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General Discussions

A friend of mine got bots in his first public match

Member Posts: 4,125
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

So he just bought the Silent Hill edition, I tried to couch him abit through a screen share and I realized the "survivors" walked abit weird, first I thought they where console players.

It was anyway weird that he got an instant lobby.

Later the match I realized that they are actually playing rather "natural", they are running the tiles right, not crouching and hiding too much, even running around the map and through it, not at the edges like new players used to be. They even dodged his Pyramid head waves pretty precisely and with quick reactions, I was actually suprised, they dodged them better than the majority of the playerbase tbh xD

And at the end of the game they all wrote in a matter of seconds at the same moment a message something like "That was close!", "Good game everyone, that was fun!" or "GG Killer!".

You couldnt open their profiles even though they where stated as "pc" players. so ye it was more than clear at the end that all of them where bots.

I have to say I dont mind that too much, thats nice for new players cuz they get to see a full match without ppl that might smurf, dc or be toxic at their first games, I just hope though that you dont que with bots as solo in the future xD

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