Please stop putting “Blood Debt” challenge in archive

please stop putting this dog ######### challenge in the archive, there is no challenge that is as frustrating as this. no one enjoys doing this, it’s not challenging, just annoying.
It's a pretty obnoxious challenge. Incentivizes you to go down first and then race people to saves even if that save is unsafe. At least they haven't tried to do "unhook a dude who unhooked you earlier 2x in one trial" yet, knock on wood.
Overall it seems like survivor challenges are designed to take way more games than killer challenges, between the chance element of so many and the lengthy requirements of others (repair 10 gens, get 15 unhooks, etc.)
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I agree. I always have to let the killer down me on purpose at the beginning of the match. It’s dumb.
Post edited by legacycolt on1 -
Finally someone else who hates this challenge as much as I do.
It's not a challenge, it's just dumb. You literally have to be hooked to get the challenge, and you get nothing if you can play an entire match well enough to not be hooked at all.
Then you're encouraged to divebomb hooks even if it's not a smart move.
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its even worse for solo players ;~;
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YES! I just finished this challenge after a month of trying. I purposefully had to go down so many games to do this. I hated it.
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This challenge ironically rewards you for sandbagging the survivor who rescued you as you'd need to get them hooked before you can complete your challenge.
So its why I always see sandbagging skyrocket when this challenge is relevant.
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Why do survivors get challenges that are intended for you to throw the game to get something done? I guess the purple glyph one can be throwing for killer since they don't have the time to follow a trail when they need to kill survivors asap.
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Both sides have their throw challenges, and it’s tiring.
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The killer one is guaranteed and doesn't cause you to lose the game.
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*laughs in "Self-Deprecating Joke"*
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The only time this can be manageable is on a SWF, but it can still be a nuisance.
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The killer what? There are a handful that you may not get and may cause you to lose the game.
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Have you seen some of the Nurse, Hillbilly, and Blight challenges? The survivor challenges are easy compared to killer ones.
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Killer has to find a object that leaves an obvious purple trail. Survivor has to get downed on purpose, hope to get rescued then not tunneled, then hope that same person gets hooked then get that unhook before someone else while also hoping the killer isn't face camping THEN hope they don't get grabbed since it has to be safe THEN YOU DO THIS 9 MORE TIMES. You only get 2 per match if you're lucky.
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Nah, not really. I can't speak to Blight's because I don't own him and haven't tried, but a lot of the killer challenges are, while difficult, doable in a shorter timeframe than the equivalent BS survivor challenges. There's only a couple that I rate as outright stupid (off the top of my head, '2x hit 2 survivors with the same string of Corrupt Purge', 'catch a survivor in a trap, reopen the trap, and catch another survivor in the same trap', 'hit survivors 5x with one Feral Frenzy', and 'kill everyone in the basement') and it's much easier to farm a challenge as a killer than it is as survivor (since it's the killer who decides whether or not you're farming.) Even if you don't want to farm, most of the pretty bad killer challenges can be handled by aggressive hook camping, and you'll get it when you face an altruistic team, which isn't rare to find.
Killers have more opportunity to progress and complete tome challenges than individual survivors do, and they can plan the entire match around trying to get them (unlike, say, 'open the hatch with a key 2x" or 'escape through the hatch while holding a map' or 'complete 4 gens in one trial.') Survivors are more at the mercy of how the match plays out unless they're in a SWF that's trying to help the player get a challenge done.
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The thing about killer ones (outside of the practically impossible ones, IE the ######### corrupt purge one) is that they're almost entirely controlled by you. Like yes, a survivor has to run into your trap twice, but you can use iri stone and put it by shack window, and corral them into it.
The bloody survivor ones rely on other people doing things for you to do them, its infuriating.
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Took me a month to finish that challenge only. Screw that challenge.
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It could cost the game, every second is precious. I was speaking to all Rift challenges on both sides. See the mention of Self-Deprecating Joke above.
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That's the other one that took forever. That bullshit Clown one was insane. I want challenges that I can do while playing, not throwing matches just because. Hitting 2 with both bottle types is bullshit.
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I got super lucky with Self-Deprecating Joke and eventually found an afk survivor. One of the biggest whews I ever had in this game, because it wasn't enough to intentionally lose chases - you couldn't get survivors to run through the yellow gas period. They were too afraid of it. Ugh. Any challenge that requires other players to behave a certain way is a pain in the ass.
Yeah, that's exactly the problem. The killer's the one that controls the dynamic of the match unless they're drastically out-skilled by the survivor team. The proactive side has far more ability to gun for specific achievements than the reactive one, so even for stupid throw-the-game type challenges like 'kick 5 different gens in one game', the killer has more ability to make them happen than survivor equivalents. Plus the killer can farm more or less whenever they want, and survivors can't do that.
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The only ones I still haven't done are the 2x Plague corrupt purge one and the clown ones. Plague because its impossible, clown because it was bugged when I first tried it, and ######### playing clown for more than a game or two lmao
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I farmed them both by being nice. It's legit the only way I finished those.
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For Plague, if you don't want to farm, use Corrupt at unhooks or slugs - make sure to fire as soon as the slug gets up, otherwise you only hit one of them - or groups of survivors tbagging at the gate. Discordance + Tinkerer can possibly help you (the undetectable is vital, survivors with any brain activity will scatter if you show up with CP active), but don't count on it.
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A non-farmable way was the iridescent add-on that gives you corrupt whenever a generator is completed; and Tinkerer + Discordance. Pretty sure that's how I attained it without farming.
Or the scummy way: camp near a corrupted pool, or after a hook with an extended corrupt duration.
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I was not doing all of that lol. I rather be nice, farm a bit then get the challenge done in 1 go but that's how I am. I prioritize challenge completions over normal games.
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Disagree. Killers are at the mercy of the speed generators get finished. Survivors set the speed of the game.
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You're not wrong, but I think that's adjacent to this topic at best. Killer still sets the tactics. Survivors don't have much say in who gets chased, who's in the best position to get an unhook, whether or not anyone gets tunneled, whether the killer's slugging, whether the killer respects pallets, whether the killer knows how to protect from a flashlight save, whether or not there's any point in healing someone or doing bones - all things that challenges focus on.
And if worst comes to worst, or it's an especially badly designed challenge, killers have a much easier time throwing the game to get a challenge done than survivors do. If you think survivor challenges are easier than killer challenges, you're playing with SWF as a baseline and at very high MMR. I cannot think of another explanation, because trying to get challenges done in solo is like pulling teeth.
None of the three killers you brought up had especially difficult challenges anyway. Nurse's challenges in particular were all extremely basic and the other two were 'use your power a bunch of times' kind of challenges. They're more hindered by the map than anything else and they still have the ability to backrev (or whatever you'd call Blight bouncing into a parallel wall and immediately getting a hit.) There's some BS killer challenges out there, but those three aren't among them.
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They are difficult to me.