Crossplay on or off. Which is better?

(PC) Honestly I've been going in between having it on and off depending on queue times. For the most part games feel about the same leaning more towards crossplay off (possibly do to bias idk). I do feel like I find more chill gameplay with it off as well. Is this what some of you see as well or am I just getting lucky with lobbies.
Note: one thing I do find frustrating is the number of killer dodges. Maybe they see our hours or that some people are grouped up, but there have been times at night where the lobby time is longer then the queue time.
I play crossplay off. I am not a fan of console players, either killers or survivors.
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Is this for console? I have had faster queue times at night during peak survivor hours with it off.
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On console, I tend to find faster queue times, variety of players, and more chill players with crossplay on.
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On. I see dogshit survivors on all platforms so it is what it is. Que times are instant also.
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On, because I have friends on different platforms I play with regularly. Plus you stop worrying about endgame chat for a good while.
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I have it on for faster queue times.
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Most definitely on.
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Cross play off for one reason. Loading screen times
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(Xbox) I'd wish I could turn mine off without being hit with stupid long wait times, I already wait awhile even with it on so off Is a nightmare.
Honestly main reason I want to turn mine off is due to all these pc hackers etc. I know it's not every game but I dont want it, I'm also meeting alot of toxic BM in matched from PC players which is another off putting thing along side the advantages of edited settings.
Nothing against anyone on any platform but if I could choose to avoid stretch res, filters, and hackers while reducing BM I would. Sadly games take far to long to do this.
Oh well I'm playing crossplay halo infinite atm, no toxicity or hackers etc. On there only difference is the easier aiming which is a given. Better crossplay experience than DBD, even gears had better crossplay
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On. Bigger being available increases the chances of better matches from macthmaking and decreases queue times. The only downside is just the console people can’t hear you say “good game” or whatever at the end if you want to say something positive.
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I disabled it one day and play 3 matches in a row against the same slugger killer. Didn’t disable it again
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That's dumb honestly.
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If you play killer you're better off having it on.
If you play survivor you're better off having it off.
Crossplay in general is going to lower the quality of your teammates. You will have longer queues though.
This is also because your PC at base. If you were console it would be the opposite. Console players on average will play much worse.
I personally keep it on for faster queues and to have some semblance of improved balance.
"Note: one thing I do find frustrating is the number of killer dodges. Maybe they see our hours or that some people are grouped up, but there have been times at night where the lobby time is longer then the queue time."
They dodge because the game isn't balanced for swf so he'd be intentionally walking into a match where y'all have a significant unfair advantage.
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On find quicker matches
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On. I just like the variety of opponents.