The Final Day Dawns

Stranger Things leaves today. It is my favorite series. I grieve for my precious Steve and Demodog. (nancy's okay ig). I have made a meme to sum up my feelings on this matter.
:( rest in peace Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and Demodoggo
Feel free to share some of your favorite memories of the Stranger Things DLC. Personally, my greatest memory was joining a random 4 Steve lobby and then playing against a Demo by chance.
Hoist the colours high......
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Oh, wow... I missed a lot of the boosted rate up Hawkins event because I was playing Halo. Feels bad. I knew I was forgetting SOMETHING.
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I wasn't playing because of the DDoS and stuff.
Am still sad tho
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Thank God the map got removed, i was counting the days until it was gone!
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I just love having a Steve in the lobby cause I swear I always laugh so hard when I hear a Steve get hit down.
I dunno why I just find the noise he makes so hilarious, but although the characters will still remain for those of us who have them it still sucks to see the chapter go.
I'm not a fan of the series but I have loved the characters in the dbd universe, Demo is a cute pup whom I love to face and honestly? I loved Hawkins as survivor so it's a shame to see it go.
I do feel for anyone who picks up the game in the time to come and is a huge strangers things fan and they can't get the dlc.
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I've been playing and didn't get Hawkins once. If it was boosted it was unnoticeable.
And I had about 50 HNL ID badges stocked before they were deleted...
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May the people that have Demo continue to enjoy playing him
and may BHVR please buy the rights to use the license again
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I played for a long time today and never got Hawkins Lab once, not as killer nor survivor. Couldn't even burn for it since they confiscated all our HAL badges. I like Hawkins, I'm going to miss it. 😥💔
Using a custom match, I finally checked out the secret room with Nurse. That was nifty.
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Taken away before its time :(
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Hearing the DBD Title Theme played in the 80’s synthesizer a la Stranger Things, for the first time. Then hearing Demo Doggo scream as we looked over his shoulder.
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Am I high or are Steve's and Nancy's voices more high pitched
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What if we all never leave our last Hawkins game ? I think I’ll play demo and just do that
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I'm going to miss the map. I know a lot of people didn't like it but i enjoyed playing trapper on that map.
Nothing like survivors dropping from the hole in the first floor right into a trap
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Yea I noticed that as well but I think it's a bug because Elodies voice also sounds high pitched.
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The final vet visit.
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Stranger Things leaving the Fog is very, very painful to see.
This DLC released in September of 2019. Back then I had already lost Freddy, but everything else was still in its place, which means that I have many good memories regarding it.
My favorite was on its PTB, when I expected to face Demo but encountered a Legion instead xD. That was my first match on Hawkins.
Didn't face Demo until one trial later, on old Thompson House...
Good memories, my friend. Good memories.
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And now the dlc meets the same fate as so many fantastic netflix shows.
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I hope we don't lose the lobby and chase music.
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I always enjoyed playing against Demo, he was the cutest killer.
I remember playing with a random Steve who never left my side, it was the most fun teamwork i ever had in the game.
I wish to see them in the future, i love these characters so much.
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Alexa play thanks for the memories
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yeah I'm all sadge today with the DLC going :(
I think it's sad for all the people in the future that they won't get to experience it in the way we have, whilst I'm not the biggest fan in the world of the Hawkins map, I'm still gonna be pretty sad to see it go :(
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He's here to tell you not to cry because it's over but smile from the memories
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Ahh, now I cant watch Stranger Things and say "Look at the screaming Demo. I can DS that punk in DBD in my sleep lol" 🤣
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Its a shame BHVR is losing it's best DLC
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Recently started to play Demo again (because of my new skins and daily’s)
It‘s playstyle is really fun, so sad it will be even rarer from now on.
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Yup, one of the best DLC going away :(.
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this is so sad. 😪
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My favorite memory was probably a match on hawkins where I infinited this poor wraith for around 7 minutes because he just wouldn’t let up. Good times.
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It sucks for sure....However the map was ass and I will still have my main boo Nancy so I'm good. Demo I enjoy playing so I'm sad to see that new players won't be able to have him. Don't care about Steve/Jonathon.....All they do is get in the way of me and Nancy. Good riddance.
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Got to play on Hawkins like 6 or 7 times over the weekend of 'boosted' appearances. Been playing for 8 1/2 hours, haven't gotten Hawkins one time.
Not one single time.
I know I'm in the minority, but I loved that map no matter what side I was on. Great design, you could strategize on either side. Definitely made you be more aware of your surroundings. Sorry for those that just want to run forward.
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It's sad that it's going. I'm really glad i got the DLC a week or two ago, but it sucks that we won't see as many Demos anymore :(
I guess there's a silver lining. Inner Strength is a general perk. But at what cost?
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New players in a few years are going to have no idea to play against demo I guess.
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I think it's like that for many people today. In Germany, there is a saying (proverb) that after rain comes sunshine. It was great to have had good experiences on this map.
In this case. R.I.P Hawkins
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Dart :(