Ban for 15 min

Why this game ban me after i dc from a couple of swf that were teabaging me and not unhooking me. And the killer just watch them and give them the exit gate.
I am the toxic in that situation? And other thing is it hard or difficult to have a match history?
You got a disconnect penalty... because you disconnected?
Seems simple to me. The opponent (or in this case, uncooperative teammates) outplaying/BMing you/whatever) isn't cause to disconnect.
The only justified reasons to disconnect in my opinion is when you're having a real life emergency (in which case the penalty is irrelevant) or you get struck by a game breaking glitch (which is unfortunate).
Why did you disconnect anyway? Why not just let yourself die on the hook? All you did was give the Killer bonus points and forfeit your own.
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What about previous dc's? Teammates griefing too?
It is always people who dc often that make these threads.
While what they did was wrong, you could have waited it out and report them. Then you wouldn't have to wait 15 mins. Just a few.
You did it yourself.
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Two teamates while i down they get up me and teabaging me then when i was on hook they just bug me or i dont know how to saying it just make the action to unhook but they really wasnt doing it. I dont care about giving point to killer its just unfair that i quit because those 3 guys (the other surv die) just being toxic and for u thats not cause of dc. Ok then.
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Oh i see i need to be pacient while these guys BMing me. Got it π
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You obviously have a lot of patience if you gave yourself a 15min ban.
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Well I got my first DC penalty yesterday but I had no choice but to DC my game froze and has to force close the game. When I opened I the game back up 5 min ban.
I understand punishing the ones who DC just to quit but what about people like me who had technical issues that forces one to close the game down. It's not a fair system, personally needs to be removed or reworked. It's not helping anyone who is getting penalties that they have no control of.
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Agreed, the thing is that they dont explain exactly why they ban its like "Oh you dc, generic ban text"
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Exactly, and there's really nothing you can do about it from what I have heard. By the time they respond (if they respond) your ban is over or they won't do anything.
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Reports do nothing, you should know that by now. The system only logs the pre game lobby chat and end game lobby chat. That is why hackers take weeks if not months to get banned. Most people do not record their games because ...why would the average person do that? They just want to log on and enjoy Dbd. Also, whats the point of staying in a game when people actively grief you on your own team, and you know you haven't done enough to pip/let alone black pip. Yes the OP is at fault for disconnecting often to the point of getting a 15m penalty, but lets not act like he's the Devil when other people ruin the match and its outside of his control.
You got 3.3k posts, you should have a decent clue about how the report system works..but you don't.
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Lol. I said what they did to him was wrong did I not?
Ok then don't report just don't dc and wait more than you had to if you did.
What he did makes zero sense. He wasn't held hostage in the game and he dc'ed.
Game without dc penalty would be unplayable for solo q. So go ahead remove it.
Also gj going for my post count so I know not to respond to you ever anymore.
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No one wants to be put in a match where 3 of your teammates do nothing but grief/sandbag/try to piss you off. And theyre on your 'team'. Esp if the killer cooperates with them. Why would you stay in that lobby? Yea he obviously took advantage of the D/C mechanic to avoid more frustration and paid for it by having to wait more and more, but that doesn't mean his reason was illegitimate. I'm not saying he's innocent, but reporting does practically nothing because there is no video proof. The actual match isn't logged in their system. There is no footage to review for the BHVR team or whoever is responsible for checking reports. I wouldn't remove the D/C penalty, as I am a strict solo survivor as well, but I do think it needs a hell of a lot of tuning to match other games. Replay footage should be accessible to the BHVR team but the problem is, they are lazy and don't want to assign people to deal with that.
Again, you are right. What they did was wrong. Do I think the only reason for D/cing is 'being held hostage in a match?' No. There's other reasons too. The OP shouldn't be surprised at his/her penalty but at the same time, I can't fault them for leaving in a situation like that.
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ALT+TAB out for five minutes and surf the web while your match ends in the background. No DC penalty.
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Unfortunately, while you aren't toxic the system can't differentiate between your DC and someone DCing out of rage, or to BM the killer/deny them BP, or to give their buddy the hatch.
DCing is already an epidemic in DbD right now, and even with the penalties I'll have one survivor DC the second I pick them up in multiple games in a row.
In future - just alt+Tab out and watch an episode of something you like.
They want you to DC and eat a penalty. That's the cherry on top of the troll cake.
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You see im all for a dc penalty, i think its needed and my only problem with it is the penalty times.
Banning people for long periods of time only sends them to play other games, surely you want people playing DBD.
A set 10-15min cooling off period would be fair for every dc imo instead of all the different banning times. 5mins is nothing while 30min, 6hrs or even days is to much. People go play other games, do they come back?
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People who baby rage should go play something that fits them a bit better. The Carebears might be a good game to teach them the values of sportsmanship, and when they return, they will be much better DBD players.
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Yep should done that mate, because there nothing else to do apparently on does situations rather than get ban for 15 min
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alt + tab will fix this game instead of devs haha. But u got a point my man
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A little tip for next time when things like that happens again, watch YouTube or do something else.
That way you get something to do while they think they bm you.
Also get pressing the run button, that way they can't farm you by healing you over and over again.
Now you gave them exactly what they wanted and you deserve the penalty how harsh it may sound.
Just don't give them the satisfaction of making you dc, simple as that.
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Tab out of the game and create a thread on the forums about it, save yourself time instead of doing so within your 15 minute break
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I'm sorry that happened but you got the penalty because you DC'd. Next time just suicide on the hook.
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Ok guys thank you all for your opinions. The answer is to tab + alt and avoid the game, seems fair bc the game wont fix itself. And for the cool/troll comments aint that funny to be honest but ok i guess. See you on the fog. ππ
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You can report them for working with killer.
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Just wait until the 24-hour bans start.
This. I get told all the time that I shouldn't even play DBD because I sometimes have technical issues. I shouldn't enjoy my favorite game because there is a slight chance it might glitch. And because of the glitch (or in my case, the dc) I get banned. I didn't cheat, I didn't hack, I did nothing toxic. What happened was out of my control and yet I'm paying quite a heft fine and most people on here AGREE with that fine. It blows my mind.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't going afk count as potential ban as well?
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Dude, you need to get a better system if youβre running into problems like this.
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That's the thing it's not my system or internet my ping is always around 50-58. I have a brand new gaming PC so the issue is on thier end or someone slamming the server with a ton of data at once to lag it out