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The Game has become unplayable for killers

Member Posts: 1,021

There are so many issues right now which are making DbD one of the most unfun games you could play currently, especially for killers. Here's a quick list of things which are adding to the dirtpile which is the killer experience right now.

  1. Dead Hard still being abused for distance or as Mettle of Man 2.0 due to the hit validation rework.
  2. Boon Totems (mostly Circle of Healing) invalidating any pressure the killer is applying. Sloppy Butcher in particular is completely worthless now.
  3. MMR isn't working, survivors still vastly outclass the killer in terms of rank and skill. No hope of winning.
  4. DDOS attacks crippling the connection of killers. I had that happen to me today, it was absolutely dreadful.
  5. Recent surge of hackers who keep finding new exploits just to make the game even worse.
  6. Too many survivor sided maps, trying to down any decent survivor will cost you 2 gens at least.
  7. Only a handful of viable killers, the rest is borderline unplayable against genrush squads. Nemesis for instance gives survivors an additional health state and speedburst.

Now I haven't experienced the basegame back in 2016 but I dare say we're on our way to reliving the dreadful balance of these days if the devs don't do something about the current state of killers soon. It's truly unplayable.

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  • Member Posts: 115

    It's a bit much to be saying it's not playable for killer. I main wraith and constantly do well with him with the occasional 4 people pro parties that completely smash me. Survivors have certain unfair things for them as well. Try to consider both sides.

  • Member Posts: 13,672
    edited November 2021

    Yeah I used to think people vastly over exaggerated about how much actual camping/tunneling was going on (and I still stand by that), but now that boons have come out along with some of the other recent changes I have seen a massive increase in camping/tunneling (I'm talking literally staring at the hook) at high mmr. I honestly can't say I blame them, that's what boons and the other recent changes have forced them to do a lot. On average you will net more kills doing that instead of trying to chase someone down. They've basically realized the game is rigged against them so they just essentially decide not to even play it, hence staying at the hook. It's that bad.

    The mmr system even rewards them the most for playing this way as well since all it cares about is kills/time.

    I still think that at lower mmr you can play normally and still win easily as the survivors there just play bad. I'm specifically referring to higher mmr.

  • Member Posts: 775

    More easily getting tired and frustrated.

    I think Killer isn't worth playing except archive challenges now.

    Don't mind Boons but can't handle 1,3,5 in current state.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    The game is rigged, but you can't lose if you do not play

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    I am only playing the game for the missions right now and I gotta say, page 3 of the tome is the most survivor sided mess I've seen. Hardly any killer missions and the only one I can do right now requires me to get 10 iridescent emblems on any killer. It's borderline impossible given the current conditions.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    It's more playable now than it used to be without SBMM.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I might have replied to that thread. I said Ive had people DC because they were the first one to be found.

  • Member Posts: 633

    Nurse say nothing to dead hard or if she say something its sorry master XD

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I read the title and thought you were talking about the map.

  • Member Posts: 714

    You are not supposed to win every single game, just go in a game and have fun

  • Member Posts: 32

    but having only 1 viable killer at high mmr is boring, I don't wanna play nurse - I don't find her fun- and the survivors won't enjoy playing against nurses every other game

  • Member Posts: 32

    thats true but only ONE killer out of 23 is ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    It's rough playing Nemesis, there's no two ways about it. Survivors get a free health state with the tentacle, AND a speed boost, which is ridiculous. Not to mention he has brain dead AI zombies that get hung up on everything, and what's worse is the tentacle is not designed to go through objects like fences or cars. So long as survivors duck they will never get hit. This is why it's worth playing Pyramid Head instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,633
    edited November 2021

    I'm surprised you mentioned several things and you didn't mentioned the worst: PALLET PARADISE, not only the total amount, also the amount of safe pallets.

    Before the rework that map was a bit killer sided, but for balancing it a bit, instead of some creative ideas like more mindgamable Jungle Gym rooms like the one in the 1st floor or an "indoor shack" they just threw a bunch of pallets, PreTTy GooD JoB So FaR.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Agree with almost everything you say,Ddos is killing the game and the developers are more interested in pumping out cosmetics for their dress up dolls than fixing this the boon totems and MMR as there’s no money in it…

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    Well I'd say my 6th point about survivor sided maps should cover that. There are definitely far too many pallets, more than enough to actually get all gens done even if you dropped them all without bothering to loop. That's how many there are.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't agree. I honestly find killer way more enjoyable and survivor unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 257

    if you played other fps and playing dbd on pc nurse may not takes long to better than most wm1s,

    and even that feels good because hits not only from survivors mistakes or maps

  • Member Posts: 170

    Maybe we need to switch to the survivors, use all meta perks and more boons boons boons?

    Fighting fire with fire. Until all bugged, rigged and unfair stuff is nerfed to oblivion...

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    I dont play FPS games but i do play on PC. I personally dont like the nurses exhaust animation. Makes me feel sick

  • Member Posts: 915

    i agree with some points but cmon Nemesis is not a weak killer. Yes he has to build up his power but once he has survivors have literally no ressources left if you're good with his ranged attack. It's a free hit at every vault or pallet if you don't mess up. He is not the strongest of all killers but there are some that have it far worse than him. I see him performing good mostly when i play survivor.

    But have you made stats? Is it really the majority? I think with MMR being in place killers have to accept you will only win 50% of your games. Most killers i know won much more before MMR, losing was an exception for me honestly.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    You get 50% winrates? Lucky you. Mine's at 20% at best.

  • Member Posts: 994

    I encountered one hacker in the last several dozen games and i still can count the amount of clear cheaters on one hand in 2 years.

    Dead Hard is the most crucial thing, that should be balanced. It's way too strong for an exhaustion perk. Imagine, you could use sprint burst with one button press.

  • Member Posts: 915

    i dont know actually, i was having a very bad time at first with my main but the last times i played i won more than i lost

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    There's a bloodharvest event going on and I don't even feel like playing. BHVR should seriously do something about these issues, I can't be arsed to play this broken mess anymore.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    I know, there’s pallets everywhere it’s ridiculous.

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