COH change and talking about boons in general
Hello everyone. How's it going? Have you been vaccinated yet? How's COVID in your area?
I've seen some post speaking about one of the new boons and it's that, when something new is introduced, it is expected that it's not really balanced, after all, it's brand new and should change it, so I've been thinking on how to change it without being a nerf and came with an idea. Remember this is just an idea, and it can change or be tweaked, not because I say "this should be like X" you can say "it won't work" , sometimes a number tweak can make it useful... anyway, let's get to it.
First of all, this will be a change for all boons... they should have tokens. Why? Because a killer can't rekindle a tote, whereas a survivor can rebless it... generally when we speak about balance, we try that both the killer and survivor have the same chances or similar chances...If a survivor can rebless or change the bless location it's not too fair for the killer. Is it? Either have a limit on how many times you can bless a totem again (with a token limit and/or with a cooldown) or let the killer be able to rekindle a totem (hex:pentimento is not the same, as the perk works rekindling yet you can't rekindle another hex). Why? We know that hexes are supposed to be a risk reward situation for the killer, but for survivors you don't run the same risks... yes, you can tell me "but if you're not in the boon radius you don't receive the boon effect"..., that's true but it's not a risk as per se, the boon will remain there. Right? And even if the killer kicks it, you can bless it again since the killer can't destroy a totem. Right? So, in terms of balance a killer bringing an hex and a survivor bringing a boon. Which one has more to lose? I think is riskier for a killer.
Now. I think COH is a strong perk, even for a boon. First it should be locked up to certain amount, killer hexes have those locks and it's because if they didn't have it, they'd become too strong.
With that in mind I think about this change
COH has a bigger radius (64 meters) but it should be 25% of healing bonus and since many survivors can bless a totem, we can make it stackable up to 75% which is a big amount, but the stack cannot and won't exceed a 100% which means if I have Botany and another healing perk, they'll stack until 100% What do you think?
And about boon shaking the meta. Is it alright for having a change in the meta? Yes, it is. Is it good to "shake" the meta by making even stronger perks? No, you need survivors to have strong perks but not OP. Let's talk about DS usage, I've seen lesser matches with DS users at high ranks. Why? Because it is not exploitable anymore or not as much.
Just make snuffing a boon out breaks the totem, boom done.
Now they're still strong but on a limited resource. We don't need to make it complicated.
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to answer your question, I dont know if Yui has been vaccinated, I think they should buff boons and make it so kicking a totem destrots the totem
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Honestly with circle of healing it shouldn't stack with other healing perks and addon. It also shouldn't work with Medkits. I don't understand how they didn't realize it shouldn't stack in the ptb. It was pretty obvious.
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Add more totems, and replace snuffing a totem with crushing the totem, never to be used again.
And now we’ve fixed one of the biggest issues with pentimento too.
I think there are other ways to fix it too such as applying a speed penalty for reblessing the same totem, but I think this is the easiest solution and requires the least amount of work.
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I don't think it should break it, as that could interact poorly with perks like NOED (which some people might think is good, but besides the point). Plus, while boons are absolutely stupid strong right now, limiting an entire team's worth of uses to 5 would nerf them into close worthlessness, especially since that one level 40 mikeala that just unlocked the perk would probably ruin it for everyone.
I just think that each person should only be able to bless a dull totem once. 5 uses per player that brings the perk is still very strong, but it also gives finality to killers that want to get rid of boon totems in strong spots. Part of the reason boons are so stupid right now is that, if survivors set up a totem in a part of the map that's difficult for the killer to get to, like upstairs in a house on Badham or Haddonfield, or the top level of Disturbed Ward, the time it takes for me to get there is significantly higher than the time it takes to rebless, so there's no point to doing it. But if I could take away that boon spot for the rest of the game, at least to that one player, then it'd be worth it.
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i said this exact thing killers can snuff or break the totem. problem solved
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No. That indirectly buffs hex pentimento
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whys that a problem? you know what totem you booned. go break it. hello.
the problem is boons are rather game changing for very little effort. op suggests a change and you all kinda ######### on it. so.
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???? Survivors can’t break boons, and why would they do that.
fyi hex pentimento works on broken totems. Killers are also able to see where they are. Allowing killers to break totems by snuffing boons is indirectly buffing the hex because it’s a guaranteed win condition.
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A perk that isn't even good if killers could break boon totems.
The killer has to get 2 rekindled totems out for 30% action speed reduction. Survivors will be alerted when the killer makes 1 rekindled totem. Every survivor saw exactly where the boon was before it got destroyed.
If the killer is able to get 2+ rekindled totems out, it's completely the fault of the survivors for not dealing with the totem sooner.
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You act like good killers won’t rekindle the totem within their 3 gen range where they can guard it and defend gens.
Sure, let survivors be able to snuff it out instantly like boons. That’ll be fair then.
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If a killer is able to get 2 rekindled totems between a 3 gen defense, then the survivor messed up there. Since either the survivor needs to cleanse the dull totem or the survivor needs to boon a dull totem and the killer destroys it.
The killer cannot control which totems get broken, that is completely in the control of survivors.
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Yea, the survivor totally knows that the 3 gen is there when they booned it at the start of the match.
The killer can decide on their 3 gens based on where all the boons were blessed.
If you’re gonna make balance suggestions, at least make it seem like you’re impartial.
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inb4 just don’t get 3 genned, just don’t bring boon perks.
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Survivors should be focusing on getting gens done that will split up the remaining gens in a way that is harder to defend. If you are carelessly booning a totem at the start of the match and then leave all of the gens near that boon unfinished, that is solely your fault.
At no point is a killer getting 2 rekindled totems within a defendable 3 gen anything other than survivors misplaying.
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Killers should be focusing on getting their 3 gens so that it is easier to defend. If you are carelessly allowing survivors to split up the gens near where the boon was blessed, that is solely your fault.
At no point is the killer being unable to defend their 3 gens anything other than the killer misplaying.
Yea, i can do the same.
Just proved my point, none of you want balance.
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A killer should be trying to defend gens that are closer together than focus on gens too spread apart from each other. However, it's still up to the survivors to break up the gens he's focus on defending. If survivors are doing the uncontested gens first and then complain that the killer is defending a 3 gen, that is their fault. They should have spent the time at the start of the trail when resources are full to attack gens that killer is trying to keep.
Not to mention you are still missing the point that survivors are in 100% control of which totems are broken and can be rekindled. If survivors are booning totems near gens and then ignoring those gens to give the killer 2 rekindled totems to defend within a 3 gen, that is there fault.
There is no situation where a killer gets 2 easy to defend rekindled totems that isn't because the survivors misplayed.
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Why is that a problem? With how boons work right now, if survivors stick to blessing totems and never break them, pentimento does literally nothing. A HEX perk that does nothing.
This proposed solution simply kills two birds with one stone and aims to make boons more fair and also fixes pentimento’s crucial design flaw. Is it a buff to pentimento? Yes. Is pentimento at all worth running right now with the circle of healing meta? No, not really.
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Being honest I am surprised the developers haven't hard capped healing speed to 200%(100% base +100% bonus).
This would have solved so many issues with healing perks the developers have been facing for years now.
As healing stacking has caused so many effective immortality set ups for them to deal with since the game's inception.
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bruh you break the rekindled totem its gone perks void.
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Boon totems need a 1 time use boom done.
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Wow, many people commented on my post. I am popular now! Just kidding, I've been reading comments and yes, there are easier solutions but I thought there would be also some interesting changes that they could bring.
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We all want a change to boon totems they are too op. I think you propose an interesting change.