Last Minute Save Challenge - Tome IX Crescendo

This challenge shouldn't require to play SWF to finish.
This is the 3rd evening I'm attempting it (solo queue) and its still not done. It's frustrating..
First of all you need to reach the point were the generators are done and at least one door is opened - which my high survivor MMR doesn't always allow :/
Then, providing that at least ONE of my teammates is injured, he/she would need to find themselves at my exit gate without any other teammate there to help for the heal or the killer to push us out.
It's too situational in my opinion :p
I had to quit my current game.
I'd rather wait 3 minutes than play 15-20 mins against a Plague that will end up preventing me from healing sick teammates or just have them already healed from fountain.
That just adds up to the situational aspect of this challenge :(
Please note that Plague being the killer is really not too big of an issue as this is only the 2nd Plague I've faced doing this challenge (but still.)
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You can just heal yourself for this challenge, it does count as well.
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no way ???! REALLY ??? :000000
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If that works I'll mary you
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I did it in solo. This was of course after like 3 Plagues, a slugging Nurse, and a filthy Mikaela who started self healing 1 second before the gate opened.
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I'm now engaged. thx @FeelsBadMan <3
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LMAO glad I could help @MrGolden32467