Hex Totems Change

At the beginning of the Trial all Hex Totems are unlit for 30 seconds. During this time Hex perks are working. After 30 seconds all your Hexes are lit and can be destroyed.
This change prevents survivors from destroying your perks at the beginning of the trial. What do you think about this change? Tell me in the comments!
this is something that would work and also make an impact. not a bad thing.
i mean if you see ruin activate your gonna be like "oh dang, ruin, i cant see the hex though."
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I like the idea of guaranteeing some time where survivors aren't staring at your lit totem, though I'm not quite sure whether this would work out, specifically. Would the survivors still be notified of the Hex being in place, so they can go try to break dull totems in the hopes it's the right one, or would it be completely stealthed?
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I would say it's fully stealthed. After this 30 seconds random totem, that is avaliable lits up and can be destroyed.
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Interesting. What if there are no available totems, though? If all the dulls were broken, or all the standing totems are blessed?
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Then it gets immediately destroyed.
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The hex, you mean?
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Yes, Hex is destroyed immediately
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Then I think this could be a reasonable change, gives the killer a little bit of leeway while still allowing the survivors to try and scramble to turn off some hexes if they want to straight away.
Not a bad idea!
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Thanks! I'm glad you like it :D
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Interesting idea, but survivor counter would be to just hunt dull totems and cleanse them all. How about instead, a non-hex perk that blocks all totems (dull or hex) from both Boons and cleansing for the first 60 seconds. It would be the equivalent to Corrupt intervention but for totems.
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The totem blocking concept is kinda already in place with Hex: plaything and the new killers Hex. So a non-hex totem blocking perk shouldn't be anything crazy to consider.
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I'd be fine with this. I'd even go so far as to say that during that time the totems are also just all blocked, so they can't even do dulls.
You could even make a perk out of it that makes it longer (although I don't particularly like this approach of fixing design issues with perks).