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Favorite Killer to be up against?

Member Posts: 103

I really want to hear your opinions on this. Which Killer is the most fun to play against? I'm not concerned about balance, I'm talking pure enjoyment and tension - what Killer do you find makes for the most interesting opponent?

I'm working on a Killer concept and so I want to know what makes Killer fun to play against to ensure that the concept will be as good as possible.

Thank you in advance.

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  • Member Posts: 1,068

    Good Hillbilly, Good Nurse, or just Myers
    So that's insta kills, lack of options to counter and just lack of locating

    All the others vary between OK and SO EASY

  • Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    Good nurse, its the only time this game feels like a horror game
    Oh and I really enjoyed playing against scratched mirror myers

  • Member Posts: 158

    Unpopular opinion, but I can't help but smile when I'm going against a Doctor. It's pretty fun to micro your Madness and handle Risk vs Reward when it comes to dedicating to Gens.

    Myers and Pig are also quite enjoyable to face off against, whether it be the jumpscare factor of Myers or the intensity of trying to remove the RBT against the Pig.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    A decent Huntress is really terrifying (I should know, just played said game yesterday.) The constant need to not go in a straight line and find the safest path out of her hatchets is very thrilling. Can't say much about Michael, only had one game against him, but I'd imagine that it could be intense. This may seem like an odd one, but Freddy is also decent to go against, because when he does find you, you can't really hide very well (I have literally 0 skill check related perks on my Survivors, unless you include the starting ones, which I haven't used, that Huntress game was me playing Tapp to get a daily done)

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Leatherface, because he's a weak killer and you can dominate him for 5 gens straight.
    I don't like playing against Trapper or Hag because they can randomly kill you in loops because of their traps ;)

  • Member Posts: 369

    A good Huntress, for mindgame plays!

  • Member Posts: 46

    I usually like facing Nurses. It's a challenge but she's a killer you actually have to juke to get away from, rather than just loop to oblivion...

  • Member Posts: 66

    I love playing against the nurse most, but 2nd is the pig. Dislike billy and the wraith

  • Member Posts: 17

    leatherface, billy and nurse

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Billy, because he's the one I know best, and the most balanced killer in the game.
    LF to make fun of him since he sucks.
    Clown is also very fun to face.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I love playing against Nurse, Billy, Michael, and Leatherface.

  • Member Posts: 52

    i like wraith, trapper, myers, huntress, billy, leatherface,

  • Member Posts: 8

    To have a challenge I prefer a decent nurse.
    To feel good it's propably Freddy

  • Member Posts: 229
    With no regard to how “challenging” the killer is; my favorite to play against is Trapper. When it’s quiet and I’m playing stealth-like, but only to step gingerly on a bear trap is devastating, and saps my hope. It’s a thrill to lose sometimes.
  • Member Posts: 91
    Myers. By far
  • Member Posts: 12

    Myers cause he's a cutie, and I like his screams when he gets pallet stunned.
    Doctor is nice cause I can throw sneaky play out of the window and run wild and not get judged. Also he has a charming laugh. Yes.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I'm feeling in a true horror movie/game with Myers, he's so quiet and when i don't notice him, well.. i'm screaming in front of my computer ->. So much tension in a game with him. After him, i would say a nurse or huntress. I feel like i can't escape them, no matter I run or hide. (with the nurse's blink and the huntress' hatchets)

  • Member Posts: 29

    A good nurse, because I am on console and they are the rarest thing to come by. Once, I ran into the same P3 nurse main a few times in a row and it was the most fun I have ever had in my life, really tested my skills and I am happy I got the chance to play against them even though I was severely screwed over in each game and only managed to survive once or twice.

  • Member Posts: 20

    I really enjoy to playing against the Nurse :chuffed:

  • Member Posts: 1

    Personally I Really Like Myers, Freddy and the Doctor!! As a huge fan of the First twos series I get a huge thrill from actually getting to Run away from and out wit these horror legends! (not always but I try) The Doctor is such a neat game mechanic and concept I love playing against it.

  • Member Posts: 72


  • Member Posts: 307

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Michael Myers. Always a fun match where you need to keep looking over your shoulder, with a few guaranteed jump scares.

    Good ole Mikey is where it's at

  • Member Posts: 58

    My favorite to go against is the Nurse (I can usually escape her) and the Huntress ( I love getting in chases with her and love those hatchets flying by) but I think I actually have the most fun with the Hag and the Doctor. Those games are usually very long, high scoring matches for me.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Pig, gives the survivors another objective that the game so desperately needs. Not to mention stall is always welcomed and needed by killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Nurse. I'm at Rank 19 with survivor so I know the nurse will be terribly bad.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Pig and Michael -- Pig because of the gameplay variety of the traps (and also intense near heart attacks when you're nearing the end of the timer and you haven't gotten the trap off) and Myers because again, heart attack material. The few instances in which Dead by Daylight is an actual horror game

    Also I'm a big fan of the SAW and Halloween series LMAO

  • Member Posts: 539
    Nurse because she changes the whole aspect of the game! It’s basically who can mind game who the best
  • I enjoy going up against a nurse, hillbilly, and cannibal. Too ez boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  • Member Posts: 80
    Myers, a good Hag, Freddy. They're the ones that I find the most fun to play against. Freddy games I love. Hearing the children, watching the grass everywhere hoping to spot it shifting 
  • Member Posts: 4,104
    I find being the the Dreamworld rather nerve-wracking so I would say Freddy.
  • Member Posts: 118

    I love playing against Trapper, mainly because I just love him in general, but I do like having to take care of where I'm walking.

  • Member Posts: 88

    I like playing against The Nightmare because you can never see him until he puts you to sleep and then you have to wake up to escape his dream world. Also the extra fog that dream world makes is pretty cool + if offerings like Murky Reagent and New Moon Bouquet are being used.

  • Member Posts: 29

    The Hag. I honestly wish she were a better killer because I really do enjoy running into them.

  • Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2018

    Skilled clowns and huntresses are probably the most fun. Unskilled nurses on the other hand are maybe a little more fun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Doctor or a bad Myers are always fun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Thank you for your answers, everyone. It's been a great help for me, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your day to answering my question.

  • Member Posts: 2,221
    Any of them that don’t pull the plug Bc they are a sore loser.
  • Member Posts: 2,410

    I love the trap gameplay, and she's my main xD

    Second would have to be either the Wraith or Billy
  • Member Posts: 1,476

    Cannibal because his walk cycle is hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I like playing against the Nurse and the Huntress because I have the most fun dodging the last second before the blink/hatchet. Of course there are the times I dodge into it rather than away but its still really fun

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @Master said:
    Good nurse, its the only time this game feels like a horror game
    Oh and I really enjoyed playing against scratched mirror myers

    I wish you were in my games then. I've wasted so many offering where 2-3 survivors just up and DC once they realize I'm playing scratched mirror Myers...

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    A bad nurse. It's ez to lose one.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Amanda is literally the only killer that can scare me. Not because of the ambush attacks, but when you're mere seconds away from having that trap clamp down on your face.

    Seriously. The other day I was going around like a lunatic trying to get one of them off because I had to go the long way around to avoid Amanda. Literally only a great skill check saved me from dying AT THE VERY LAST SECOND. It was exhilarating.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Myers, because jumpscares. He's the only killer who can make me crap my pants while I'm sitting on a gen, minding my own business. Plus, I enjoy seeing his bright and shiny face from across the map.
    "Oh, hello Myers".

    I also enjoy playing against good billys, because I'll worry every time I hear the chainsaw.

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