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Something needs to be done about the camping bubba

Camping in general is stupid and a buzzkill, but the worst form of this is a camping cannibal. Yes, I know the strat is to abandon altruism and do the gens, but should that even be considered a solution?

In the cannibal's mind, he wins either way. Best case scenario, he gets at least one kill, assuming that the one person is furious about it. Worst case scenario, he downs everyone because they can't let go of altruism.

He shouldn't get a win either way. A person like that doesn't deserve it.

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  • Member Posts: 619

    If he gets one kill and the other 3 get away then no, that's not a win for Leatherface. Get over it. This subject has been beaten to death. If you can't let go of altruism then who's fault is that?

  • Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2021

    you're missing the distinction between a win according to the game and what everyone else thinks, and a win according to a troll who wants to upset people

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    How about shotgun perk. So u can hunt killer and totally switch sides?

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2021

    Because they want to win every single time and if something happens they don't like then they want to grab the pitchforks and riot. Camping Leatherface is so damn easy to beat. If you're the unlucky survivor on the hook, sorry. Consider it a sacrifice for your team to win and move on. I've been the unlucky survivor on the hook. It sucks but you can't have it your way all the time. This isn't Burger King.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Just rush the gens huehuehuehue.

    Seriously though, I hate face-camping. 1 person doesn't get to play the game, and the other 3 Survivors are bored out of their minds because all they can do is gens. But since camping and tunneling are "legitimate strategies," I don't see this ever changing.

    Fun fact: Camping Bubba used to be even worse, as he could hold his chainsaw up forever without cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    No, but you can de-pip. You're not getting anywhere grade-wise playing like the Bubba in my example.

  • Member Posts: 600

    Funny you made this post, I just had a bubba on asylum who was terribly bad at the game. He got a hook on someone 3 gens in and decided to insidious camp and tunnel the person off the hook. At this point it’s just boring to go against face camping killers especially bubba. That’s all I’ve seen killers do these pat few weeks is just camp the first hook they get. Zzz

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Just had a camping nurse for some reason she wouldnt leave the players hook so we bumrushed her and rescued and she couldnt catch up my guess was they didnt like playing her and maybe got a daily or something i dunno was sad to see that on such a difficult killer being played like a bubba

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Camping bubba is a buzzkill.... almost just like playing killer is when the first chase you have leads to 3 gens getting popped no matter what you do unless you're nurse or blight.

  • Member Posts: 20

    I hate facecamping but to be honest guys, if you would play killer and get overrun from the survivors with 3 or 4 gens popping in the first 3 Minutes you would think ######### it too.

    It's no fun for killers if the game ends in the first 3 Minutes. For survivor it's nice. More time for the stupid buttdancing.

    But the thing is even when there are 5 gens alot of killers start the camping.

    And here we have the question.

    Is it against the rules, cause you take someone in game hostage or is it still legit gameplay?

    I think it depends but still behavior made it a legit playstyle so there is nothing you can say. Cause this discussion about camping and bubba is as old as bubba in DbD.

    And did anyone saw anything different since then? Except the chainsaw overheat stuff.

    Nope and there will not be any difference in the future.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    All I took from this is you're upset that the Bubba BELIEVES he is winning.

    That is more pathetic than the Bubba believing he is winning.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I only played one game today before work and this happened.

    Its was kinda funny cause I dont even remember when was it last time I got camped by him like this but as soon as I pick hard challenge on character lvl 10 I dont play and dont have perks on, this happens.

    But I am not mad because honestly, who can be mad at him when you see how happy he is doing it?

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Pretty sure you don't derank anymore and it will be just stuck at 0 pip. So really he didn't lose anything and if he got some heated words in post chat he probably wanted that too lol

  • Member Posts: 731

    Camping Bubbas fine but if hes not beating you senseless on the hook im sorry but you've failed as a survivor. Uninstall.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Rush the hook....die...lower MMR...and thank!

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'd rather be morid by Feng than give bubbas any satisfaction.

    Face camp at 5 gens is just as pathetic as body locking with Pig. Doesnt matter that the strategy sucks, it's not fun for anybody.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    The devs mentioned they have a remedy forthcoming, who knows what but I agree it needs something. Maybe the hook can teleport to a new location lol

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    they said it sounds promising so we'll see I guess lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Standing around a hook doing nothing for two minutes being a suboptimal strategy aside, DbD does unfortunately have an inherent design flaw in that it has situations where players can be stuck for minutes at a time with nothing much to do either on a hook or bleeding out. Unlike most shooters, for instance, where once you’re downed you are either immediately eliminated from the game and can freely join another, or where you respawn after a few seconds, the wait between being downed and a resolution in DbD can be one or two minutes long or possibly as long as four minutes while bleeding out. Which is obviously relatively boring.

    The devs have commented here and there about this topic, so who knows what they may or may not be working on. But even as a killer main myself I would totally understand if they tweaked the game somehow to try and encourage speedy rescues just so that players can get back in the action more quickly. I’d be personally quite ok with a system that helped survivors get off hooks or off the ground more quickly, maybe in exchange for longer gen times to keep the overall game balance from shifting to the survivors too much. Less time on hooks or on the ground and longer gen times would mean less downtime for all the survivors and killer (since they would have more potential targets to chase for a longer time.)

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    There is one way to make it so camping as Bubba doesn't reward a potential huge snowball:

    If Bubba is in range of a hooked survivor using his chainsaw. Upon impacting the survivor performing the unhook he immediately Tantrums. This would make it so you can never rev up on a rescuer, you'd have to let them rescue first then activate your Sweep. This would be a fair nerf to his hook defence in the sense that the rescue will still happen; yeah he can still catch up to the unhooked survivor and down them if they have no way to out-run it, but at least they get off hook. I'd take that over the current Bubbs hook defender playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    The generators?

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited November 2021

    Oh no no no. I still level up my bubba so I can get insidious. I'm sick of gensrush in 5 minutes, 2 or maximum 3 hooks (different persons btw) and then called tunneler. Almost everytime I'm playing with bubba this happens if I'm not proxy camping.

  • Member Posts: 590

    I've said this before... survivor mains who keep crying about how killers play, and asking for more 2nd chances (DS, BT, boons that allow everyone to hide scratch marks, heal themselves, pick themselves up, etc, etc), as well as mechanics to prolong chases and do gens faster, are literally forcing the killers to play in the only way they can where these multitude of effects can be negated... of which tunnelling and camping is one.

    You cannot expect killers to play by the imaginary survivor rules, that's plain stupid. But unfortunately that's where the game is going (or at least making the survivor rules something enshrined in gameplay with all the counters they get to killer abilities). Killers are obviously going to react accordingly. You can't blame them... they weren't the ones who brought the imbalance!

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited November 2021

    Facecampers are the worst of the worst. They ruin the game more than anything else. There are no reason to do it, other than your goal being to make the game miserable for 1 person and the game boring for the rest. The lack of sympathy these people show is insane. They WANT TO RUIN THE EXPERIENCE.

    I'm not talking about camping to secure a kill at the endgame, which is totally fair. I'm talking about 5 gens left facecamping. There is NOTHING justifying it. I'm shocked that so many people try to justify this kind of behavior.

    I'm a solo q player, I die probably about 7/10 games. I dont care, as long as the game was somewhat fun. What makes me continue is the time invested in this game. Time I'm seriously starting to regret. Trying to chill for 5-6 games is now just a nightmare, at least one or more of these games will end up being a a total waste of time.

    HOPING FOR A FIX FOR THIS. It is for the best, Killers and Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Exactly this. Survivors are all too aware of just how powerful BT is, it isn’t meant to take body blocks. It to protect themselves.

  • Member Posts: 1,035


    Im actually fine with camping bubba. Adding insidous to his basekit would be awesome though, so that I could use monstrous shrine instead.

  • Member Posts: 731

    All these newbie players coming in trying to change a legendary character and playstyle, facecamping Bubbas been in this game probably longer than you so if you dont like it bolt.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
  • Member Posts: 5,897

    That is a really stupid argument. Insta heals were in the game for years. Does that mean they should have stayed? I swear, the shear amount of woe is me bullshit killer mains bust out anymore is getting old fast.

  • Member Posts: 590

    Here's the problem with your argument... the Facecamping Bubba's want/like to play like that. They enjoy it. Regardless of what it means for the other players, that's how they want/like to play.

    So who are you now to decide they cannot play how they like, when literally in every other capacity it's the survivors who predominantly dictate how the games go and they're nowhere near as considerate as killers generally are (e.g. survivors often tea-bag and BM at the exit gates, etc, particularly if they've juiced the killer royally... yet we see examples of killers giving survivor hatch, etc, all the time).

    You can't have it both ways. You (general you, not you specifically) can't argue for survivors to exhibit any and every playstyle, and yet complain when killers do the same within the valid mechanics of the game. It's not up to you to determine what's fun for the other person!

  • Member Posts: 658

    The trick to camping is don’t get caught. 😂

  • Member Posts: 707

    That is exactly what I was saying. What kind of people likes to do this? They think it's fun to do this? They are psychopaths.

    And no, the survivors are not dictating the flow of the game, not solos. SWF's do. You need to separate the two. The fact that you (general you, not you specifically) can't wrap your head around how different it is to play SWF and Solo is mind boggling.

    Solos are the ones receiving the worst in this, because they have no way to inform the others they are being camped or anything. Killers get stomped, BMed and harrased by sweaty SWF's. Then they take it out on the solo q survivors the next game when they are totally in domanance of the game.

  • Member Posts: 130
    edited November 2021

    What I usually do is just run to him and suicide. Only if he is an obvious straight up face camper though ofcourse. Not saying he can't do that, its his right. But I don't play this game for BP or wins, I attempt to play for fun. And games that force me to hold m1 for 3-4mins and escape are not fun. I rather suicide in 1min so I can move on to the next match faster. Hopefully a more active match.

    The reason this remains to be a popular tactic for many killers, is simply the unbalance. Many killers feel it is the only thing they can do. As long as the devs keep catering towards survivors... Camping and tunneling will remain a thing. There is no way around it.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I initially made this thread as an opinion piece made on morality.

    To me, as well as to a solid group of other players I'm guessing, the thought of someone who enjoys making the game boring/unfun for others with nonstop facecamping is not a nice one, because in my own opinionated and morally driven experience (which should honestly be encouraged when playing a GAME for entertainment purposes), I don't like the idea of bubba campers giving themselves a pat on the back for the mere idea that they could be ruining others' fun.

    My point with this thread is that, based on my own personal standards of morality when it comes to playing games, people who seek enjoyment out of the perceived suffering of others should have to find enjoyment in something less pointless at best and less harmful at worst.

  • Member Posts: 32

    The funny thing is, I'm not even a survivor main. I play killer and survivor equally, and I've noticed really annoying imbalances on both sides. On top of that, at the end of the day, I'm still going to have more fun playing as killer because I'm someone who does better when working alone.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I am of the belief that, barring any active rule breaking/cheating, players are not responsible for making sure that their random online opponents are having fun because the standards of what might be considered "fun" can radically shift from person to person. The camping Bubba is not obligated to care about the fun their opponent is having and vice versa. The only thing that matters is that no one is cheating or breaking rules. Beyond that, how each player wishes to handle their game is up to them.

    As far as this particular issue, the solution is generally the same as it would be with other camping Killers: Gen rush and force the Killer's hand. "I don't want to potentially give the camping Bubba the satisfaction of successfully killing someone" sounds to me more like a personal problem of yours because that is the standard you are holding yourself to.

  • Member Posts: 32

    That's essentially what it boils down to, yes, it is a standard I hold myself to. Also, given that in 99% of the game I play survivor I'm a swf, it is a personal problem of mine when it negatively affects the friends I play with. It brings down the mood because we're all of the mindset that killers don't HAVE to be like that, but they make the choice to do so.

    I fully realize it's a mindset thing, and that I can't change the way anyone else reacts to campers, including my friends. Unfortunately, that's part of the problem for me, because I care very much about how much fun we're all having, and I'm going to make the assumption that there are many other players who feel the exact same way.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Hj, I arrived late...did someone mentioned the classic "Just do gens" ???

    I love that one....

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I have 2 things to say:

    1. why do you care if someone else gets a "win", isnt it more important that you had fun, or win?
    2. since when is a kill a win? There is nothing in dbd that really defines a "win", its only something you came up with yourself.

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