DS just needs a few tweeks to be perfect

So, DS is largely fine how it is, but these are just a few tweeks that I feel would make the perk be absolutely perfect.
- Blessing a totem doesn't disable DS, so, make blessing a totem disable DS. If you are actively blessing a totem, you're not being tunneled.
- Have DS disable when you touch the exit gates. If you have time to open the exit, you're not being tunneled.
- Have DS disable when someone else is hooked. If the killer has not gone after you and instead hooks someone else, you're not being tunneled so it should deactivate.
These are just a few changes to make DS just, the perfect anti tunnel perk imo.
agree except for the last one, sometimes i down 2 people and I'm able to hook them both at the same time, this would just make me know that i can disable someone elses ds, even though he can't do anything and technically is still being tunneled
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I could agree if ds worked after every hook state regardless of if you successfully used it or not and the timer doesn't go down when your in chases.
It's only a fair compensation
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I would disagree with the exit gate because that doesn't mean you're not being tunneled. The gate might be 99'd and you have to open it yourself. Blessing, I do agree with. If you have 16 seconds to bless a totem, you are not being tunneled.
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DS was changed before boons were introduced in the game. I can see how the devs "magically" forgot to make that action turn off DS. I agree with all but the last suggestion.
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I would only add opening exit gates disabling DS, other than that the perk is perfectly fine.
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Opening exit gate should not disable DS. A lot of times I do get tunneled while opening the gate.
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I mean your progressing the game? What's he supposed to do just let you open em?
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I disagree with DS deactivating by opening the gate. Imagine the survivor gets unhooked and opens a 99% prepared gate, then gets killed. That would be unfair and is basically buffing tunneling again. So no thank you.
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what is the survivor supposed to do? Just die?
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If their team isn't helping them, yeah.
You shouldn't be able to 1v1 the Killer.
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You could just let someone else open the gate. Since for Thier to be DS in play means you got unhooked. And if he's slugged then don't touch the gate dummy
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They wanna summon a rain or pallets or some ######### now
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If DS is an "anti-tunnel" perk, then why does the timer still tick during a chase? Also if you've already used it, the killer is incentivized in tunneling that survivor since the killer knows that the DS was already used. With all of the new changes + these new suggestions, DS should feel oppressive when actually being tunneled.
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what does that even mean? Its a perk, not 1v1-ing the killer.
Noed should deactivate if the survivors are grouped together by your logic.
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Yea, let me just wait for someone to open the gate while he’s literally on me.
This is why the devs ignore the forums
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Oh, don't even get me started on NOED and how unfair it is for Survivors.
DS puts the Killer into a lose-lose scenario. They either let the Survivor go or they eat the DS and let them go. It's completely unfair that the Survivor does nothing except equip a perk and is able to escape for free.
Besides, it shouldn't matter because someone else usually opens the Gate. In those niche scenarios where it would matter, it's unfair. I think all of these are good changes, but I'd add DS being available to use twice.
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Yeah no that would be broken asf and hella abused by swf you mean I can make him chase me for 5 mins have my team come save me then have him target me I ds him and I run him another 5 mins
So people really need to think harder about the changes the suggest holy moly
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I also think that if healed it shouldn't activate (had that happen to me the other day)... Rather then spell out all the ways that healing can disable DS it should just say anyway you heal will disable DS
Also i to agree with these tweaks
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Yea, it only benefits niche uses.
For example,
I’m face camped all game and when the gen pops and gates are 99-ed, just because i open the gate i should take the L?
I understand where you’re coming from but that would just make solo queue abysmally worse to put up with.
All that aside, i’d take double DS buff in most situations any day.
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Or you could just..get downed then use your ds, open the gate in the 5 second time frame and leave?
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Yeah no, the power dynamic is exactly the other way around.
Survivor are supposed to be the strongest at the start of a trial when all 4 are alive and healthy, all pallets still up and the killer has to divide their attention between 4 survivor on 7 rental gens.
That were the problems with Morris after 0/1 hook and keys. They were the strong when the other side is supposed to be at their peak.
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99-ing a gate is a save-strat, sometimes. If your team is able to play with a closed gate, it should disable DS.
First i agreed on the survivor side. But the point that 99-ing a gate is basically a time-saver it should disable the gate, either open it, go for the save, or go for the save and someone else goes for it, you can't have it both ways.
Yes, blessing a Totem should definitly deactivate DS.
About hooking, no. that sounds too abusable.
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The first two I'd be fine with as it's the player with DS equipped that has to make the conscious decision to bless a totem or touch the gate.
The hooking one I disagree with because that's not in the player's control at all. Little they can do if some megamind does an awful save that leaves both downed, then the killer just hooks the "savior" and returns to pick up the player that would have DS without that change.
Because that's the core design of current DS, you get a minute or until you perform an action that tells the game "Okay, I choose to let DS deactivate now". I'm pretty much against all potential changes that go against this, but I 100% agree blessing totems should disable it as that is an user decision, and gates would be okay too.
Boon totems have some sort of identity crisis anyway, they don't disable DS unlike all other totem interactions, but at the same time they give Undying aura reading even though they're clearly not dull totems. That seems more like an issue with the "classification" of boons than DS.
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I don't agree with exit, if door is 99 and i have the killer on me it shouldn't go away
I agree for blessing tho
Also a change i have always suggested is that the timer stops when you are being chased because most of the times the killer decide to tunnel and the chase last exactly around 60s and for a couple of sec you can't use it
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yep, agree cept for the last one. though the gate could be debated
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I agree only with the blessing. The other suggestions are terrible.
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same. I do think it should disable when opening gates but at the sane time if the gate is 99 than that's questionable.
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This ☝️☝️
DS is the only way to counter killers like Bubba and Trickster when they face camp. If DS was cancelled after another survivor was hooked then these killers would be massively buffed while camping.
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Only the first one makes sense.
You can still be tunneled right at the end and you may be dodging the killer and going in for a tiny bit of progress, then another survivor does it etc until the exit gate is opened. Touching an exit gate does not mean you are not being tunneled.
You can also down 2 survivors very close to each other, it doesn't mean you didn't tunnel them.
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But they are not, that's the sad part.