What killer brings a frown/groan when you see them

For me it would have to be nemesis and wraith
Plague/Spirit/Bubba/Pig and now just added huntress on list
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Yes, the only one.
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Twins, Spirit, Bubba, Doctor, Hillbilly, Oni and Legion.
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Bubba, Hag, Plague, Legion, Doctor, Freddy, and Spirit always. Occasionally, stealth killers.
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Trickster, Hag, and Twins.
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Hag and Twins
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Trapper anytime im in the grass is lime possible been in a minefield but your not sure
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Trickster and Pinhead, soon as i hear them its "to the basement" to grab there attention so i can get out.
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huntress and ghostface
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You if you do that a smart killer will ignore you knowing that one survivor is doing nothing in the basement and I only have to keep track of 3 survivors.
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Leatherface because even if I play good I'll get halfway through a gen and see three of my teammates slugged on the ground unless I run Bubba for 5 gens.
Wraith too because I can't be bothered to keep an eye out for him.
Edit: PIG. I don't wanna play with your trap. Last game I let her pull me off a nearly done gen and expected her to toss me on the hook to apply pressure but no, she dropped me and let the gen pop, then put the dunce cap on my head. If that wasn't bad enough I had two dunce caps in one trial. Aaaaargh.
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Nemesis and Gunslinger. hate them with passion.
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Twins, Trickster, Legion, Pinhead, Pig, and Ghostface.
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Thing is many killers arent smart and grant my wishes.
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Bubba. At this point, when I see him, I immediately expect I'm either going to be doing M1 simulator or staring at him in the corner of the basement while praying my solo teammates don't wander over to save me despite the Kindred. When the Bubba actually wants to play the game, he's a great killer to go against and is both strong and dynamic in chase, but so many of them these days just play to facecamp and seeing one is always an "oh, great, here we go again" until proven otherwise.
Twins is second up. I think I've had a fun Twins match twice, and one of those was a meme game where Victor just wanted headpats. Their saving grace is that they're basically cryptids and I have to deal with them, like, once a month.
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Nemesis isn't too bad once you get a feel for his tentacle timings. Bait it with a fake vault then vault.
Wraith...just loop him. He really struggles against boons too.
For me:
Blight: He's fast, strong and always jumpscares me when I least expect him.
Huntress: I still don't have the timing down to juke her axes.
Bubba: So, so many of these rely on camping.
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Survivor is for babies. If you are frightened by any killer you are bad at this game. You want to groan? Try playing killer at night.
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Did you honestly assume that anyone on this thread doesn't already do that? This might come as a surprise, but some people actually play both sides of the game on the regular.
Frightened =/= annoyed. This is just a thread for the killers you don't like playing against. That doesn't mean you can't deal with them, always lose to them, or are scared of them - you can think their playstyle is annoying or uninteractive while still knowing how to counter it.
I play survivor at day and killer at night due to queue times. I hate dealing with BNP/god medkit with styptic 4stacks. I also hate being facecamped or mass slugged because it's boring as hell. These things are not mutually exclusive.
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I play both sides. Being annoyed by a killer is not the same as being scared of them. No survivor is scared of killers anymore at this game. I just simply dont like going against killers that shoot me without any notification or make pallets completely useless
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Doctor, Wraith, Ghost face
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Bubba & Hag because:
There is 50% chance it is basement Bubba.
There is 30% chance it is camping / proxi camping / facecamping Bubba.
There is 10% chance it is Bubba who chases someone for 5 gens and then camp.
There is 5% chance of normal fair good Bubba who makes the game decent fun match.
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Twins and Hag.
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When I actually do play survivor? Bubba. Most Bubba players are pretty mean. Like behavior wise.
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To be honest, Huntress. She apparently throws straight up trucks at Survivors considering how abhorrently broken her hitboxes are. Half the time it doesn't even feel worth it to try and juke. If they whiff, it feels less like I outplayed them and more like I got lucky.
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Huntress, I don't get ppl who play/main her, I find playing her, and vs her to be snoozefest most of the time
Blight, I love playing him on ocassion, but it seems only perks ppl have on him are same 5-6 perks with alchemist ring and crow, since SBMM got into game, every blight, without exception was running the same build, over and over again
Nurse, Spirit, nothing memorable about those matches, if ever, outplaying them feels more like dumb luck or killer messing up than it has to do with my skill and game knowledge although spirit is lot more manageable now, same problem as with blight when it comes to perks sadly
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Nemesis, trickster, twins and bubba
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This community is so negatively oriented.
Somebody made a positive version of this post and mere moments later a negative one pops up. I think people think enough about the things they don't like in this game.
Not calling names, just an observation.
guess Huntress. Just because i'm like a magnet for hatchets
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Huntress and blight. Both because of the bullshit that happens every time i see them
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Hag. Snooze fest gameplay incoming.
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Huntress, because it's always the same thing with Huntress. Same perks, same hits when I'm around a corner or object, and same stupid lullaby, over and over with that damn lullaby. After 4 years learn a new song already.
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Bubba because most of the ones i run into face camp their first hook.
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Ghostface and Myers. Hate being snuck up on.
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Hag is just straight-up unenjoyable misery to go against. Would take Trickster over that menace.
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Twins with Bubba close second.
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Pinhead, Trickster and Huntress.
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How old are you again?
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Trapper: a very weak killer but I play on Xbox X and traps are almost impossible to see. It’s frustrating seeing all these PC players with brightness turned up or filters yet I’m here looking at a dark patch with a darker patch inside it wondering if a trap is there.
Wraith: another weak killer and one of my favourites to play but I hate facing stealth killers and his stealth is the best imho.
Trickster: just poorly designed killer. Unless you’re at a decent, high-walled loop, you’re screwed and there’s very little that can be done about it.
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Jesus thats like hlaf of the killers. Who do you want them to play?
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Spirit, Wraith and Blight because 99'9% of times it means you are facing a sweatlord, Leatherface because 90% of times you are facing a camper and Twins because they are disgusting to play against.
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I'm laughing at people saying Twins, who doesn't enjoy kicking a leaping midget?
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Blight and ONI because there is a 90% chance they will cheat and bypass the turn restrictions.
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100% this is pretty much it. Then it turns into an echo chamber...its a rough read sometimes, but I'm addicted to lurking the forums and reading the nonsense.
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Bubba and Wraith. Bubba's saw is too easy to use and lasts for far too long for an insta-down. Being able to down multiple people at once isn't any fun to go against either.
Wraith because the chases are always boring. It's just cloaking and uncloaking to get a speed/lunge boost or to try and bodyblock windows and pallets. And half the time they just leave after getting an injury so there isn't even a chase.
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Twins, Clown, Pinhead, Legion. Anything that constantly interrupts me or obscures my vision is super annoying.
Wraith is generally pretty annoying too due to the hit and run playstyle many of them employ. There's always one or two Self-Care Andys on the team that completely throw the game against this in solo queue.
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trickster because boring and no skill
legion because …. Legion
spirit because op af with the nerf too
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Yup, that’s real but whatever …. I just had 1200h of play of spam healing against legions ….