Give Killers A Means To Find Boons.

How does it seem fair to allow survivors maps which help them find totems and killers have no way to find boons. The hex a killer uses gone first cleanse and the boons can continuously be blessed. I am starting to see a lopsided favor in this game.
They make a loud noise?
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I swear some of yall have never played killer and it shows cause its not loud at all and you can't even hear it at all unless your like 12m from it and it has a 24m range so that sucks
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Maybe you should increase your volume or clean your ears. They are pretty easy to hear.
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better remove boons
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Definitely not bud play with my volume all the way up you acting like its as loud as a generator blowing up when really it's a faint ass hum
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Ok if i boon a totem on one side of the map and you are on the other side are you going to know exactly were the boon is if yes i need your hack plz
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I mean, what do you want? A Perk to track Totems? Killers would not run that.
And if Survivors run full Map all the time just to heal, they should do so. Less time on a Gen.
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They are pretty easy to here, if you are already in the vicinity of them. OP is obviously asking for a way to locate (at least by a vague area) them from a long distance, so the sound they make within short range is irrelevant.
Hope that makes sense to you now
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But then again, do you want to run a Perk to detect Totems? Like Small Game or Counterforce? I would not waste a Perk Slot on something which might become completely useless if nobody is using Boons.
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No, but I didn't mention a perk, nor did OP. Perhaps boons themselves could have a mechanic which makes them easier to find, something like a 30 second periodic directional noise, which you can hear from any range, to at least give you a vague direction.
BTW before people start going off on one saying they don't like the 30 second directional noise idea, it's just a quick example to illustrate how boons could have this discoverability mechanism without requiring a perk.
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I hate to say it but they’re not that hard to hear, I hear them all the time.
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I would give Killer ability to see all totems. In exchange they no more able to hear Boon.
So if killer hears a Boon is activated, they can make a guess and check for a totem to see if its Boon. Rather than unable to find Boon in map like Racoon or Swamp
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the problem isn't the volume or how hard they are to find(yeah, boons are pretty loud, kinda fine with that), the real problem is that YOU CAN'T DESTROY THEM!, my god, it's so simple but too inconvinient for they will never fix these [BAD WORD] boon totems.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Well you could maybe run Undying. It would show you the auras of people working on totems. See the aura, odds are there’ll be a totem soon unless you stop it.
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I'd run that perk.
maybe the direction sound could be tuned a little? I find it's not super directional.
maybe aura reading for it while you're within 8m?
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No offense but your one guy I've seen far more people saying they are faint as hell then oh yeah I find them all the time
Do you see a ton of people saying that? Oh what's that is that a no I wonder why
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that's true. thrill helps too.
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I highly doubt this will happen and a killer would probably never use it. But maybe give them a perk that can show a boon totems aura. Maybe show the aura after a gen is complete for 3 seconds.
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You know, something that always bothered me is this:
Why does every survivor see the boon's EXACT location and aura, but killers get nothing but a minor audio cue when near it?
It bothers me that boons are powerful, infinite, and give survivors a free rally point (similar to that map add-on) that say to everyone
"Hey! You didn't do anything special to deserve this, but over here is your infinite healing station where everyone's gonna meet up when we're in trouble. Also there's a totem here if you have boon perks and it gets extinguished later. Don't forget to check this spot for NOED later too if it does get snuffed."
Kind of feel like other survivors shouldn't see the totem's aura, and both the killer and other survivors should be able to see the blue tinted effect area.
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Buff thrill to show the aura of any survivor within the boons range
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They were easy to hear in the ptb but then they reduced the range of how far you can hear it so something like 8-10 meters
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Boons are already too easy for killers to hear. Every time I bless one, the killer can walk from across the map to snuff it.
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Sure they make a loud noise but still need to find it. Hex totems are just as easy to hear so why give survivors maps to find them? I can make the same argument here. I just think there should certainly be a way to find them especially since the survivor can. They can also just rebless over and over again with no consequence.
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I can only speak for myself obviously. Although I wasn't the first person in this thread to say we can hear the noise they make just fine.
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Which can be worse than nothing at times.
The amount of times I've used the sound to zone in on a boon, only to realize that it's actually on the floor below me...
That said - the issue isn't finding them so much it's that it frequently takes as much time to find and snuff as it takes to put a new one up. And the time of the killer is much more at a premium than that of the survivors.
The issue isn't hearing them. Although on some killers (Demo is the worst) your ambient noises, or noises in the map can mask it until you are really close.
The issue is how much time it takes from hearing it to zero in on it compared to how much relative time it takes a single survivor to just pop a new one up somewhere.
I've suggested an aura when you are close before.
The game would be healthier for it, certainly.
Or at least heavily rework them so as not to hard-counter all attrition based killers. It really just incentivizes camping and instandown perks.
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Killers shouldnt be alerted to the boon lit noise it just makes it too easy to know whats goin on
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Boons are too oppressive as is.
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True they are but my guess is killers will eventually adapt to them if they havent already ive seen killers dc because of boons
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I think boon blessings should be temporary and fade over time. Take the killer interaction out of it. Give killers the haste effect in the boon area to make it dangerous haha
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There isn't much room for adaptation.
CoH is just too strong when other healing perks are in play and people know how to abuse it. I've had multiple people injured, took a DS and by the time I catch up, everyone has healed to full. On an attrition killer, even the potential for boons means you are locked into a handful of perk builds if you don't want to get stomped.
CoH needs a nerf.
Beyond this, even at pretty high MMR play, killers are routinely just not bothering with snuffing unless the happen upon a boon by luck.
There are 4 survivors.
There is 1 killer.
The time you spend snuffing - multiply that by 4. That's how much time you're giving the others to heal, rescue and do gens. And that's time that doesn't actually amount to much, because they can almost instantly have another one up.
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ya imo they should increase the boon timer to a minute at least so it will still be valuable but take you a long enough time that it might not be worth it
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Im just gonna say this.
Imagine if killer hexes were as loud as boons. That is all I am going to say.
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Although boons are loud, I can hear them easily while I am walking around the map, it gets drowned out if you are in a chase and that chase music is going. So as long as you are just wandering about it is not a problem but if you are engaging in repeated chases, they are hard to locate.
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But that also makes since that they would lower the distance you could hear them. They did make the AOE smaller.
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Just give the killer the same blue haze/spirals when they're in the boon zone as survivor gets. You know which players are in or out of a boon zone, and you can use it as a way to find the boon as well. Solves both problems while not being too revealing.
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Totems have always the same spawns.once you know the general area of a boon, you know where the possible spawns are. Then you follow the sound
It's just painful in multifloor maps, where the sound can be deceiving, but on every other map I have no problem locating them at all
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As a survivor main im not a fan of boons, never had so much hate from Mikaelas because i cleanse a totem in there face. They point, they tbag ferociously, eventually sending me very rude messages. Just want my 1000bp.
Wish survivors could cleanse boons, that'd be fun. Triggered Mikaelas everywhere.
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Bro, not cool.
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It is simple:
Hexes are one-time use.
So should Boons.
Easy fix. I don't understand how is this whole discussion even a thing.
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They are definitely loud and its pretty easy to tell where totems are if you play survivor enough then switch to killer since there is not many places where they can spawn.