So i did it...turned the game off tonight.

First off....i am aware no one cares

They'll just say i was not good enough even though i was a red rank killer. Killer after midnight is a horrendous experience. The trolls are "expletive" people. I mean, i'm pretty damn good at this game. And it zaps the fun out it in a millisecond.

again...i am aware no one cares

But what if someone is just trying this game. What if they're a really cool person that just wants to check it out. There's no chance they turn it on again. It's not like this is the only game out there.

If you completely play the game the right way and someone gets the better of you they NEVER just leave the exit gates. they wait to taunt you....Why? Because they're such good streamers helping the gaming community? No, because it makes THEM feel better about themselves to make someone else feel beneath them.

again...i am aware no one cares & no one agrees. They'll just say i was the worst red rank out there.

But how can NO ONE acknowledge this? How can everyone just pretend all the trolling is just part of it?

I'm good at this game, i'm good at other games. It never occurred to me to make someone else feel worse because i could do something.

So everyone keeps telling me the killers aren't quitting...i guess it's just me. I had friends drop out of this thing & i'm hanging on because i could see the good in the game. It's just not worth it, guys.

I'm aware this is just going to get lost in a heap of threads that everyone scrolls past. I just felt something needed to be said other than how awesome this is & tell me your favorite perk & color and all that garbage. The truth is this community has too many bullies in it and it's disguised as gameplay.

So again...i'm aware no one cares.

One more dedicated killer signing off that they're just going to say couldn't hack it


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Well, it took me over a year to buy and play the game because the one experience I had on a free weekend was huge queue followed by being teabagged and clicked at from the exit gate when I had no idea what I was doing.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    It's okay to feel the way you do right now. The player community can be really ######### at times, and too often this game ends up making you feel bad even outside the game parameters when it's ultimately meant to be a fun distraction.

    Take care of yourself first and foremost by recognizing that instinct telling you this experience is doing more harm than good right now.

    Maybe things will have improved by the time when, and if, you decide to come back. Or maybe something better will come along in the meantime. Either-way, trust your feelings.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    You know it's a shame because it can be fun.

    But it's like a girl that treats you like garbage once in a while. Sure she's fun but there's other girls that don't make you feel like an a**hole half the time

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, the BM SWFs do get under my skin sometimes, and there is at least 1 game in every dozen where I go 'yeah, was that guy hacking or am I just really bad?'.

    I'm also taking a short hiatus to enjoy some other games (Riftbreaker, Gladiator Guild Manager and Guardians of the Galaxy have been calling to me for days now) but I'll be back.

    As frustrating as this game and it's community can be at times, I really do love it.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I hope you find a game you have more fun with.

    I do get what you mean, though.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    Bhvr encourages survivors being toxic to killers, I mean they even made a counter that tracks how many t bags happened in a match.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I mean, some of us are still having fun in the game and actively participating on the forums. 🤷‍♂️

    You know the reason you think people "pretend" some of the trolling is a part of it? Because they don't see it the way you do.

    Some of us don't take the game that serious.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Well done. I am proud of you.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Yeah the hanging out at the open doors is annoying… not sure what a solution would be. .. that’s why we have the end game collapse…I think that the door progress should go down with time… so they can’t 99 it and then just do f All prancing around till the see you and get in a chase just to come and tap a door and open it having just enough time to twerk a bit before leaving.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    I hope that you find happiness in the other games that you pursue.

    Best of luck! 💜

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    this guy looks depressed from what he experienced over time

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    After so many hours and several years, yes, I see that DBD's gameplay loop can be incredibly damaging to one's mental health.

    And no, I don't really find toxicity funny. I used to, but getting told to kill myself several times a day for a long while has sapped any amusement I might have found.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    DbD is a secret program to dissuade people from becoming serial killers. People with those tendancies will try this game to feed their urges and then get so discouraged they'll abandon the idea.

    That's my theory on to why killers can't have fun

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    I guess what i don't understand and no one can explain to me is....Why is winning not good enough?

    The killer you just abused feels bad enough. Why taunt them?

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I am sure my mental health has been better after quitting the game.

    I had two people who were so toxic i felt nothing but hopelessness and self hatred. I don't think they had any humanity in them.

    I am happier now that i left and excited to play vhs as it look fun to play

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    I took yesterday completely off & so far i'm good. No desire to jump back in the mix.

    like is said it's a shame because the game is fun and has plenty of entertainment value but why subject yourself to cruelty no matter how minimal?

    and i am exactly the killer people want to play against. Never Tunnel and never camp. But honestly why put up with it?

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I hear you, my friend. I used to play killer about 75% of the time but now it’s more like 25% of the time because it just sucks most of the time now. BHVR has intentionally made this game very fun and easy for SWF and very difficult and not fun for everyone else. Once you get to a high enough rank as killer you’ll be matched mostly with pro-loopers and SWF teams with coordinated perks and comms.

    Anyway, I do still play killer occasionally and this is what has helped me not quit completely:

    • Don’t play killer at night or other peak times. It will be mostly sweaty SWF squads and you’ll just get frustrated as they loop, gen rush, teabag, flashlight stun, pallet stun, etc because they’re all on comms
    • Dodge SWF lobbies
    • If you do run into a SWF that are being toxic, just focus on tunneling them out one at a time. I find that usually slows down the game quite a bit because they’ll often be overly altruistic trying to save that one teammate
    • Enjoy the matches that are actually evenly matched and if you are stomping a team or someone DC’s, back off a bit and be nice and farm some BP. I usually let one or two go in these kinds of matches. I’m happy with lots of BP and don’t care too much about killing everyone as long as it was a fun, fair match and survivors aren’t being toxic
  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    Notice that it's always killers that are quitting. You never see survivors make these because they are the power role.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What I get here is that another killer is unable to take the other team taunting them in a PvP game. Killers only have fun if they 4K every match, taunting the survivors instead.

    If you stop taking the game so seriously, you'll have more fun as killer. A 4K should be rare.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    Killer is, obviously, the harder role to play. Killer also has to endure alot of BS. It may get to a point where the survivor que is so long because killer players are exceedingly rare.

  • Drag0n100
    Drag0n100 Member Posts: 40

    You are 100% correct, and honestly my blame lies on the Dev team for encouraging this type of behavior in Survivor players. This game used to be a fun gameplay loop with interesting chases and a fun back and forth, and now honestly it's just the same old ######### over and over again of getting tea-bagged, dedicated, gen-rushed, and boon-#########. The devs have just been really quick to hand survivors more and more tools to be toxic and have an individual advantage over the killer (not to mention 4 of them), while just shitting down killer's throats every update with totally balanced "balance changes."

    Bugs go unfixed, power creep grows stronger and stronger as a claim that they're "shaking up the meta," and the dev team does nothing because their only perspective on how well Killers are performing is watching streamers with 10000 hours do well and say the game is balanced. All while repeatedly buffing the already winning side and allowing Survivors to be bullies and have more and more second chances to get away with it.

    I guarantee I'll get a comment under this quote just saying I'm salty or that I'm bad at the game, but i've been playing this game since Beta, so I'd like to think i'm at least somewhat knowledgeable of how to play it.

    Honestly killer players should just stop playing, and show BHVR that there are two player bases to this game, and that choosing a favorite should not be an option. Survivors wouldn't bully killers if the Killers were actually something to be afraid of.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I don't know what you guys expect from a company that wanted to make sure teabagging was still satisfying while they were making the new animations

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Now the real challenge begins--

    Keeping it off.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I turn off my game every night, not to brag.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    They peaked at Stranger Things Chapter/Pyramid head pre-nerf and they will never get any better than that. I've been buying DBD battlepass for 1+ years but now I'm moving onto Halo Infinite's Battlepass until Elden Ring is released. Then onto Gran Turismo7/VHS. If I can get a XBOX Series X by then I'll go back and play some older stuff that has been improved framerate/resolution I have sitting around and new. R.I.P. DBD I'll check on you every update/patch and laugh at forums but you are dead to me as a game :)

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 774

    Do what's best for you, broseph.

    But what if I told you, nothing in this game matters? Win, lose, meta, not meta, it doesn't matter. It doesn't reflect on you in any way. The game doesn't make us eSports heroes nor failures.

    It's just a game. Free your mind.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I have fun in that awkward moment waiting for a survivor to die so I can give the last one hatch,.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    It shouldn’t be rare. You should 2k on average. 4K about 1/5 of the time. Unfortunately, due to the survivor meta and mmr (mostly mmr let’s me real) killers find themselves unable to have an enjoyable match without it being over in the first 6 minutes without running the most meta (which is the most boring) builds.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Now the next step is to get away from the forums, as long as you're here DBD still has a hold on you!

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Me who turns off the game every night: