A friend of mine got bots in his first public match

So he just bought the Silent Hill edition, I tried to couch him abit through a screen share and I realized the "survivors" walked abit weird, first I thought they where console players.
It was anyway weird that he got an instant lobby.
Later the match I realized that they are actually playing rather "natural", they are running the tiles right, not crouching and hiding too much, even running around the map and through it, not at the edges like new players used to be. They even dodged his Pyramid head waves pretty precisely and with quick reactions, I was actually suprised, they dodged them better than the majority of the playerbase tbh xD
And at the end of the game they all wrote in a matter of seconds at the same moment a message something like "That was close!", "Good game everyone, that was fun!" or "GG Killer!".
You couldnt open their profiles even though they where stated as "pc" players. so ye it was more than clear at the end that all of them where bots.
I have to say I dont mind that too much, thats nice for new players cuz they get to see a full match without ppl that might smurf, dc or be toxic at their first games, I just hope though that you dont que with bots as solo in the future xD
Ok so I'm not crazy. I made a smurfs on PC to try out Artist on ptb and after waiting 30 minutes I got paired with bots.
Sadly my bots were dumb, they let Acebot bleed out. After the match they immediately go "ggwp killer!" Even though I slugged them all to use my power more.
Why are there bots......
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Damm, i wish we had a full bot mode, i want to play killer so much but I'm not into being bullied.
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I’m totally ok with bots assuming they aren’t cheating. 🙂
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Yeah, I think bots in public matches is fine, considering they can lower queue times and not be toxic. Just as long as they don’t stop the killer they are playing against.
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That's pretty wild actually no way BHVR created a bot that advance if they can dodge killer powers or run tiles. They couldn't even program their stupid zombies to not get stuck in a generator...while a survivor is repairing it. I'll be pissed off actually if they can do this with survivor bot but they intentionally let zombies be dumb af.
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Wouldn't there be evidence of this in the files if that were true?
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Im playing most of my Solo Q Matches with Bots and Im used to them, but they write usually stuff like "GG EZ", "OMG NOED, camping und slugging with x k hours"... and so on :3
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If this is where DbD is headed, it is for sure dying. I never want to play with bots on either side, unless it is by my choice offline and all the others are bots.
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So if this is true, then why don't we get any video evidence to back this up?
Not saying it's not true or anything, but since there's never been any announcements about it, it would wise to actually show the gameplay against the "bots"
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Heading to the PUBG route lol. Hopefully it's just a new player thing because I stuck with this game through thick and thin throughout the years and sprinkling some bots in would be me quitting the game officially. Still I doubt the credibility of this post though. I'm gonna need some solid evidence.
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Do you have any sort of video?
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I know so many players that feel like playing Killer is a bully sim :(
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Why am I scared of bots?
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Ye I wish I recorded that match so I could post it here, if we will get another one of these I will make sure to record it!
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Idk when you ever saw 4 survivors writing a full sentence in the first second the ending screen loaded in.
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Just a screenshot of the endgame chat if you wanna see it? I thought it doesnt really look like much, I just made it cuz it was so funny how obviously fake those sentances are.
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I mean they are zombies. They are supposed to be dumb after.
Also couldn't someone just make a brand new account and family share the game to it. And record that. Then we will have evidence.
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tbf I wouldnt make this post if this wasnt true to me so ye, dont know why everyone is so obsessed with a proof xD
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Sorry you thought I was insulting you. I just saw that multiple people were asking for proof and I was just giving them a solution to finding it out to appease their curiosity.
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as far as i remember the first match you play is agaisnt bots... wasnt it like that?.--
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Dont worry, I mean usually I would record stuff like this but I was just really unsure cuz ofc I didnt know of this before, I realized that the players where bots at the endgame chat and made then a screenshot.
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I feel like this is just a endless cycle, even if I would have a video ppl would be able to find a way to call it fake or could say "maybe he has a broken controller" etc etc, I personally dont go the extra mile trying to convince random ppl in the internet. All I am doing is just doing this post to see what ppl think about it lol
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Heh, and I just made a thread about how I want bots in the game so I can actually get a match if I turn of cross-play.
I wouldn't even mind if I had bots as teammates when I play survivor. If they run around the map and participate, then they're already better than the majority of teammates I get now.
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So this must be an isolated problem with PC?
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Have you played against the tutorial bots?
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Because it seems like q new player thing. If you quickly rise out of bot mmr, you may not even notice it.
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No doesn't exist when I first started playing and if it did. I never found out I went directly into playing a match.
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I wouldnt call it a problem since it is a great addition for new players not getting potential smurfers or ppl that dc over every small thing.
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True... but I'd hate for someone to think they're playing with real players and not know they were paired with bots. Plus who knows if they're counting bots in the player count
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This was from DbDLeaks twitter, back in August.