Should iron will be nerfed
Every time spirit is mentioned or meta perks Iron Will is always mentioned as a perk that needs to be nerfed. I ask why? Yes it’s strong as ######### against spirit but you can easily find them by looking at the floor to follow the marks and blood. Yes then there’s shadow step but that’s kinda situational to run into that. If I were to nerf Iron will here’s how it would be nerfed
Version 1
While injured grunts of pain are reduced by 100% for 100/110/120 seconds. When the timer runs out the perk is deactivated permanently. When healed back the timer resets back.
Version 2
While injured Iron Will suppress’s grunts of pain by
- 50/75/100% while standing still
- 25/50/75% while walking
- 0/25/50% while running
Tell me what version of the nerf you prefer Version 1 or Version 2 even though this isn’t a poll give me your votes
One perk shouldn’t take away an entire gameplay mechanic with no downsides. Yes the perk needs a nerf.
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In my opinion, no. It only needs to be fixed, as Survivors should still be able to breathe.
However, I like your versions very much. Version 2, more specifically lol
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They should just make Stridor hard counter Iron will again. Still I haven't used Iron will in a long time, There's an alternative counter to Spirits now, headsets.
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I think it needs some kind of nerf to just make the other perks that reduce noise more(/at all) valuable
i like the Version 2 more as I am not a fan of perks that are active for a (short) while
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I like Version 2 more, it's actually the idea I had for the nerf.
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I like version 1. It least it's not nerfed into the ground
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Version 2 seems fair to me. You can still use it to hide, but you can't spend over half your chases completely untrackable by sound.
I wouldn't mind if you were 100% silent while walking, too - silent running is the major issue with this perk.
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I'd say yes once they fix facing spirit without IW, which is still egregious imho. She's powerless against the perk and incredibly oppressive when they don't have it- fix the inequality and then you can nerf it to the ground for all I care
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To be fair, with her Phase sound changes now, I think the old Iron Will vs Stridor interaction can be brought back. Iron Will counters Spirit, Stridor counters Iron Will.
This makes Stridor a good perk for Spirit again. But now the survivors have their own ways of dealing with Spirit, since they can now hear her location themselves.
This + some base kit buffs and addon nerfs for Spirit would be ideal in my eyes.
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I agree with this. Stridor is pointless now.
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I'd rather have neither perk than both tbh
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as long as spirit exists, I pray they never change IW.
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I just think it shouldn't remove the breathing. And your Grunts of Pain should at least be 25% when you're running
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I think it should be slightly nerfed to maybe 90-95% reduction instead of 100% at level 3. It’s still way better than the level 1 and 2 version of Iron Will but allows just enough sound that it can still also be adjusted up by Stridor.
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No, not everything needs to be nerfed and become crap tier like almost 90% of the perks we already have.
Just make stridor work like it used before.
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IT needs to be readjusted/nerfed mostly as it has become a meta to run with shadow step, the fact this two perk convined completly and uterly strip down killers of ALL forms of tracking but sight its idiotic. Just tink about it as IF sudendly wraith was allowed to become completly invisible (no gibble gobble distorted animation), made no grunts and was untrackable by any kind of aura reading perk, being only trackable by sound...can you imagine the absolute uproar that would cause?, this is pretty much the same thing except it also allows other players to become untrackable.
Iron will needs to get its efect reduced so it never completly negates sound
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your version 2 is just trashing on the perk making it useless. the 1 is not terrible, but i dont think is neccesary.
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The very fact that you even thought of bringing up a nerf for iron will makes me angry, like honestly speaking. IW is not OP and it is certainly not unbalanced. It is the one thing that helps us very minutely in the game of ever-increaisng campers and tunnelers.
No, tell me what do the killers want next?
a) Nerf BT so that survs only get 3-5 secs of protection?
b) Nerf spinechill for it to not give the 6% bonus to gen repair?
c) Nerf kindred for it to not show killer's aura?
d) Nerf we will make it and boons and reduce their healing speed by 50% each?
e) Nerf all sprint burst perks to having a cd of 200 secs?
f) Nerf ds even further, maybe even remove it?
g) Nerf keys, like just take them away and the hatches too
h) better yet, nerf surv speed to 3.9 and killer to 4.8
And even after all this, keep complaining that the devs keep this game surv sided and not killer sided. Like at what point do the killers stop crying and complaining? No seriously, I need to know this.
You killers can camp and tunnel and debate that it is a strategy that you use. Well then let us keep our strategy and perks as well. What's wrong with IW? It certainly does not "BREAK" the game like some would say. Unless those some are spirit mains, who desperatly need the old stridor countering IW...
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No we don’t want stridor spirit back!
leave iron will alone.
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I think all Iron Will needs is to allow breathing while injured that's it. Also make it so Stridor can actually counter Iron Will.
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I don't think perks that mess with fundamental game design should exist tbh. Deliverance unhooking yourself and not a teammate, being able to heal yourself with a medkit, Unbreakable, removal of scratch marks, Iron Will as a whole. I guess I would throw in second chance perks like Exhaustion perks. Of course my philosophy on the games design and balance are obviously quite far from the developers.
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It's completely fine. IW only works while injured, so you can track survivors using your eyes, ears (running noise), blood and scratchmarks. No nerf is needed. Not every perk needs huge downsides or needs to be useless.
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You are forgetting killer perks that mess with the fundamental game design as well. BBQ and chilli, aura reading perks, exposing perks? Let us not forget the killer addons too btw.
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Sheesh man, calm down. It's just a game.
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Patch 5.1.0
Nerf: Grunts of Pain and Breathing are now multiplicative values. This makes Stridor useless against Iron Will and Off the Record.
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The perk absolutely needs a rework. Single most annoying perk in the game IMO
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We shouldn't just rework perks simply because it's annoying. The perk is fine.
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Keep Iron will and I'll just play doctor.
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It's a Survivor Perk so it's fine. They nerfed the killer perk Stridor. That's fair.
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Stridor Spirit was busted.
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I feel they should buff stridor to counter iron will it needs a counter tbh it really has nothing to go against it
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I just want survivors to make breathing sounds while injured with iron will is that too much to ask for
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....that's a perfectly valid reason to change something in a game. Games should be fun.
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Sure, what about the many killer perks that survs find annoying?
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My vote is none. Iron Will just needs to be corrected to still have survivors make breathing sounds. Find IW survivors another way.
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Tbh I think Iron Will doesn't deserve a nerf. It has a strong effect, sure, but its effectiveness is entirely reliant on the skill of the player.
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Ah, so instadown perks should be removed, noted.
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Exactly. But braindead killers dont understand this. They see survs no make sound, they shout "Nerf".
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Perks fully countering perks shouldnt exist. Stridor countering Iron Will makes Iron Will quite worthless. Iron Will doesnt counter Stridor as breathing is also amplified, so Iron Will doesnt fully counter Stridor. Heck, Stridor originally wasnt even meant to counter Iron Will. Grunts of pain back then were very soft to start with compared to today.
If you want Stridor to counter Iron Will, Iron Will also needs to be applied when downed(making No Mither even more worthless)
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No lol. Literally all instadown perks have a prerequisite or require effort to get value out of like Devour Hope. What does Iron Will lack?
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Nah, Iron Will doesn't need a nerf.
It never did and never will.
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Doesn’t stop blood trails, scratch marks, screams, auras, and plain ol’ seeing the survivor.
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Lmao do you not understand why people hate Iron Will? It being a stealth perk isn’t the problem, it’s using it during a chase. Being able to hear the survivor is so crucial in mindgaming and Iron Will completely removes that mechanic forcing killers to just guess where they’re at.
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You don’t have to guess if you see them, mind games can be made whether they are audible or not.
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Stealth barely exists in this game, survivors can barely hide with the multitude of aura perks, persistent scratch marks, killer instinct and other mechanics to reveal them. If you can't find a survivor due to them having Iron Will, thats a you problem. If you dont play an anti-stealth killer, dont complain when you cant find the survivor with Iron Will, Period.
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In a lot of situations, yes they do.
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Not anymore the fact that survivor know when she phase they can play against spirit more efficiently. Iron will just beat every single killer in the game its not like the killer have an amazing FoV
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No, it's not. I find plenty of killer perks annoying... Like POP, Ruin/Undying, etc. Do those need nerfed because I think they are Annoying? No.
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You leave scratch marks when walking, crouching, and urban evading FACTS! You know what you are talking about PREACH!
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It shouldnt work when running or doing any action that isnt walking