Dead Hard is so stupid right now

It shows on my screen I hit them there’s blood and a scream. But, no according to the devs with their extremely fair hit validation. I’ve lost a game because two hits were rolled backed.
dead hard itself is working as intended it’s just annoying ass visual bug they hopefully fix
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Don't forget if you're a specific set of killers, it can negate your power entirely. Twins is unplayable after the DH buff.
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Weird, I'm a Twins main and wasn't really impacted by the DH fix \o/
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again, dead hard now is working as used to before servers. so now since you have validation u dont get exhausted on the ground that often as before... the perk is just working as intended.
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I don't care nearly as much about the false feedback (although I know it can be annoying) as I do about it eating killer powers. That's not validation, that's a buff.
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Yeah - Losing my Pig Dash 0.25s into it when I should be able to keep going through their I-Frames and hit them when Dead Hard ends doesn't really seem 'intended'.
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So devs will likely fix it like the sound bug?
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Definitely will. They just have to find a way to do it without screwing it up. They can't just activate the scream at the end of the hit for DH because it would make it sound weird with normal hits sounding delayed for the server to catch up but its very possible. Just might take a little bit.
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Whatever 'fix' was introduced for DH, it amounted to a buff. It was a meta perk before this 'fix'. Now it's pure, deep fried hell.
No, it isn't. When it constantly lets people auto-escape from chases because it told you you'd downed them, it's bugged.
When it puts killer powers on cooldown without them going off, it's bugged.
That said:
The 'silent survivor' bug has been here since...honestly before I can remember. This fake hit bug is so annoying that if they could fix it, they probably would have.
When bugs that can outright change the outcome of the game exist, without being fixed, for any length of time - then the game needs to be balanced accordingly.
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DH used to make you have invulnerability frames. I believe its now just a normal dash but validation is there to make sure to sort it out. It would be hard for the server to check invulnerability frames with server desync, lag and just bad internet as factors. This was a much easier fix and the sound bug was a bug with the sound. Not something that they did on purpose. You cannot compare a bug to something that they added in on purpose. They'll figure a way to make the sound match but it'll take a bit. Maybe next patch. Invulnerability frames use to be you became hollow. Now it just ignores the damage.
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Tomato tomahto.
It functions much the same.
I honestly believe that the bug is what happens when you validate DH on a different end, and thus cannot be fixed.
DH is going to have to get adjusted.
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DH is behaving as it should. You click DH and you shouldn't be hurt while its active. That's its only job. It will never be changed farther.
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Its not just a visual bug. It affects twins by you basically ending up right behind the dead harding survivor so you get kicked instantly, blight to where he can no longer lunge through it despite being faster than it depending on when he decides to swing, plague where they shouldn't even BE ABLE to dh her vomit, the biggest one is nemesis in t2 where the server doesn't recognized you got validated so if they're at a pallet it doesn't hit them nor does it break the pallet. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it took part of oni' power if you got validated.
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But consider this.
Before the 'fix', DH had it's quirks - in that sometimes you'd get a wonky moment where it should have worked, but didn't.
It was still one of the most powerful, most meta perks in the game. I'd guess that it was the most popular survivor perk.
Now, that quirk has been fixed. DH is guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
This amounts to a buff to an already very strong perk.
The big problem comes in when this 'invulnerability' is validated not on the killers end, and provides fake hits/incorrect power cooldowns/failures (Nemmy failing to break pallets on DH use is a 'tech' I'm seeing more and more often now from survivors). It's just the old problem in reverse - except that now, a strong perk has been buffed, and buffed again.
There is probably *no way* to fix this, anymore than the original problem could be 'fixed' at BHVRs end without changing the validation.
DH is probably going to have to be nerfed.
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Exept the dev never completly fix the sound bug you can still have them from time to time. Its happening less often but its still happening. So i dont think DH validation will get fix
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The wonks are just failures of the game not registering DH. Previously, you got screwed out of your perk activation even though you definitely used it at the right time. All this does it fix that. It's not survivor sided. It's server-sided. The server is what makes the final decision on a hit or not. If they didn't do it in time, you get downed. If you do it before the hit actually goes through, you get denied the hit. No matter how we feel on the matter, this is balance for a perk that was worthless for a long time due to bad ping killers who you don't know have bad ping.
(Edit: Replaced registered with registering to make it correct)
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Anything can break something else. When you have so many things reliant on others', one change can make something else go nuts. It's not super easy going through 5 years worth of code to fix one bug and not even sure if any of what they are doing is actually the initial cause then that fix could break other things.
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If they want other exhaustion perks to compete against dead hard it needs a nerf what it can do for a survivor is amazing I always build it not only does it make you dodge an attack it can extend the chase by dead Harding to a pallet or to a window
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They need to do the same thing riot did with league of legend. You recode the entire game while working on your product. Riot did that after season 3 or during season 3 i dont remember the exact time but that approach work for the best for the compagnie. They just need to put the rescource in their game and stop lazing around.
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The immunity to dmg makes that perk not fun to go against whatsoever. What if you dead hard forward from a huntress axe? ohhh wait immune, it's bull #########, make it a small burst to dodge something.
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You're comparing an indie dev team with a triple A team. I do wish they would make a DBD 2 with brand new code and carry everything over and allow cross-progression but I doubt that will happen for a long time, if ever. Wishful thinking, Man.
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Exept when riot redo the code they were not a triple A compagnie yet. Now they are im not denying it but what push them to be better i believe is the competition with dota 2 and the competitve scene 2 thing dbd dont have so they have nothing to push them to do better.
Ps. What was the point of the whole argument again. I forgot in my rant XD
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Pretty sure it's parent company is Tencent and isn't a small company or indie dev by any means. Tencent owns a pretty good chunk of the Chinese Gaming market.
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It's pretty goddamn rough. If they're going to put this hit validation ######### on everything then BHVR needs to optimize their ######### game and spend money on more servers.
The entire continent of North America has 2... and for some reason I'm pretty sure I regularly find myself on the Brazilian server anyhow.
I just had a match where, I don't know maybe the guy had like 20 ping or something crazy, but I could not hit this #########. Every single dead hard hit on my screen... then whooops he's still up & free while it leaves me (as in me IRL) disoriented and thrown off, buying him even more time.
I know he wasn't cheating, or at least think so, since I did eventually get him down. But it's like there's nothing I could do that he couldn't react to way waster. (I'd guess about 50 ms faster actually....)
Or maybe I'm just wrong about how all this works and I was up against God or something. But damn it feels bad anyhow.
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The false feedback is annoying but if you pay attention of wether or not you wipe your weapon it's not that bad.
Eating the powers isn't as nice though
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But DH was balanced around these 'wonks'. It was still the most meta of the meta perks.
Now the 'wonks' all go against the killer. Whether you call it a fix or a 'fix' or a 'validatation issue', the net result is the same. It's a buff.
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If they can't afford good servers they can't afford me. :)
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It's always been stupid, but yes it's even more annoying now. Pretty wild that the strongest perk in the entire game got a buff. Crazy times.
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bruh I thought they were joking when they said they were gonna nerf Pig
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No, it is not. Please learn more about the perks current bugs. How could dead hard be made with intention to negate the power of killers who did not exist when Dead hard was made? How is dead hard negating a Nemesis tentacle intended? How is dead hard validation causing victor to fall and get kicked intended? None of it is any more intended than exhaustion on the ground. The fact Nemesis' tentacles can be eaten is proof it isn't working as intended.
If Nemesis swings a tentacle at a survivor behind a pallet and misses the survivor, the pallet breaks since Nemesis breaks a pallet only if a survivor is not hit. But if the tentacle gets dead hard validated, neither the pallet breaks nor the survivor gets hit despite a miss breaking the pallet on any other occassion. Explain how this is intended. Also explain why Victor doesn't fall to the ground if you don't validate. A normal dead hard causes him to fly past. Validation basically kills him. How is this intended?
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Its not a "buff". It's just doing its job finally like it should have done in the first place. That's like saying that Hex: Ruin doesn't work all the time but they finally fixed it to work when someone lets go and that is a buff XD Dead Hards' purpose is to time a hit so you can avoid it. Saying that it works correctly now is a buff is so delusional lmao.
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Did you just call bhvr a indie developer team? Lmaooo I'm dying
You realize they are the biggest game developers in Canada right
Let me caps that for you so you get it
it even says so right on there website
I really wish people would actually research before they just spout bullshit
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I don't see how DH causing killer cooldowns and other issues after validation can be fixed, at least not the visual part of it.
Think about it. The survivor triggers DH at a specific time, and sends that info to the server, the killer triggers their attack at a certain time and sends that info to the server. It will take time for that info to get to the server, then the server needs to decide if DH was triggered before the attack or not, and then send that info out to both the killer and survivor. Even if both sides have great ping, the survivor will see themselves dead harding instantly, and the killer will see themselves swinging their weapon instantly. One of them will always see something happen, that the server will not agree with. If the server decides that DH happened first, the killer will see themselves hitting the survivor, only to shortly after realize that it wasn't a hit. If the server decides that the killer attacking happened first, the survivor will see themselves dead harding, only to rubberband back and take damage. The only way to solve the issue, is if the server could predict the future, and send out the correct information the moment the dh/attack happens. We all know that that's not going to happen, so the way it works now isn't going to change.
The change was needed, there was far too many cases where people got exhausted on the ground, triggering a cooldown that shouldn't have happened if dh didn't even go of in the first place, and in many cases where people were flashlight saved, managed to wiggle out, killer got pallet stunned etc, survivors ended up on the hook anyhow, because their DH was on cooldown. That simply wasn't fair.
What they can do, is fix it so that cooldowns reset instantly, for the person that the server decided was too slow. It's not going to fix the visual animation though, that's always going to be there, because they can't predict the future.
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When I started watching gameplay of this, I was always told by friends that they were an indie-dev team with a cool horror game idea that was trying to get off of the ground in 2016. That was almost 5 years ago. Sorry that I still assumed they were. Now, don't be rude. Not everyone knows or lives in Canada.
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They have 850+ employees and this is what we get. FACTS.
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I don't live in Canada nor did I look hard to get this info
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######### happens, Dude. It isn't that big of a deal. Why are you so livid over something that isn't serious? Like Jesus. Chill out.
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All Exhaustion perks are stupid. They reward greed, being outplayed and being out of position. With four survivors that can use them multiple times.
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I disagree only DH does that.
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You are splitting hairs.
They were pretty small when DbD came out, and nobody expected the game to explode like it did.
The engine/netcode is pretty janky - and the fact that certain pretty nasty bugs (silent survivors, hit validation etc.) still exist is a testament to this.
By and large, they have been doing a steadily better job and they have created a remarkably fun (if maddening) game. It still has a lot of issues though.
Now what you should have pointed out is that 90% of new AAA releases are bugged directly out of the butt to the point of unplayability :)
Most of them are fine now. They have play and counterplay.
DH is the exception. It gives too much for too little.
I wasn't aware of this bit of trivia either.
Relax, mate.
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Out of all the Exhaustion perks, Dead Hard is the only one I have a problem with. It’s why I wish killers like Nurse and Hag had add-ons like Huntress that cause Exhaustion on hit. Or if they buffed perks like Blood Echo to affect every survivor, not just injured ones.
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Dead Hard was always bs, now ist BSx100
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Working as intended , you played against DH that were not working for years its normal to see it as a Buff but it's just at "It should be at when it came out"
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Dead hard was always been a stupid perk, I'm surprised people are calling it stupid now.
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DH is definitely a "press E when outplayed" perk, but in theory and generally in practice doesn't bother me all that much. What does bother me about the hit validation isn't that it isn't registering hits that shouldn't be, it's that from the killer perspective it is.
Taking a swing at an already injured survivor, hearing the impact/scream and seeing the blood fly, and going for the pickup only to find that not only is the survivor not down but gaining distance - that is straight up cheeks. It's disorienting and really jacks up your tracking.
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Not mad at all actually you just seemed to miss it the time I typed it before so I typed in caps this time
All caps /=/ equal mad there's just no way to bold on this forum for whatever reason so that's what I did since you didn't read it the first time
It's really not that big a deal man if anything I'd say your ######### livid
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Timing a hit to avoid it is not the same thing as power negation. See the post above yours that explains this in detail.
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If the perk is activated during the hit registration, it's still working as intended, whether you like the way it is or not.
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I'm completely chill. I'm not the one losing my ######### on the forums on a daily basis with people screaming killer op and survivor op and perks op. I just enjoy the ride.
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I never claim either side is op because I play both sides nor do I lose my ######### I don't think you realize who your talking to bud
I think you have me mistaken for somebody else and that's alright your just wrong