The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Is this game now broken,beyond repair.



  • asirirsprime
    asirirsprime Member Posts: 100

    bots are not players. I tried to play survivor and I got around 9 of 10 games with bots that was standing and hitting air. Got to silver like that

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I disagree with this, because it's not a statement on the balance of the game, it's a statement on the MMR system.

    The game is in the most balanced state it has been, EVER. The MMR just put killers who get a ton of kills against survivors who are extremely good at surviving, or extremely good at leeching off teammates and hiding all game. While the MMR puts a lot of survivors who are good, but dont really care about escaping against killers who are really bad at killing.

    Effectively, 80% of the players play this game casually, while the MMR forces survivors to play competitively if they want to face players of their own caliber, or forces killers to throw games if they dont want to play against super sweaty survivors. If they reverted to the old changes, only a few people would be complaining about how frustrating the matches are.

    DBD effectively needs to change the MMR from kills vs escapes towards kills vs chase. It would still raise the MMR of good survivors who effectively carried the game, but didnt escape, while it would lower the MMR of survivors who didnt do #########, but still escaped. While the killer system is actually half decent, it just seems to suck because the survivor side of MMR is broken.

    Seriously, the only way for the current MMR to work properly, is to buff solo survivor with basekit aura readings and a ping system.

    If me DC'ing as a survivor to turn a killer's 1k into a 0k is beneficial for my MMR so I wont face killers that are far under my caliber, then there is a problem in the MMR. I should be able to die against a bad killer while still gaining MMR if 3 teammates escape. I should be able to escape against a really good killer and not gain MMR if I am the only survivor escaping, or even lose MMR if my escape actively caused my teammates to die.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,426

    This game is only "beyond repair" if it stays in BHVR's hands.

    They do not know what must be done to fix it.

    But I do.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    If there is a small number of killers MMR doesn't work. MMR will work when there is more killers than Survivors. BHVR gonna BHVR tho. You will never see this day.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    I like your argument but how do you quantify the position that the game is the most balanced it has been,i play killer/survivor equally,have played for over 5 years and the game is not balanced,boon totems and nerfs to previously good killers is killing this game.I do and will continue to play both but particularly killers are leaving or switching to survivor,because playing killer is so frustrating.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Do u want the old dbd back? Or u just got tired of dbd? Or u want something to change but u don't know urself what that change is?

    Just wondering.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Personally I think the game has improved greatly since it’s release,lately however things have taken a dip,particularly with the changes to the MMR system and the introduction of boon totems which can be constantly recharged when snuffed.Some of thee nerfs/buffs to both killers and survivors were uncalled for,the developers have invested more time in cosmetics for the dress up doll characters than looking at what would improve the game or listening to players,just my thoughts but this thread was created to get a feel from the community what their thoughts were,hence the provocative title….

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,594

    I disagree with that, and I play more killer than survivor, maybe 70:30.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Totally agree,I play almost 50/50,but understand the frustration of some players,particularly killer only players..

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    It is so obvious that the developers don't care about the killer experience, despite a killer player being required for EVERY GAME.

    The developers constantly talk about killers and killer perks "overperforming," but let me ask, have you every head them use that terminology on any survivors? Boons? It's absurd. Killers are gonna leave this game as soon as a better alternative arrives, which I think is soon.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They literally added bit validation to DEAD HARD. That is peak right there.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited November 2021

    The game popularity is going up. Don't listen to all the people on here who moan moan moan for attention, then carry on happily playing regardless.

    Personally. I think the game is in a worse state than it has been since I started playing, and it is so heavily favouring survivors now, more than i have ever seen it. So I switched to survivor and have loved it ever since.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep,the devs don’t see the car crash of their folly in not addressing the basic flaws in this game,people will leave when a viable alternative game is out there,VHS is coming soon and that may change the player demographic on here.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Imagine saying Hit Validation is fine when it can consume the most Basic of attacks. ranging from Huntress. Demo, Nurse. Blight.. Etc,

    Boons? If you don't think they're strong... then lemme tell you... They are,

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I never said the game is balanced, just that it has been the most balanced it has ever been.

    Boon totems are actually fine, even in the case of Circle of Healing, a survivor would need to go to a specific area on the map to heal up which isnt too different from finding a teammate. Since it costs time to find a totem, bless it and re-bless a totem if snuffed, I dont really see too much of an issue with the perks.

    As for the nerfs to killers, I mean, Spirit has recieved new addons that would be too powerful on her old kit, and she kinda needed a nerf since skill barely was part of her kit(there was skill, but people tended to rely on fake phasing etc). Slinger wasnt really a good killer, he was just too oppressive in chase while being too weak in defending gens, he suffered from the same aspect Spirit did: coinflips. Spirit is fun to face against now, and she is barely any weaker. Any issues Spirit players have now is simply how little skill she required to "fool" a survivor. The rest of the killers have actually seen a ton of buffs: Wraith is super speedy, Clown has access to speed bottles, Plague recieved a massive buff, Trickster was altered quite well, Myers recieved quite the impactful buffs on some of his addons, Trapper is much better off now than he was before, even Billy recieved some love(not enough, but it's a start). Slinger is the only killer who recieved a nett-nerf this year, and I dont think he is quite finished yet either.

    Then we have a ton of perks recieving buffs and a few recieving Nerfs, DS got nerfed, Hatch has been heavily adjusted(not finished yet, I know, but for now its okay-ish, could be better tho). Mindbreaker recieving not 1, but 2 buffs, Third Seal finally being a usable perk for a ton of killers, the list goes on.

    The only 3 things that IMO need changing, are medkits, bringing items to the match and the build-up to the EGC.

    I am a heavy supporter of having perks like Fire-Up being basekit since it speeds up killer actions overall as the game progresses, and I am also of the opinion that the Entity should simply consume some tiles after the final gen is done, similar to how generators are blocked, so that if certain pallets werent used up early? too bad, permalocked, some strong windows leading into each other? welp, these windows are now blocked. Also speeding up the movement speed of a killer for 1% for every gen that is finished wouldnt hurt either, leading to basically having NOED movementspeed during the endgame.

    Medkits are by far the most broken item in the game, allowing you to heal anywhere on the map at regular speeds or more, making them already extremely powerful, but adding one to the match without needing to spend time to get it leads to the possibility of 3 gens being gone before you even find a single survivor.

    So the change to bringing items into the match would be to add in a set of chests to the match that can only be opened by the survivor who brought the item. Causing them to need to spend some time gathering the item, rather than starting out with it.

    But that's not the issue the MMR brings, I used to sink in easily 30-40 hours a week in this game, playing both killer and survivor, now that number is down to about 16-24 hours a week, only getting the archives for killer, playing survivor with friends and then simply watching youtube or playing other games. As survivor, I get screwed by showing myself early to the killer(which I normally do to grab attention and chase, but since dying is a bad thing now, I cant show myself untill someone else has been hooked if I want to face decent killers), as a killer, I get screwed by playing the game too well. In one case, I'd have to play super sweaty as solo survivor to get matches with decent teammates and decent killers. In the other case, I'd have to stand afk with Lightborn and Insidious to not play against the sweatiest survivors, who probably play that sweaty due to the fact that it's the only way to not face bad killers.

    Survivors were never really rewarded for escaping, escaping wasnt the main goal for any individual survivor, having as many survivors escape as possible was the goal. So getting punished for not escaping, when 3 of your teammates do escape is the worst decision you can ever make. As for killers, well, personally I do believe getting more hooks is harder to do than getting kills, especially since perks like NOED exist. But only up to the first kill. So effectively, what you want for killers is that their skill is based around getting as many hooks as possible before their first kill and any hooks after dont really matter, while for survivors you want it to be based on their ability to chase and loop a killer.

    You'd effectively no longer base the win condition on killers to get as many kills as possible, but on their ability to quickly end chases and hook survivors up untill the first kill. Which is still semi-kill based, but at least this system would hold up for all killers, not just S-tier killers, and all survivors, not just those who manage to escape. It would most likely still be quite a mess, but at least games would be much less frustrating for both sides.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Pulitzer Prize for that one mate,well argued but totally disagree with the buffs killers got particularly plague which I play a lot they were minimal at best,if your relying on add one as a killer then you will only play that killer while you have that particular add on other than the killer is back at baseline which admittedly they have slightly improved ,the new perks for spirit are useless.Again everything is subjective and down to opinion,time will tell how this game will fair,i hope the answer to that is a positive one but it’s in the hands of the developers and the court of public opinion.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep agree,I have actually found that I am playing survivor more and the quality of killers has taken a dip I think that in itself tells you the direction the game has taken.

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    This has been my experience, I don't claim to an amazing killer and I'm not playing the top 3 either. But I would say I have good game sense and am decent. The problem I am finding is I get people who can barely find a gen and I 4k easily and then it wildly swings to ttv swf's etc and I can sometimes be lucky to even get 3 hooks before all 5 gens pop. There is no in between, either games where I start feeling bad for new survs or those where I can't catch them at all. During this event so far it has been solid gen rush every time to the point that I started afking and just wanted them to leave after 4 gens and 1 hook.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, agreeing on what is balanced is tough. There are a lot of broken mechanics that seem fine because maps are not fine. There are a lot of seemingly useless mechanics that are actually really good, but dont get to shine because of maps.

    As for Plague, yeah, they were minor changes, but minor changes in this game easily have a butterfly effect. If you charge puke 1% faster, that means you can down survivors faster, which allows for snowball effects to apply quicker. If you infect survivors faster, that means they need to cleanse more often or be injured for longer without you even needing to do much. It's a numerical small change, but the effects are quite massive. No longer cancelling your puke because you didnt reach the treshold easily means you down survivors faster. Increased basekit infection time and increased infection rates means survivors get injured faster without you having to patrol gens as much.

    Also, relying on addons doesnt mean you rely on specific addons to work(let alone that as killer, you can pretty much refresh addons enough to have a practical infinite amount of them, especially if you seek them out specifically in the bloodweb).

    As for the new perks for Spirit? I only feel that applies to Stridor, and Stridor Spirit deserved to be flushed down the drain. It basically made Iron Will an utterly useless perk to run and would require Iron Will to be buffed or Stridor to be nerfed. Since you cant really buff Iron Will, Stridor needed to be nerfed. You know, the exact same argument that people have now that Stridor is useless because of Iron Will and demand Iron Will to be nerfed? I'd honestly be fine with Iron Will reducing Grunts of Pain with 90-95% instead of 100%, but the maths behind it could break the sound there and would need perk priority to be applied. So I personally think Stridor simply needs a minor change where it adds breathing on injured survivors. As for any other perk on Spirit, eh, I dont see too much of an issue with it.

    Personally, I rather see maps being balanced a bit better. There is a lot of RNG that can literally make games unwinnable for either side(I have had The Pale Rose yesterday with only 4 pallets against a Bubba(shack pallet, 2 on the boat, 1 in the docks). I am assuming, in fact, I hope that I am somewhat correct that was the case since the killer was facing 3 survivors with relatively high MMR while he only had 2 hours in the game as killer and was probably told by friends to buy Bubba for BBQ. If the killer werent extremely new to the game, there was no way survivors would have any shot at winning that game. If the map was like that because the killer was lower rank and new to the game, I'd actually be shocked, since I cant find anywhere in the patchnotes that killer based seeds were added to the game.

    Anyway, I guess my TL;DR would be that maps are the only thing right now that truly need changes. Most killers, except for 3, are mechanically balanced, some even overpowered, if it wasnt for certain maps holding them back.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep can’t really argue with any of that,the map design and MMR specifically SWF needs looked at,don’t know how they would address that but it is possible.I agree some killers need nerfed but again it’s all subjective and whatever they do it will alwaydps have a polarising effect nature of the game👍

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    In high MMR the game is so survivor sided that it's not enjoyable as killer, and on the other hand solo q is also a horrible experience. So yeah the game is broken, there is no balance in any aspect.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited December 2021

    i think there getting a lot better. usually with a chapter realease there is bugs on top of bugs. but with this release its just the standard ole getting ontop of rocks on new maps fro mwhat ive seen

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175
  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    Already on Propnight. Proxy chat,auto ruin, fun killerbeans, sprinting and viable hiding- it's so much fun

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    this game wont die, because people keep saying " this game is gona die soon" then the average still stays the same and yourself still plays it 24/7 lol.

    i useto play this everyday, but now its like a few times, maybe a couple per week only for a few hours each time.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Yep I am the same,used to play mostly killer now I play mostly survivor as killer is virtually unplayable with any degree of enjoyment now.