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Your Top 5



  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    By writing "boi" in your posts...

    You look like a liberated millennial.

    That isn't a good thing.

    You don’t know all the names!? Trappy Boi, Billy Boi, Bing Bong Boi, Blinky Girl, Stalky Boi, Slappy Girl, Zappy Boi, Axey Girl, Chili Boi, Trappy Girl, and.... SHARP HAND JOE

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @SaltyKiller said:
    1: Leatherface. I'm a huge fan of the movies, I like that Leatherface shuts down hook rescue attempts and rules the basement. He could use a buff or two to differentiate him more from Hillbilly but I find him fun. Not to mention that he clearly has the best Mori in the game.

    2: Hillbilly. Better than Leatherface in every way except dealing with a guy who is good at 360'ing.

    3: Clown. Counters DS. The Tonic counters a lot of obnoxious loops. Plus I love his design.

    4: The Pig (Saw Killer). Really fun trap mechanic. I love the crouch for mobile Insidious and tea-bagging Survivors right back. Plus she's shorter and can juke.

    5: Hag. The ONLY Killer IMHO that can leave a hook once you've hooked someone. It sucks that you need the absolute best add-ons and Make Your Choice to really get the most out of it. And it also sucks that her movement is terrible. But the traps are fun and mind-fecking someone with the traps is unique only to her/it/thing.

    I’ve rescued someone from a basement face, and then distracted him for three whole minutes in his basement. Then lived to tell the tale. 5 minutes later I got a message that just said #########

  • Member Posts: 222
    1. Doctor
    2. Clown
    3. Wraith
    4. Hag
    5. Pig
  • Member Posts: 1,259
    1. Doctor - Extremely powerful (if used correctly, which isn't exactly easy), nice concept, absolutely terrifying looking, and his lore is very well done.
    2. Huntress - First game I ever played was as her, so she'll always have a connection with me. Being ranged gives her many advantages as well. Like throwing a hatchet through windows at people taunting you (yes, this did happen to me) Plus, she requires you to think about your actions (I've missed so many hatchets through stupid decisions). Lore is great as well, I just enjoy playing Doctor more.
      3 and 4. I'm stuck between Freddy and Pig. On one hand, I like Freddy's gameplay and have gotten quite a few kills as him. On the other hand, the Pig is just as fun to torment survivors. Really can't pick a winner here.
    3. Hard to say, I like most killers. Just not the Hag. I'd probably say Michael, but I have literally not leveled him at all. Maybe one thing, and that's it. My first Nurse game took place at the Meat Plant (you can probably see the issue), Hillbilly I was stuck on Haddonfield unable to figure out I had to HOLD the mouse button for the chainsaw to continue until the Exit Gates were already open, Leatherface and Trapper are okay, I guess, and I have terrible luck as the Wraith. So yeah. Probably Michael.
      (On a side note, I've played the Clown once during PTB, don't have him for the real thing yet, so don't want to say anything much about him, just that I wasn't overly impressed. But again, one game doesn't mean much.)
  • Member Posts: 56
    1. Amanda (she's bae <3)
    2. Hag
    3. Huntress
    4. Wraith (especially with the candle skin)
    5. Clown (kit is fun, but goddamn that smoker's cough makes me cringe)
  • Member Posts: 40

    Balance wise:
    1. Nurse
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Huntress
    4. Doctor
    5. Myers
    Personal favorites of mine outside of balance:
    1. Huntress
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Pig
    4. Freddy
    5. Wraith

  • Member Posts: 11
  • Member Posts: 91
  • Member Posts: 18
    2. Freddy 
    3. Doctor 
    4. Huntress 
    5. Wraith 

  • Member Posts: 333
    1. Nurse
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Doctor
    4. Leatherface
    5. Piggy
  • Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2018
    1. Freddy (My main) :)
    2. The Nurse
    3. Michael Myers
    4. The Doctor
    5. The Pig
  • Member Posts: 1,259

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    1) Doctor
    2) Pig
    3) Myers
    4) Huntress
    5) Leatherface

  • Member Posts: 998

    Personal favourites for one reason or another, in no particular order:


  • Member Posts: 21

    Nea is my favorite killer, she's so scary.

  • Member Posts: 182
    1. The Doctor (Or the shockter as i call him)
    2. Freddy (The laugh and the knives flicking after slashing)
    3. Myers (the music)
    4. Wraith (i just have good luck with him for some reason)
    5. Team Mates (you know who you are >_< )
  • Member Posts: 89
    1) Doctor
    2) Wraith
    3) Trapper
    4) Cannibal 
    5) Nurse

    I know. I'm a weirdo.
  • Member Posts: 2
    swenpai said:
    1. Freddy (I just find Freddy extremely fun for some reason) 2. Doctor 3. Cannibal 4. Wraith 5. Trapper
    I completely agree about Freddy.
    He is actually alot of fun, even if I lose.
    Yeah it's a lot of fun to play him against rank 20s, but just play him at redranks and you want to #########.
  • Member Posts: 72
    1. Doctor
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Nurse
    4. Huntress
    5. Freddy

    I dont really play anything besides the first 3 but I do enjoy Huntress and Freddy as well.

  • Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018
    Hmmm I have a lot of fun with these killers even if I don't kill anyone.

    Hag (Still not good with her but fun. I also get scared if the phantasm traps gets set off with me near it :p )
    Freddy (You can't see me!)
    Post edited by WINTERS on
  • Member Posts: 31
    1. Pig
    2. Hag
    3. Myers/Doctor/Leatherface
    4. Pretty much any other killers.
  • Member Posts: 163

    1. Doctor - I can play the best with him (think it's because he kills stealth)
    2. Myers - Love me some good scare
    3. Pig - I love the RBT's
    4. Leatherface
    5. Basically everyone else

    Special killers in my heart:
    Hag and Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 3
    1. Doctor
    2. Pig
    3. Trapper
    4. Huntress
    5. Clown
  • Member Posts: 158
    1. Herman Carter "The Doctor" - He was my first killer, and I've been playing him since he came out. He's a ton of fun. On top of that the lore is well written and his aesthetic is very pleasing to me.

    2. Freddy Krueger "The Nightmare" - The original Nightmare on Elm Street was my first slasher movie, so of course Freddy holds a place in my heart. It doesn't hurt that he's surprisingly fun and may have the nastiest 3-gen in the game. He's also got the unique ability to curate who he actually wants to deal with on a per-match basis, which is nice for when I don't feel like dealing with the T-bagging obsession or I realize that the Survivors are too good for me to face. I'm excited for the upcoming buffs, and look forward to terrorizing more people in the dream world.

    From this point onward are killers I want to learn:

    1. Amanda Young "The Pig" - I'm not a huge SAW fan, but I appreciate the way Pig works. She's a ton of fun, and, while rare, there's a certain mix of shock, excitement, and joy when you see Game Over pop up.

    2. Anna "The Huntress" - Swole Russian chick chucking hatchets. What else is there to say, really?

    3. Lisa Sherwood "The Hag" - An interestingly strategic killer, I can really appreciate the amount of thought a good Hag has to put in to draw out the horrifying potential. Aside from that, I find the way she frolics around to be hilariously adorable when combined with the deformed design. It's almost more jarring than Pig's stun sound!

    Special shout out to Michael Myers "The Shape" - Although he's not on my list to learn at the moment, when I'm a Survivor I appreciate the spooks that he can bring, and I will probably learn him at some point in the future.

  • Member Posts: 1,178

    Billy, Trapper, Myers, Wraith, Clown

  • Member Posts: 82
    1. Wraith (That he is low Rank and weak makes me love him even more ^^)
    2. Leatherface (He is kinda Cute but strong at the same time <3)
    3. Trapper (old but gold...cant wait for the mid-chapter Patch ^^)
    4. Billy (Boosting around the map is very fun)
    5. Nurse (Hard to Play on Console but always Fun)

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