What maining Killer means

I cant speak for anyone else but when i say I main Killer or when i hear that term in general maining Killer means that if something were on the line albeit a tournament and or $$$ is on the line I would play Killer and not survivor at all.

There is this misconception that "Killer mains" only play Killer and this is false. I play killer 55% of the time and survivor 45% of the time and im strong on both sides ie im strong at the game period!

Does it mean that i can play Killer a little more than survivor? Yes of course especially when i die 4 games in a row at the end game because my team is bad and doesnt even attempt to get me because either they dont know how or are too scared (without NOED btw lol)

Killer mains dont generally complain even when we clearly see that this game is significantly in the survivors favor (maps, boons etc) but survivor mains will complain about NOED which i always found funny.

If you play both and can do well then your just really good at the game. Anyway the survivors that complain about NOED are usually survivor mains who "only" play survivor, and will only look at things from they're own perspective just saying. I main killer because i can get way more enjoyable games despite how hard they may be. Survivor isnt as enjoyable at times again because how bad people are at the game on average, people make horrible descisions most of the time, letting someone getting 2 hooked, 1 hooked etc. Really bad


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    There are some aspects of the game that really grind my grapes as killer. The pseudo-infinite 'House of Pain' on Haddonfield (why is this still a thing?) and Badham, toolboxes and PTS, boon patrols etc.

    NOED really isn't that scary unless it's combined with NWO, in which case you just have to sacrifice someone and wait it out.

    I play maybe 85% killer and 15% survivor.

    The only thing that frustrates me as survivor is not having sufficient tools to communicate with the other survivors.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Can't wait for a rework of Haddonfield. I play 80% survivor and hate that map, on behalf of the person I'm playing against lol. They tried to fix house of pain with the Badham rework, but kinda didn't?

    A communication tool would be welcomed. Even if it is just some commands you can "say" like:

    • Im being camped
    • In a chase
    • On a gen

    I'd rather have voice coms though.

    Then buff the under performing killers to adjust.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I haven't played survivor and have zero intention of playing survivor. It's built of all the parts of a multiplayer experience I don't enjoy.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Anyone who mains anything in this game most likely has no idea how to balance things in the game. Just super biased.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Sadly this will not happen or be accepted. There was a time when killers were way too salty on forums that they demanded that swfs on discord be forced or discouraged not to be on voice comms simply because it made the game for the killer "unbalanced" or "unfair".

    You obviously have not met a killer who complained "you gen rush noobs" or"why you gen rush" to survs... Complaining works both ways and so does the accusation of entitlement. Killers all feel that they are entitled to 4k every game. But life is not that easy is it? 😊

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Communicate or have information? If you want to communicate coms, if you want information Bond, Kindred and throw Open Handed in there if you want even more info, for your team as well (with Kindred)

    How are people who main something biased!? Lol its the exact opposite if someone mains a certain side they can give details and experiences to the developers on how to properly balance. I main killer but im not biased at all! I play survivor as well and this is a key point.

    In my head sometimes i go. Damn the gens are so fast or way too fast but this is when i have 0 regression perks or gen defense. Thats as far as it goes though I know that my non Ruin builds need work and especially with the current meta i definetly need Undying/Ruin especially with my weaker killers. Otherwise i do end game builds

  • Not_Social_Joker
    Not_Social_Joker Member Posts: 44

    Yeah, this is just relatable. Now, I play killer WAY more than survivor, mainly because I play by myself a lot and survivor is pretty boring when I'm alone, but even I barely complain. The only times I complain is when survivors heal super fast (which, with the introduction of boon totems, I feel like I'm a slight bit justified in this complaint nowadays) and gen rushing. And even then, these are things that I know that I complain about because...well, I'm bad. Now, there may be some unfairness for killers regarding these two, but I feel these complaints are mostly my fault.

    Now the one thing that really grinds my gears as a killer main is when survivors think they're hot stuff and t-bag, flashlight spam, etc. This stuff sends me over the edge because I know the main reason they do it is because I'm bad and they know it. Everything else is fine, but these things. These actions that serve literally no other purpose than to annoy you. They just, well, normally I have a sort of moral code, since I play the game more to have fun than to actually win. No camping or tunneling. The people that do this annoying ######### make me want to throw that code out the window into a dumpster. They know I'm bad, and they still do this #########. They have nothing to prove, nothing to gain, there is nothing. That's why it ticks me off. IT SERVES NO PURPOSE. FIX A GEN, SAVE A SURVIVOR, OPEN A CHEST! THAT HAS A PURPOSE!

    Phew...sorry about that. Got a little carried away.

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Yeah I can relate to that as well. When I run killer, I forget all sense of fairness and all when I am up against flashlight douchebags. My main objective at that time is to tunnel and camp and get them out of the game fast. Mind you though, I only do this against flashlight d-bags and not flashlight normal survs. Unless absolutely reqd.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    If you truly believe this is just as good information and use of perk slot as voice comms, then you have nothing to worry about.

    The rest of the community will then hope for this :)

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Those perks are equivalent to the old saying "You can bring the horse to the water, but cannot make them drink from it" 🙂

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I feel you, it's frustrating.

    I personally feel that crouching should take like 0,2 seconds - like it is in real life. Same with getting up. In that way way, t-bagging is almost impossible.

    Maybe have a little delay when using flashlight? Make it take 0,1 seconds to light up, maybe a aiming action? This eliminates clicking and stuff.

    Just a thought :)

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I know, it is a great perk.

    But comms will be used no matter what. Why not just work around that so the gap between SWF and Solo can be reduced.

    I honestly believe this is for the better. And ofc, buff under performing killers.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Check out my topic two clear biased survivor mains there :^). I don't know how you can deny the fact that there's a weird main mentality going in the community for a long time. Hence people whining if this side got more nerfs than the other.

    Why should I ask someone for details when they only played half the game? Why settle for less and just ask someone who experienced the entire game lmao.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I have to agree with TC. Probably play 60/40 Killer/Survivor. I enjoy both roles, but because all survivors play the same, survivor feels more like the "filler" role to me. Killer is where you can utilise different mechanics and playstyles, plus it typically has shorter queues.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    All that novel to avoid simply saying directly that you wanted to make a thread about defending noed.

    We get it. You like noed. You're cool in my book either way.

    Killer mains dont generally complain

    Lmao, you new to the forum? Literally everyone complains.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    It depends on player. I saw survivors and killers complaining about stupid things.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The problem is that this necessitates one or two perks being mandatory if you want to play solo. I'd rather give survivors a more substantial set of gestures or emotes to communicate when voicecoms aren't available.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The notion that the game isn’t designed for voice comms is a bit of a myth. The devs in one of the early chats even talked about how the rumor they never intended to include swfs in the game was false, it was just that in terms of timing they had it added as a feature as a release because they were still working on it at the time. And the devs themselves constantly play on comms both on and off their streams. So they’re definitely ok with players using comms in the game.

    That’s not to say comms don’t present balance discrepancies compared to solo teams. It’s just that, in their view, the swf balance difference isn’t large enough to worry about too much I think. They posted a chart a while back of escape rates by how many people were in a swf (2-, 3-, or 4-person) and the differences were about 3% higher rate of escape per extra person in the swf. (So about +3/6/9% or so for 2/3/4 person swfs). So it really only becomes noticeable with 3- or 4-person squads, but the actual number of 4-person squads is quite low, something like 10%? (I want to say the breakdown was something like 50% of swfs are 2-person, 30% are are 3 and 20% are 4, and only half of all games have a swf at all. So 10% of all games would be 4-person swfs, maybe less.) Making it not as high a balance priority for them.

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing them buff solo survivors a bit to put them on par with swf survivors. Basically if you play solo then you get some buff, if you’re in a swf you play normally. That would even the playing field between them. And if buffing solo players a bit changed the overall game balance then they could just slow down gen timers slightly to compensate.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    I think he mean killer rarely complain during the chat.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312
    edited November 2021

    It just means someone who primarily plays killer, prefers playing killer or even simply consider themselves a killer main. The moment additional "requirements" are attached it very quickly gets into ridiculous territory like questioning someone's legitimacy based on their opinions, or attaching stereotypes to any sort of main (be it killer/survivor or more specific like billy or even a specific survivor for that matter).

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I think it's dumb that anyone considers skill based on which side they enjoy playing more.

    The forums is just too full of people assuming each others skill, no wonder we can never have a concrete discussion.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    No, we do complain when we lose as killer because it's not a matter of our skill. It's the survivors that decide whether or not we perform well. That's because the game is balanced around casual survivors instead of for high level killer. So you have a complete disaster of a game that only favors one side, AND we're not allowed to complain about it.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    It takes literally one look at reddit or the forums to see killer mains acting like the whole world is against them and the game sucks. That isn't saying that only killers complain tho, both sides complain fairly often and it is just false to say one side is more than the other. I am a killer main but I play about 60% killer, 40% survivor, and I've been playing for about 4 years and the game has always been like this, both sides are about equally toxic or complaining.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    Guy. If you main one side most of the time how are you going to be knowledgeable enough about the other side to balance anything? C'mon man. Common sense.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Read GUY!!! Pay attention to what your reading because i clearly state that i play both sides and i explain what maining killer means TO ME! Im great at this game period as i play both sides so i understand more than someone who plays only one side.

    smh why do people do this?

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    those "main" words from other games

    it originally used when you decently skilled on certain character

    but in here only used from entitled people

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2021

    You're the one that needs to pay attention. You asked someone how anyone that mains a certain side can be biased? That if they main a certain side they have knowledge to help balance the game. That's not true. Below is what you replied to another poster and the part of your long winded post I replied to. The only part. No one asked how great you are at the game.

    "How are people who main something biased!? Lol its the exact opposite if someone mains a certain side they can give details and experiences to the developers on how to properly balance. I main killer but im not biased at all! I play survivor as well and this is a key point."

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Agreed. This is why we see so many dumb threads/posts on here.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2021

    In hindsight It doesnt matter if you main one side or not you can still contribute to the ideas of balance. That person said that i cant create a balance because i main killer and i merely backed up my argument taht you can and the fact that thats not true. You can main one side but still not be biased. You misinterpreted or didnt understand what i was saying.

    Your "post" is dumb!

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906
    edited November 2021

    Uh, are you new to the forums? The majority of threads are from killer mains who have been complaining, sometimes justly, about survivor perks and SWF for years, or just how unfun the game is in general. BOTH sides complain, constantly. Survivors right now mostly have been complaining about camping, slugging and tunneling as they have for years. Killers about boons and Dead Hard now that the previously complained about keys were nerfed. It never ends.

    That being said, your entire post seems to be building up the fact someone sent you a hate message about NOED. Use what you want, there will always be folks complaining.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Fair enough. I dont see how killers can complain about Dead Hard but whatever. My post wasn't building up to anything, it was generalizing. Its about the term "killer main" and what it means to me as well as other people

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I use to say killers needed buffs all the time but over the years, it's been getting more and more balanced so I rarely say anything anymore. The only exception is Billy. I'll always say he needs his Rev add-ons back until the day this game dies. Overheat is nothing. The chainsaw just takes too long to stop a loop. Why play him when you can play Bubba who has wide swings, fast movement, long distance and much, much harder to dodge? Billy needs his rev add-ons back. At least take a second off and you'd see him again. Otherwise, you'll probably never see him more than once or twice a year. He just gets looped to #########.