Best boon perk so far?
Circle of Healing
Easily Circle of Healing. Shadowstep is decent but not overpowering (at least in my experience so far as a killer). And Exponential isn’t out yet but because you don’t directly control where or when you are downed or slugged it’s quite possible to not be in the Boon’s aura to get yourself back up before the killer either hooks you or snuffs the Boon out (since in you are in the aura there’s a good chance the killer can hear it.)
Circle of Healing though is the best of the three. It has an excellent healing speed boost along with grants self healing, and because you can decide when you want to heal you can always run to the Boon wherever it is when you’re not in a chase. And because you can go to the Boon totem it can be put in a remote spot away from the action to make it less likely for the killer to snuff it out or know where you are healing.
Of the three I think Circle of Healing is the one most likely to get nerfed on its balance pass in a couple months. My guess is they’ll turn down its healing speed. You can still run to it and heal, obviously, but with a slow enough healing speed that’s an acceptable perk. It has to be slow enough that the time it takes to heal is a significant factor to consider when using it.
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Circle of Healing
CoH and it's nowhere close.
Shadowstep can be annoying with full SWF setup. 4x Shadowstep and indoor map offering is hell to deal with.
Exponential is also SWF thing, but if you get SWF using it as Twins... RIP
CoH is easy to use, you actually don't want to stack it (max 2) to get most of it. This perk basically creates 4x medkit situation, which most killers know is just hard to deal with. This perks negates two most basic tactics, which I think is really bad for the game. Weak killers just can't get away with commiting to every chase. I believe CoH is just broken atm.
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Circle of Healing
COH without a doubt
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Circle of Healing
Yeah I knew COH would get a lot of votes because it definitely is the best. I’m very curious though if someone does have an argument for Shadowstep or Exponential. It’s definitely up for debate.
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Circle of Healing
Possible argument for Exponential might if we talk about specific killer and worst possible situation for him. SWF with 4x Exponential against Oni / Twins would be really strong, but it's not that good overall.
Shadowstep might win again, if you go full nuclear, it can become stronger than CoH and most killers will just not be able to deal with it. RPD / Lery's with 4x Shadowstep? Good luck against that. I have played against it once and I just went full camp, I can't be bothered.
But those are really specific situations that are possible only for SWF.
CoH is just going to win as overall perk for both SWF / SoloQ and best thing is that you don't need your whole group focused around it. You have 1-2 players with CoH and rest of your perks can be classic meta.
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Circle of Healing
I can also see Exponential combining very well with Flip-Flop, Tenacity, and Power Struggle. Problem is you can just run Unbreakable but if you’re in a SWF and someone has Exponential, that perk slot can be used for something else.
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Circle of Healing
I think COH and boon UB are both equally powerful.
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Circle of Healing
I think in just a game sense CoH is by far the best in the game, it is way less situational and has a great simple effect. I think Exponential is just way more situational and counterable UB, won't be that bad at all, and while I run shadowstep on my build and it is my favorite of the boons, I am not gonna act like it is the best, a good killer just won't be bothered by it at all.
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Circle of Healing
Definitely Circle Of Healing.
Shadowstep is decent, but not too powerful and Exponential is only good to prevent slugging. But with Circle Of Healing you can heal without a medkit or perks, increased healing speed when healing another survivor, and it stacks with other healing perks.
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Circle of Healing
Circle of Healing is definetly the strongest, Shadowstep is just a wannbe lucky break, provifing little utility and exponential, while sounding strong on paper, is situational crap in practice.
First, we have Shadowstep, it can help in a chase, but the killer will be limited to a simple 20 meter radius to find you, and most of the time you rarely break extended LOS with the killer, the few times it does work isnt nearly as good as say, the new exhaustion + lucky break. All the utility it can provide is very weak, and only actually helpful if the killer does not know that you are there in the first place.
Next, we have Exponential, dont get me wrong, it sounds strong, but you need to be confined within a 20 meter radius to get value, and also be slugged, there are so many things that could go wrong with running it that No Mither is less situational. Unbreakable is definetly still the way to go if you want to pick yourself up.
Finally, we have circle of healing, it absolutely blows its opponents out of the water, and allows a crap ton of perks in its radius. (Self-Care, botany knowledge, a med kit, etc.) and with heavy utility, and it doesnt rely on you being in a certain area to maybe get value that would have existed wether or not you even brought the perk to begin with.
I want to experiment with this build:
Lucky break
Boon: Circle of Healing
The new Exhaustion
Iron Will.
I think yui's perks need some kind of rework, though:
Remove the Cooldown on Any Means Necessary, make the reset time longer
Make breakout a bit stronger, but I can see that perk becoming meta very quickly if tampered with too much.
Make it so lucky break is on an 80 second timer, but can be used multiple times per trial
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Circle of Healing
I’m still waiting for that one person to vote Shadowstep or Exponential.
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Circle of Healing
Thats never gonna happen except that one guy who only reads the descriptions.
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Circle of Healing
Circle is leagues ahead of the other two.
I can see Exponential being a tiny bit better than Shadowstep tho.
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Circle of Healing
It appears to be unaminous, currently.
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Every single one of Boons is ridiculously strong, but I think ShadowStep is the most underrated. It lingers after leaving the area and prevents aura reading (many people don't even know this). Combine it with Iron Will and you are uncatchable when played smart.
I would vote on Hex:Unbreakable, but it's on PTB and will most likely be nerfed - if not count my vote as going for Exponantial. I think Unbreakable speed increase should be nerfed to what it used to be and Exponential should not go above 50% bonus... It still will be too strong though. Boons as a mechanic are increadibly not fair when compared to hexes.
CoH seems to be overhyped IMO, but is also strong. Just bring medkit xD.
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Circle of Healing
Well I can finally rest knowing that somebody didn’t vote COH lol.
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Circle of Healing
CoH is overall the best, but Exponential, if released to live as is, will kill Twins
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Circle of Healing
It’s not even close.
Shadowstep is also very good too though, especially on an indoor map for obvious reasons - rip hawkins though :(
Exponential is very situational and you won’t get to use it without the killer at least knowing it has a chance to be in play (they know if there is a boon somewhere or not), and it does nothing if the killer doesn’t slug, which I think makes it the weakest of the three.
Neither shadowstep or exponential beat COH’s ability to quickly erase pressure and allow survivors to reset on their own.