for sure aren't "fair". My build also is fair from being a "high MMR" build, as I mostly only use Corrupt Intervention or Deadlock as slowdowns, and I run Shadowborn/BBQ on almost every killer. But for some reason I keep getting matched with survivors who bring the sweatiest meta builds and strong items. Mind you the system has been on for more than 2 months at this point, I should be already on a MMR where I have fair matches.

    Sure, I could lower my MMR by letting survivors escape, but if you need to smurf to get enjoyable matches then the system is already a failure and should be disabled.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep MMR has a lot to answer for,I’ve posted this before but worth putting it up again.I have insider information on how the system works.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    On how the system doesn't work cause it's total garbage for killers.

    The system is so garbage that my 10 hours nurse end up being matched against full squad of 4000 hours surv. Why ? Because i have won my last 8 games against barely average survivors.

    But well, honestly, give me one thing that BHVR implemented and was good ?

    • servers should have been the best of the world = they are terrible, ping fluctuates all the way everytime
    • MMR should give fair trials = everything is unfair
    • they promised to fix performance issues 6 months ago = never fixed
    • they aim for bringing more balance to the game = they bring boons and MMR
    • they brought crossplay to increase the playerbase = they mixed two communities that clearly have a huge huge skill level disparity
    • they buffed the nurse and nerfed Pinhead
    • update the game with a huge breach allowing IP leaks

    All this in 2 years, maybe 3...

    DbD has been a game with constant complaints for years now. I have never seen a game with so many complaints. Maybe R6S before the Operation health but still it was not so much on so many subjects...

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Totally agree with everything you stated,it has been a steady drip drip drip eroding the play in this game for years now with the blame being sat squarely with the developers,they prefer investing money cheaply into coding cosmetics for players than fixing or improving the game,whilst charging people for the privilege.That stupid witch survivor and boon totems are a perfect example of cheaply and easily changing the game at the expense of fairness and detrimental to the quality of the game.BHVR clearly don’t take cognisance to the content of these forums or they would see this game is headed for disaster if they don’t fix it and soon,especially with a couple of similar games awaiting release.

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    After MMR i started playing less and less, and after boons i actually found my self completely quitting killer and only playing survivor, but I havent played in the last month now so..

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I hear that mate,think you are one of a growing band.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 713

    I have to point out that MMR is comparably bad for solo survivors too; you can litterally do 100 gens in 3 minutes, be chased for half an hour, get hooked and die when everyone leaves to get the escape and raise their MMR. So you do all the work and take all the risk, using your skill to win the game for the team; yet your MMR goes down just for dying and those who did absolutely nothing but escaped get to 'win' and raise their MMR.

    This also throws things out of balance for killer even more because you have really good loopers at lower MMRs than people who just hide doing nothing but occasionally holding M1 on a gen.

    The best players don't always raise MMR and the worst players often can raise theirs; the opposite of what a SKILL BASED matchmaking system should do.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176

    Always has been.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I mean you are allowed to be wrong.

    Many of us have been playing killer in this game for a while and do not share the same experience as OP.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    It's not broken, beyond repair. Granted, their needs to be some alterations, but to say the game is completely broken is grossly exaggerated.

    Matches, from my perspective, are still largely unpredictable. Some matches I win and sometines I lose on both sides, and to me that's exactly what's expected. Perks and add-ons are altered periodically, and other than Boons which do need some changes.

    Bugs are a problem sometimes, but largely it doesn't impact.

    Overall, it's not broken beyond compare. And the idea of "balance" needs to be forgotten is favour of "fairness" - an assymetrical game can never be balanced by its very nature, but it can be taylored to give every player a chance at success.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    To be fair most people in this thread agree with you in some sense but their is a consensus that some elements of the game need reworked.Survivor queue times have lengthened unite a bit while killer queue times have shortened,and their seems to be a feeling that tpsome of the killer community re leaving or switching to survivor bourne out of frustration.The devs need to look at the reasons why and address these issues.Imhave played this game since it was released and in the recent past was vastly better than it was on release but in the last year or so this has been reversed and the game seems to be in a bad place comparatively.I’m sure everyone who has contributed to this and similar threads do so not out of malice but because they genuinely care about the game.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    The game is literally at its worst place since Clown Chapter release.

    SBMM is clearly the huge problem. Boon totems are just another reason but it's because it's way too strong against good survivors.

    Anyway, i'm now playing killer without try hard, i even often let 2 survivors escape. So i'm slowly de-ranking and will leave the high level MMR crap away from me as a killer.

    Survivors of this level won't find any decent killers pretty soon, only tunneler and camper. I guess they will have a terrible experience.

    I will know as i also play survivors bt last days, SBMM has been off putting me with babies while two days ago i was matched with commando survivors.

    BHVR has clearly tweaked the SBMM, unfortunately.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    They need to shorten maps. If all maps were coal tower size the game would be a lot better and easier to balance.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Agreed, and I understand people won't be upset unless they cared, so I didn't focus on that bit because the main focus was on keeping a perspective.

    When emotion clouds judgement, things can feel much worse than they are amd it feels insurmountable. By keeping a more hopeful or rationalised mindset, it's easier to work on improving things and wprking for the betterment of the game. People tend to switch off when others start shouting or insulting or exaggerating, but factual, constructive criticism and looking to see what cam be done keeps attention.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Thank you,this was the very reason why I created this thread too engage with like minded people like your good self who do actually care enough to post on here and vis a vie care about the game and community,sometimes,small things mean a lot.👍

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Yeah I was wanting to see the trend as-well because I used to play this game hours upon hours a week and now I’ve played it maybe a few hours the last few months. Also I’ve noticed all the people on my friends list are playing other games too. And I didn’t move onto something new and exciting I went on to try sot and totally fell in love with it. Hate the new mmr system that’s what turned me off.

    hoping it’s going down and the devs do something. Better mmr system. Better balance between killer/survivors

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep killers are a dying breed which is kind of ironic.😀