DC Penalty Times?

So, how do the DC penalty times work? I’m sure official numbers haven’t been made public so I’m asking anyone with experience. First DC is 5 minutes. Second is 15 minutes. Third is 30 minutes. I ASSUME next would be 1 hour, then 3 hours, then 6 hours??? But does this timer ever reset and if so, how long does that take? I’m curious because this has happened to me three times in about three days of playing DBD on PS4:

Here I am playing, la-di-di la-di-da, game crashes either semi-beginning or middle of trial. I wait over a minute on a black logo screen to get the end results showing the DC symbol next to both the Killer and I. The other 3 survivors look fine. Back to the main menu to see I now have a DC penalty. I message the Killer and other Survivors and find out the same thing happened to them. They were shown the DC symbol next to their name and Killer’s, yet no one claims to have disconnected, but we’re all being penalized. I truly do believe no one in-game did DC. If I didn’t DC yet the result screen shows that both me and Killer did, this is a obviously some sort of glitch. If the Killer did actually DC, then why does it show I did as well? On top of every other player in my game experiencing the same thing.

Now, these sort of bugs have happened in this game since forever but I only paid it half a mind because I wasn’t really getting penalized for it (albeit the momentary annoyance, loss of possible points, etc.). I was all for the DC penalty when it was announced and applied but… silly me! I thought it would run competently. I’m guessing the system/servers can’t detect the difference between a crash and a manual DC, making this penalty system very faulty for a game that has the potential to crash almost daily.

And no, my internet is great. The router is hard-wired into my PS4 and I pay more than I’m willing to admit on high-speed internet. And no, my PS4 runs well… or… as well as these consoles do. Its storage is only half-full and no other game crashes on me at the same rate as DBD. And great, I’m glad you have over a million hours of game time and this has not once happened to you. Maybe the PS4 shhhhhucks but no, I’m not going to fork over a grand to play this game on a good PC. And yes, I think there should be DC penalties in this game but now it’s at the expense of a faulty system. And perhaps it is a necessary evil. However, I hope they look into this (for like, the forth time) with a closer eye and make it so real-life DCs can be pinpointed better. And yes, people have posted this same complaint. I just want my voice and reasoning heard as well. And yes, I am an unlucky guy – you should watch me play this game!!!

Personally, I never did care as much as yall about the DCs in this game. They are rampant but I never do laugh harder than when a Survivor DCs after I down them once. Or better yet, when the Killer just stops mid-chase for 2 seconds then DCs, even though the chase was only less than a minute. I am grateful when a teammate DCs to let me get hatch. Yay, bye! It does stink but I believe a great way around this would be to reward the Killer much better when a Survivor DCs. If I’m not mistaken, Killer gets like 600 points for a DC??? That’s not good at all. He/She should get all the bells and whistles, as if Killer max-chased that survivor, hooked them 3 times, full sacrifice, etc. Throw the 600 points to all other Survivors for having to carry the full weight. The game isn’t impossible to make points in or win if one Survivor DCs early. Heck, most times, if there are 2 or more Survivors who have disconnected in a trial, Killer feels bad and farms for a few minutes then kills or lets the rest escape. We’re making points. We’re playing the game. We’re loading back into your queue.

So Friday night, first crash gave me 5 minutes.

Saturday afternoon, second crash gave me 15 minutes.

Sunday night, third crash gave me 30 minutes.

Anyone know when/if this resets and what could be next?

I love this game, I always say this, but it’s starting to feel like a giant Jenga tower, swaying around with each hot fix, patch, DLC, game mechanic that’s added. It’s just another brick on the top. And now breakable walls? Eekz.



  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    I get rank update error for a year now. Sometimes i dc when hooking the last survivor in a 32k game and absolutely cucked. No BPs ofc. I love dc penalty system but i hope they fix those errors.

  • Smichaels82
    Smichaels82 Member Posts: 56

    Hmmm.. well that's not how it seems to be working for me. There were no other intentional or unintentional DCs between Friday and Sunday so idk.

    Would you happen to know if this is a stackable penalty system or does it reset over time?


  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I just dont play the game for a day or two after 2 or three crashes to let it reset. Cos at that point after 3 it will be an hour. After that i dont know and i am not going to find out. Far simpler just not playing the game.

    I play wow instead.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I know someone who went from a 6 hour penalty to 24 then to a 48 hour penalty. (After the smaller penalties) Not sure if it’s a glitch or if there is just not 12 hour etc..?

    I thought someone said it’s meant to reset ever 12 hours if there is no dc in between.

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    cant agree more with that . at most they can lower the times and have no 6 or 24 hour bans that's just uncalled for.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I would also like to know how the resets occur.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    The problem is that the game doesn't know if your game crashed , your internet crashed or you pulled the Ethernet out. So the only people who would get a penalty would be people who let the game from the options screen

  • fuckyourdcbullshit
    fuckyourdcbullshit Member Posts: 1

    It is ######### bullshit I get matchmaking locks cause of killer dc's and I lag out once. If this is how this game is going to go from now on it's garbage! I'm in the middle of gaming with friends and because of a killer dc last night and one earlier and then I lag out and now I have a 15 minute lock... Good jobs devs! Way to go! 🙄

  • shadowninja2012
    shadowninja2012 Member Posts: 79

    im running into the same issue, and they don't reset at all with my experience, if dbd can't do the penalty's right, then don't do it at all

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    It's not uncalled for. At all. In order to get to 6 and 24 hours, you have to DC 6 and 8 times respectively (Personally tested on an alt account, and I hardly think it would be different for someone else) in a short time span. At that point, it's not the game crashing, and it's not everyone elses fault. It's you for being a sore loser and disconnecting.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Right because connection issues and server issues are just a thing of misconception? "Sore loser" that's funny coming from a person who plays the same game as us and can clearly see the Matchmaking has been broken for about a month or two now... The game still hiccups and lags, they finally fixed the frame rate on both PC and Console as well as added a new killer; but the hackers who still break this game and their ######### matchmaking and people are just "sore losers" because their internet might be screwed up? I like that people like you are around to make the comments you do, shows exactly how one way street like your feeble minds are my guy. Especially in a time where we as a people need to come together and be a community rather than you isolating your head up your rear. Be considerate and remember that no one is perfect neither is their internet.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    In my experience:

    1 - 5 minutes

    2 - 15 minutes

    3 - 30 minutes

    4 - 1 hour

    5 - 6 hours

    I think after that it goes 24 hours. I had some bad luck with internet and server crashes a while back. Once you get to the 1 hour mark, it seems to take a little longer to degrade. I honestly think they need to adjust it a little. I had three crashes in a day once, which put my penalty up significantly. I probably should've quit after the second one, but then that's effectively a 24 hour ban and it shouldn't be. Especially for a crash that was the server's fault.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Just because you dont like a killer or how he's behaving isnt an excuse to DC. Its the exact reason the penalty was put in. The lagging out I agree with. That was supposed to be the point with dedicated servers, so they could better track intentional DC's vs unintentional. All its done for me on ps4 is make the game laggy.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    The details of how it works have been posted. Can't remember where specifically; probably somewhere in the patch notes on these very forums.

    I agree it sucks when there's a genuine bug and you get punished for it, but it's a necessary evil. It's what happens when people can't grow up enough to stop disconnecting whenever they get something as stupid as a killer they don't like or something.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    The maximum is 48h, the game has failed me too much because it is very poorly optimized.

    My solution? I Put the game in minecraft resolution.

  • ramvayne
    ramvayne Member Posts: 21

    My game crashed again and now I have a five and a half hour penalty. Unless this is sorted out I think I may end up having to quit playing.

  • XrysaNoPoint123
    XrysaNoPoint123 Member Posts: 1

    I m at 24 hours penalty, well hope after that my game wont crush.... They need to fix this ######### is pathetic

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    It's kind of funny because I watched my girl go from 5 minute penalty. DCed yet again on second time and it was 4 minutes... BHVR can't math

  • Sherlocksghost
    Sherlocksghost Member Posts: 1

    I was in a swf and my mate DC'd but because I was host I ended up getting a 30 minute ban, not the person than DC'd. They hadn't even DC'd our whole session and neither did anyone else in the party. I'm not sure how that worked but I ended up getting the amount of time for 3 DCs for someone else's 1 DC

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 92

    This is an issue a lot of people are having. I'm on a break due to internet issues and the game crashing my xbox randomly.

    There is no reason for a DC penalty longer then 1 hour. Its almost like they don't want us to play this game anymore

  • Markotiq
    Markotiq Member Posts: 2
    After 30 minutes I got a 24 hour penalty. is way too high!! they will lose many players

  • not really considering i dced like 4 or 5 times this past couple three days and got a 6 hour dc penalty

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
  • i just wish dc penalties were removed, it literally doesn't make people stop dcing all it does is make people play another game, or switch profiles

  • And they wonder why play numbers are going down, if they would stop trying to count the people who would just join and collect their daily then dc.

    I can't play because every 3-4 hours my router decides to stop working for 30 seconds, (Usually, 3-4, it can be longer or shorter, some days it does it more then others.) but the penalties are going to stack to the point I won't ever touch this game again unless they add like a basic "one free dc a day" or something. so I can atleast get ONE game in.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I have never seen one over 5 minutes, but that's just me.

  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    Its not always the router, sometimes its their game. I even submitted VIDEO PROOF of their issues but they dont remove the timers. They even have a forum for randome disconnects. NOW what i have discovered unfortunately through trial and error is that if STEAM needs to update sometimes they do not notify of the update and this causes issues with the games including DBD resulting in random disconnects that cannot be controlled by the player. Devs on here are not taking that into account. ALso the player numbers are NOT going down because of that issue its going down because of the game itself and DEVS making major changes that should NEVER have been implemented.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Well i got 30 minutes and i didnt dc for 2 days now. What the heck is going on?

  • dawntoxic
    dawntoxic Member Posts: 2

    thats not right. i had a 30 minutes penalty and now 6 hours. dont write trash if you dont know the answer :D

  • mrhan87
    mrhan87 Member Posts: 3

    I just got a 24 hour penalty for randomly disconnecting it needs to be fixed I agree the penalty should only be for the actual people who rage quit but even for the other people who got disconnected should only have like a set timer for disconnecting

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    And how many times did you randomly disconnect before that 24 hour penalty?

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    If you are having THAT many "accidental" disconnects - that is DEFINITELY a YOU issue. And you should not be playing an online multiplayer game where the outcome of 4 other players is dependent on your internet connection that has obvious issues. Then again, I highly doubt your disconnects were accidental if you are getting a 24 hour ban :) If you are having technical issues that cause you to disconnect - reach out to the Technical Forums https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/technical-issues and file an actual report.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Maybe stop purposefully disconnecting or playing when you are having internet issues :)

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Since the DC bans were re-instated - February 11, 2020 - Player numbers have increased. This does not mean there is ANY correlation between the two, but rather just a simple fact. If you are going to state misinformation - be prepared for others to prove you wrong with factual information that is easily found on the web.

    If you are having internet issues - and you know you are - then yes you deserve a timeout. Your inconsistent router/internet causes issues to 4 other players and is not fair to them.

  • mrhan87
    mrhan87 Member Posts: 3

    I can play any other online game just fine without any other issues with network connections its just this game

  • mrhan87
    mrhan87 Member Posts: 3

    It's not my internet because I xan play any other online game and it doesn't do that its just this game

  • emodeshort
    emodeshort Member Posts: 180

    There's a bug that's literally preventing me from playing the game, I'm randomly disconnected from the match host, I get my pips and bloodpoints, and then I get the punishment, it's always happenipping no stop At 3 weeks lol I am currently on a 3 day cumulative ban. I've posted several times on the bug reports forum, and I've sent several emails, all with no response from support

    Great game 10/10

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    The penalty seems incredibly buggy and there are more than a handful of people who claim to have gotten large bans off a first and second DC. I'd be inclined to not believe them, but with the state the game often is in, it's pretty believable.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Eat your ban like a man...with some chocolate milk and oreo cookies :)